discount bundles

I have quite a few of Cathe's video tapes (CTX series, PUB, PLB, RS, Circuit Max, Muscle Endurance, S&H Tri/BI, S&H Legs/Shoulders, Power Max, Ab hits, IMax 2, C&W, Bootcamp, Supersets) and I'm thinking about converting all to DVD. Would it be worth it to go ahead and order the 57 discount bundle?

I've always wanted to follow the montly rotations, but don't have near enough workouts to make it happen.
To be honest, you're going to end up with all of them eventually anyway. If you can get a price break, you might as well go for it:)
I say go for it...and go ahead and pre-order too. I wish I had gotten the 57 bundle. In the past 2 months, I have piece-meal purchased all of them anyway. I could have saved some money.

I'm not sure if I can help as I tend to be plagued by indecision. I thought about doing that but after I took a little time...well, okay, a LOT of time, I realized that there were certain DVD's I would never use. I'm not good, nor will I ever be, at high impact cardio and plyo stuff, so anything with "Extreme" or "Terminator" in the title is out for me. I am the complete antithesis of A-Jock--lol!

What I opted to do was purchase entire series if I felt I would use all the titles, and then pick up a few individual titles from other series. I suggest you do a careful review of all the workouts and try to judge if you'll really use them all. Of course, you could always sell or swap any that you don't like. See what I mean? It's a tough call.;)
Shelley has a good point in that I'm going to want them all and would eventually get them all, but then Michelle has a good point too. I'm not as dedicated and hardcore as I should be. Maybe the guilt of spending all that money would motivate me...?

I think I'm just going to go for it. I've saved up the money so what the heck.

Thanks for the input!

Gwyn, you should hand the big (yay!!) box to your SO or friend for safekeeping, then get a "present" every time you need a little pick me up!!! :p

This is not something I have *ever* been able to do, btw...
That's a good idea!

SO told me he'd help pay for them (we're not married, but been together for almost 7 years), but I don't like taking money for things like that from him. If I could stand it, I'd wait until Christmas. But I can't wait that long.

I'm still researching the videos and have definitely decided I don't need the 2 extra that come in the 57 bundle. They're beginner/intermediate.
>That's a good idea!
>SO told me he'd help pay for them (we're not married, but been
>together for almost 7 years), but I don't like taking money
>for things like that from him. If I could stand it, I'd wait
>until Christmas. But I can't wait that long.
>I'm still researching the videos and have definitely decided I
>don't need the 2 extra that come in the 57 bundle. They're
You might like those for a light day workout.
I'm jealous of your situation. At this point I have nearly all of them and I know eventually I will get all of them and I wish I'd just gone for it in the beginning. What fun to be able to do any rotation with only modifications because of your preference!
What fun!!

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