Dilemma - What Do You Do?


Hello all. I'm seeking much needed advice. It's been awhile since I've gotten into a REAL pattern of working out, and here is my dilemma as to why. I am NOT a morning person, so I have a hard time committing to a morning workout. While at work, between Noon and 4:00 I get a burst of energy and I think about the workout I'm going to do that evening, look forward to it, and when the evening comes, I'm just DRAINED. I am a single mom, and besides working, I also go to school two evenings a week, and I also have homework on the nights I do not go to school. I really want to workout bad, but evidentally not bad enough since I get so drained and can't find it in me to anything else by the time 9:00 p.m. hits.

Has this happened to anybody else, and if so, how did you get out of this?

Thanks in advance for any advice!!

I know you don't want to hear this, but here goes: BECOME A MORNING PERSON. I looks to me like you really have no other choice. I, too, am not a morning person, but unless they're going give you a break at work in the afternoon to work out and shower, it looks like morning is your only option. Your evenings are shot with school and homework, and just being Mom. I started working out in the morning before my kids get up this September, and I have dropped two sizes since then. And I'll tell you something else--I don't hate getting up at 5:30 a.m. any more than getting up at 8:30 a.m. I'm equally resistant no matter the time. At least I'm getting the workout in. Then it's done and I can allow myself to collapse at night. I don't have that obligation hanging over my head all day. Try to commit to doing it 21 times. They say that once you do something 21 times, it becomes a habit. I have to say, it's the best thing I ever forced myself to do. I wish you luck!
Another message from a non-morning person who works out in the morning.
I do have a choice--several, in fact: we don't have kids (not by choice, but hey, it makes this part of my life easier!!) and I have a flexible work schedule and work close to home most days.
Still, I prefer AM workouts for the reasons Lynda mentioned.

I, too, find it difficult to peel myself off the sheets no matter what time I am required to do so. And if I sleep in with the promise of "doing it when I get home", something invariably intervenes and my plans derail. Even if that doesn't happen, I am much happier during the day if I workout first thing. I hate having it hang over my head.
I feel that little burst in the afternoon, too (well, sometimes), but it nevers lasts for me.
The hardest part, for me, is getting to bed early enough. That is a hard habit to break--I have yet to try it 21 times!

Still, you have so many time constraints--I cannnot even fathom how you do it. You have to do what works best for you, of course.
Sounds like you are a good planner, though. If you can pencil this time in, it just may work.
Good luck!
I am not a morning person either. I am a Special Education Teacher and there are times during the school year when I can get home at a decent hour and workout, but for the most part I get up and do it in the morning. At first it was VERY hard to do and I found that I have to give myself time to wake up and eat a very light breakfast first. Now, it is habit. The last month or so I have gotten up some mornings and some days I wait until I get home. I don't worry as much now about waiting until I get home, because I have only been doing Cathe for a couple of months and really enjoy her workouts, so right now it is not hard to motivate myself. I also do not have children so I can workout after school if I want to. But, if you get up and do it first thing in the morning, NOTHING will prevent you from getting your workout in. It's a big check off of the to do list and I feel great for the rest of the day and you don't have to rearrange your afternoon/evenings to fit a workout in. I have to agree with the previous post, the hard part is getting to bed early enough. Another idea is to plan your workout times like you plan a meeting, write it in a calendar...don't answer the phone, don't allow anything else to be scheduled in your time to workout. Then you can plan differently from week to week to meet your scheduling needs. Anyway, Good luck in finding a schedule that works for you!
I am NOT a morning person. Working out in the morning is not an option for me. I am a thyroid patient and even if I get up early, it takes awhile for me to get going and then I have to go to work.

I work out 4-5 days a week. I make an appointment with myself (7:30 p.m. on worknight, 9 a.m. on Saturday) to work out. I discipline myself to keep it. I have to admit I don't always want to do this or have time for it, but I DO IT ANYWAY. NO EXCUSES!!!! Also, I don't make myself w.o. for an hour at a time. Some days are so busy, I only w.o. for 30 minutes. That's ok, as long as I keep my "appointment".

Best of luck! I hope my comments are helpful!

