Denied Release for Susan Atkins

It just irks me that the California tax payers (which I am) have paid over 1.4 million since MARCH for her illness.
This is going to sound rather merciless, and it is, but I'd rather pay for her than have her be released. I don't care that she has six months. She should have thought about that before she killed Sharon Tate and her child. And yes, I am in California, so it's my tax dollars, too.

What ticks ME off is that this is news. Poor convicted killer... about to die in prison. She already had her 15 minutes of fame - we should not give her another 15 minutes.
>What ticks ME off is that this is news. Poor convicted
>killer... about to die in prison. She already had her 15
>minutes of fame - we should not give her another 15 minutes.

honestly if she is looking for sympathy then take a number. there are so many that have been dying in prison(and have died in prison from illness)long before her and nobody showed them mercy(sometimes for much lesser crimes then hers). while i feel for her has a human to a human for such a painful thing to go through i don't feel bad that she has to do it in prison. she chose her crime now finish your time,just be thankful that nowadays you get medical care in prison. you think al capone got any medical treatment in his heyday. nope he sat there until release and by then syphilis had made his brain into swiss cheese.and look at other countries how they treat their convicted. i say she has it better then my family does medical care wise right now,but lets save that for another rant LOL :p


Tax dollars would have to pay for her medical bills regardless in the form of Medicaid. (unless of course she managed to get a movie or book deal. Maybe a Manson Girls reunion special) blech!
Her victims didn't have a choice where they were going to die.

I remember the trial and all the horrible stories.

I have one word for Susan: KARMA
I don't feel bad for her for one second. She deserves to die in prison.
At least she has an idea when her life will end. A luxury her victims didn't have.

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