
Ok folks I just tried PowerMax and am ready to purchase 4 videos. I've become a convert. My knee did just fine. I'm using Karen Voight's "Great Weighted Workout" now. So I'm trying to decide if I need more weight workouts videos or just stick with this one and only buy all Cardio ones. I haven't had it very long and I don't think I'm ready for big weights. All I have are hand weights anyway.

Thanks, Lora
My picks

Hi Lora,
My number one desert island pick would be Bodymax because it works both muscle endurance and cardio, and because it is easy to break up in smaller sections if you want. Done in it's entirety, this really is a "total body" workout - my body feels like Jell-O when I am done.
The other three I would pick would probably be:
1.Interval Max - fun and intense
2.Maximum Intensity Cardio - tough and I enjoy the variety of hi/lo and step
3. Maximum Intensity Strength - I prefer the PS series for strength, but that would be three videos out of the four you are purchasing
Hope this helps - let us know what you decide! Oh, by the way, like everyone always says on this forum, you can't go wrong no matter what videos you choose - they are all excellent!
That's easy!

My desert island Cathe picks:

1) PS:Chest, Shoulders, Triceps
2) PS:Back, Biceps, Abs
3) PS:Strong Legs and Abs
4) MIS

For cardio I go running.

Actually, if these were the ONLY videos I had (not just workout videos), I might substitute the Wedding tape for MIS, just because it's more fun to watch and do.

My picks

Hi Lora!

Here are my favs and why:

1. BodyMax - you get both cardio and weights in the same killer workout.

2. MIS - for those days when you just want to do strength training

3. IntervalMax - when you want a tough interval workout

4. StepWorks - when you want a fun and still very challenging cardio workout

Have fun!

Bev K.
my four picks!

Hi Lora!

1. PS-chest, shoulders and triceps
2. PS-strong legs and abs
3. PS-back, biceps and abs
4. BodyMax

These would be my choices. You mentioned that you weren't ready for big weights so you probably should stay away from the PS series for now but I would suggest Maximum Intensity Strength instead. It is a great workout and once you get used to it and are ready for more then go into the PS series.
If you buy MIS then that leaves you three more videos to purchase. Good luck!
my pics:O)

<center><font size="1" color="#ff0000">LAST EDITED ON Dec-05-99 AT 09:55AM (EST)</font></center>

LAST EDITED ON Dec-05-99 AT 09:51 AM (EST)

Hi Lora,

Wasn't sure if you meant you were ready to invest in more weight equipment or not....If you are, by all means get the Pure Strength series plus one other cardio.

If you are looking for cardio here would be my pixs without PS..

1. Body Max-it contains one of my favorite step sections that I like to combine with my second choice. This tapes also sneeks in some strength for you.

2. MIC-a great all-out cardio workout. Awesome hi/low and step that can be broken down for those short on time workouts. And the second half step portion I like to do with the step of Body Max for a whole new workout.

3. Interval Max- can we say intensity! This will take you to the next level! I don't think any tape has ever given me a greater sense of accomplishment...once I was able to get through all intervals.

4. Stepworks-fun, fun, fun. A super fast fun Cathe step tape.

Have fun deciding really can't go wrong with any of the videos.

4 picks

A coworker is here pushing me off the computer so real quick...

Step Jam
Step Max
My 4 picks

If I could only have 4 of Cathe's tapes, I would pick:

1) Bodymax (covers everything)
2) MIS (my favorite strength workout/very thorough)
3) Powermax (it is fun, fun, fun - you already know!)
4) IntervalMax (need some tough cardio)

Good luck with your choices.

Sandi M.
Well, since I only have 5 Cathe tapes... picks would be

Step Jam Love this tape!
Step Heat
Gilad step workout (usually last 10 mins of step portion after Cathe workout)

I ordered some Kari Anderson tapes, I've had them for 4 weeks and I haven't even tried them! When workout time rolls around, I always go for Cathe!
Can't beat Cathe's strength tapes!!!!

You're very close to my age, so I feel confident in recommending MIS and the entire PS series. I can't say enough about how satisfied I am with them...I'd been searching for good strength training programs that made me feel like I was accomplishing something. You will be very please with these tapes.

It's fun to be considered "petite" when you're my age (50). I eat like a teen-age boy, too, thanks to my jacked-up metabolism
You encourage me

I'm very intimidated by these tapes. I don't feel strong enough yet. I started doing Karen Voight's "Great Weighted Workout," about 3 or 4 weeks ago and that's pretty tough for me. When I see Cathe's PS tape and those big weights I think, "No way would I be able to lift them." Tell me more. Thanks a bunch. I love you Info page, I'm a diddo with you fitness goal. You sound like a fun person. Lora
my 5 choices

MI Strength and Cardio
One of the strength part series probably upper body workign shoulders
and anything new.

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