Hey everybody. All of your comments were very helpful. I JUST got home this evening (my daughter had volleyball) and I do have homework for tomorrow evening's class, but I am going to try and find SOME time so that I can try out a few of those IMAX 2 intervals. lol. I will have Friday, Saturday and Sunday off, so I think I will try and get into a semi-groove those days, and start my week off next week with workouts in the a.m.........no matter how difficult. I JUST HAVE TO DO IT!!

Thanks again everybody!!


Just a few more suggestions about morning workouts --

1. Pick a realistic workout schedule for you. Meaning you don't have to workout 5 or 6 days a week. You could get up early only 2 mornings a week and get in a couple workouts on weekends and that would still give you 4 workouts per week.

2. Pick workouts that are doable for you at 5:00 a.m. It is hard sometimes to get out of bed and jump right into IMax!! Start with some of the CTX's or other workouts you really like!!!

3. Get plenty of rest! When you get up early, that means you have to go to bed early, not stay up after the kids go to bed to get all of the things done that need done. I go to bed at 9:00 p.m. so that I can get up around 4:30. If I don't get enough sleep, there is no way I will convince myself to get out of bed. If there are certain days of the week that you get home late or whatever, don't plan on working out the next day.

4. Do eat something small before starting an a.m. workout. I usuall eat a half of a banana. There have been several posts about this and I won't get too technical, but your body does need some fuel. I think Cathe's suggestion was 4 oz of orange juice dilluted with 4 oz of water.

Remember to give yourself some breaks. Workouts should be fun and you should enjoy them, not dread them! One other thing I have found to be helpful is to get creative on my warmups when I am crunched for time. Sometimes vacuuming the house is a great warmup or dancing/running/playing with the kids.

This will be a real adjustment for you so give yourself some time to get used to a new schedule.

Good Luck

Hey Kim!

Another key.. (as a fellow single Mom!!) be good to yourself. We have SOOOO much going on as single mom, in addition to work, and doing all the parenting and you are doing school too.

Reward yourself when you do it. I actually have on the fridge my list of workouts for the week and it feels great when I fill it out! Sounds like you are motivated. Have a goal for the week maybe 4 workouts... then 5 then 6.

Congrats on all you are doing!
I agree don't try to do too much during the week (homework is very important) but do really push yourself on your days off. That way you have done something for the week. Like you I'm not a morning person but I have child and my little is only 18 months old. So, even though I work midnights on the weekends I'm a SAHM during the week while my b/f goes to work. I literally have to switch my body back into day mode to stay awake and sleep at night. So far its working I'm sneaking out the bed at 7am (the baby sleeps in the room with us still) and getting my workout. Of course, there are those mornings where the baby hears the alarm clock (so I have to wait until he goes down for a nap in the afternoon or skip my workout for that day altogether, some days he just refuses to take a nap) I'm trying to get him use to sleeping alone so we can move the crib into the nursery but until then I just do what I can when I can.
You have one heck of a schedule. Maybe you could try some shorter workouts. I find, when I really don't want to workout if I come straight in the door and put my workout clothes on and do it without thinking that works for me. But, if I stop and sit on the couch forget it, I want do it. You're a single mom,you go to school I need pointers from you. I'm getting ready to be a single mom in July and I'm thinking how in the world will I ever find time to workout again. Personally, I've been doing the firm 6 pack alot because I just don't want to workout for 45mins to an hour right now. I tell you what you have inspired me big time. You go girl.

My 18-month old


Our 18-month old still sleeps with us too and I have to sneak out of bed and hope he doesn't wake up! And I know what you mean about the nap. I have learned that I can to strength work while he is awake, but never cardio. Of course I have to put up with a little extra resistance when I get to ab work because he has to sit on my stomach or chest when I get on the floor!
when you wake up a bit earlier and get in a workout you are more likely to keep to your clean eating being that you have already invested time and energy into fitness/health!!!! i usually wake up and do 30 min of cardio in the morning sand them some weight training at night...not all days i switch it up...then i use the weekend (well saturday not sunday) to catch up on whatever i feel i did not get enough of during the week be it cardio, weights or both!!

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