Diana Gabaldon's Outlander Series


Okay, this post was inspired by the Summer Reading post. Has anyone read this series? These are absolutely my favorite books of all time. I have not been satisfied with any book I've read since, and I read about 3 a week. They are classified as "romance," but I think that is such an injustice. They are so much more than that. I was wondering if anyone else who has read and liked these has any as-good or similar recommendations. I know it's a long shot . . .
I'm with ya. I read Outlander when it first came out and have been anxiously awaiting each book in the series ever since. I wasn't quite as impressed with the last book in the series but a DEFINITE must read. Boy, would I love to meet Jamie! In fact, I named one of my dogs for Brianna in the series and we call her Bree. :7
Glad to know I've got company. Have you read anything else that you've liked as much (or almost as much)? Everything I've read since has paled in comparison--like a cartoon. I'm really looking to lose myself in a good story or series with some great character development. I have to agree about Jamie! Definitely my favorite fictional character of all time. That's so funny about your dog.
This was one of my favorite reads of all time! I usually
only read at night, but I could not put this book down.
Nothing got done around here for a week. Awesome stuff.
I wasn't as taken with the second book and I lost interest
after it. Does it get hot again in the third book. How
many in the series now?

I'm with you! I've read the entire series twice and I think the first book Outlander is my favorite book of all time. I have just recently got a couple of other friends hooked on this series as well!
I LOVED this series! I would be glued to these books! I honestly had to really force myself to read the last one. It was disappointing but all the others were wonderful!!

I think I must reread...:7
Tina: There are five in the series so far, and I truly loved them all. It's hard for me to differentiate between them, because I read all five back-to-back, and I sometimes don't remember which event happened in which book. There may have been some slow moments, but I think they're all definitely worth the effort.
I agree that Outlander was one of the best books I have read. I read the next four and have read about half of The Fiery Cross. For some reason I could not get into it...But all of the others, I enjoyed. I don't typically read romance novels and agree that Gabaldon's stories are really so much more than that. I, too, for a long time searched for a similar author. There are really no comparisons to Gabaldon, but you may enjoy an author called Sara Donati whose written three books called Dawn on a Distant Shore, Into the Wilderness, and Lake in the Clouds. (Into the Wilderness is first in the series, sorry) It is set in upstate New York, and is loosely based on one of the The Last of the Mohicans characters. Log onto amazon and read a review to see if you think you will like it. Off hand, I can't think of any other authors I have read that are similar to Gabaldon. Happy reading, and will let you know if I think of others, Sandra:)
Sandra: Thanks so much. I will definitely check out Sara Donati. It's great to find people who share my passion for Cathe and Outlander, too! Any other recommendations are always welcome.
It is so fun finding out that we Catheites have so much in common! Yesterday, I found a fellow Dave Matthews fan, and now today, all these Outlander fans! And I am a closet romance reader....but a picky one. The Outlander series is my favorite of all time....but Jamie does have a rival in my heart...hee hee. He is a chap named Ruark from Kathleen Woodiwiss...the book is Shanna....her style of writing is quite similar to Gabaldon's...but I think Shanna is the best one of them all. Before Cathe back in the day of only cardio I used to ride a stationary bike(BIG YUCK....soooo boring)and the only thing that would keep me going was being able to read while I pedaled. Now if I could figure out how to attach the book to the barbell!!!! Just kidding!! We all know that Cathe is SO FAR from boring!
Ok,this lurker must post. The best series of books ever written. The Outlander series reduces Gone With The Wind and all other romances as mere phamplets. I will now be inspired to re-read them. I almost have the first one memorized. Do not mess with my exercise tapes and do not mess with my Diana Gabaldan books. My son Jamie will tell you that is a fact.

These Sara Donati books look promising but before I buy them all, I was wondering if I had to read Last of the Mohicans first? I just don't want to get confused (very easy for me:+ )

RE: BayouGal...

Hi Sarah,

No, it is not necessary to read the Last of the Mohicans first. I have not read the book, and I did not find it necessary. If you have seen the movie with Daniel Day Lewis, it might help a little. You may want to look at the reviews on Amazon to get more of an idea, too. I would feel guilty if you spent a lot of $ and then did not like them, but at least they are available in paperback (except for possibly the most recent in the series which I got from my Bookclub). Hope that if you decide to get them that you like them! Sandra
RE: BayouGal...

I'm the type that can go into Border's and drop 50-100 dollars in 5 minutes, so there are many times that I buy books that I don't like. Some people buy shoes, I buy books. Besides, Outlander was my favorite series, so I trust ya! I've been looking for another series and it sounds good from the description and has received good reviews on Amazon. :7

If I don't like them, I'll send ya my receipt for a full refund! }(
Thanks for the info. on that author. I will go and check them out. I recently tried Janet Evanovich's books (she was recommended on this site sometime last year), and I absolutely love them! They are very funny, but also full of suspense at the same time. They are classified as mysteries. There are 8 (I think) in all. I read Hard Eight, because that was the only one my library had in. Then, I put One For the Money on Hold, and loved that. I just got a call yesterday that Two for the Dough is in. I am heading there right now to pick it up.
I have read the Outlander series and have to agree that the first book was the best. I liked the next 2 but numbers 4 and 5 were disappointing. If she publishes a 6th i will be in line to buy it with the hope that the magic created in the first one will return. Someone mentioned Shanna by kathleen Woodiwiss. Another good one. Try her Flame and the Flower and Ashes in the Wind. both good reads. As for Gone With the Wind remember that was written in the 1930s and still can hold its own for many of us.
Happy Reading!!!!
I just finished re-reading the entire series for the third time last night....

It takes so long to get through all five books, it really leaves a void in my life, I think "NOW what do I read?"

Have any of you read The Outlandish Companion? It summarizes the first four books, plus, more interestingly, it has a lot of commentary, a glossary and pronunciation of all of those unfamiliar words. Very helpful.

So glad to see I'm not the only one who thinks this series is great. Looking forward to the next two books. When she finally ends the saga of Claire and Jamie I'm sure we'll be weeping.
I havw read the first two books of the series. My daughter has bought them. It has inspired me to go for the rest. It took me so long to read the first two. I think that was why I did not go on. I really enjoyed them but even though reading is my second hobbie hext to fitness:* and I belong to three book clubs it took me a long time. Once I get into a good book it goes everywhere with me ie. Bank lines, dr etc..
Diane Sue

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