Days Off

I am still trying to lose 5 or so pounds and fit into my clothes more comfortably. My husband is telling me to take 2 days off per week but I can barely stand it. I am trying Circut Max which is about the only weights I do in addition to Interval Max, 1 day of jogging and either Step Max or Step Fit.

Does anyone have positive results from taking time off each week? What do y'all think about "active rest." I am forced to sit at a desk all day which takes its toll.

On another subject...Any one else have a dog that thinks it is play time and brings out his squeaky toy the second he sees the step and hears Cathy's voice? I spend the first 20 minutes trying to get him out of the room.

Take care everyone...Ellen
Hi Ellen---I take a day off every week, and I think it is an ESSENTIAL part of one's training routine to have a recovery day every week. Of course, I usually walk on my day off---very moderate pace, nothing that gets me into my training zone! Listen to your body. If you need two days a week off, please take them or you might end up with an injury. You might be able to do a "less intense" cardio on your sixth day. Your husband sounds like he's worried that you could be overtraining or something. He must love you a lot! Just my opinion, but five extra pounds isn't a big deal. If you're working out and eating nutritiously (enough food to fuel your body), you're doing excellent:) My dogs have learn not to bother me when I'm working out. They love to watch me, though. I've caught them watching Cathe & her crew, too!!! Good luck, Suzanne
Yes, you need them!

Your body needs time to recover, especially from a workout as tough and advanced as Cathe's. I learned this the hard way several weeks ago when I overtrained myself into weakness, lethargy & depression :(
A classic case.

I still feel guilty when I don't have a "formal" workout every day. Never mind that I walk to and from work *every day* (about seven long blocks, 30 minutes total)! I do Method tapes, a combination of stretching, yoga moves and Pilates to alleviate the guilt and gain some flexibility :)
Hi Ellen,

I too agree that you need at least one rest day each week. You don't have to sit on the couch that day, but give your joints/heart/muscles a chance to rest & they will reward you with greater gains. It's a good day for stretching/easy yoga/easy Pilates, recreational swims/walks... You get the picture. I add a day of full recovery or active rest when I'm training really hard. That means keeping the heart rate below 60%, maybe 65% of max & no weights.

You should consider doing additional weight training. Not only to knock you off the plateau but to maintain bone density & joint health. It'll rev up your metabolism too.

My dogs have to stay on their beds when I workout if they want to hang around. My husband is less strict & he ends up with dogs standing on his chest or face washes. If you're rewarding your pooch with playtime, he's going to keep bringing out the squeaky toy. Of course their exercise time usually comes before ours, because a tired dog is usually a good dog!

Can you tell I'm the eldest child?? I know this sounds like a bossy big sister lecture.

Hi Ellen,

I normally work out 6 days per week (Saturdays off). This past Sunday, I had my workout (MIC) all scheduled, but I was just too tired to do it.

Let me tell you...I'm so glad that I decided to rest. I felt much better the following day and got in a great work (with the Wedding tape - cardio only). In the past, I've had problems with pushing myself too hard...then I'd stop working out completely. Listen to what your body tells you :)

As for my doggy Max, with all the jumping and moving around that I do while working out, he just looks at me like I'm nuts and knows to get out of the way :D.

Cheryl :)
I take at least one day off completely too! Even Cathe says to give yourself a complete recovery day other wise you put yourself at risk for injury.

I noticed that you are saying that you only doing one day of weights per week using Circuit Max. If you can fit it in, I would suggest MIS or some other total body workout in so you are working your muscles twice per week. Upping my weights has helped significantly in my weight loss. The key to losing weight isn't necessarily more cardio. Building muscle is crucial to a heatlhy metabolism. It is just a suggestion.

Take care,
It is hard to take a day or two off when you're on a roll, but the more I read, the more I feel it's necessary, especially after intense workouts. In order to feel not QUITE so guilty, you might want to schedule your day(s) off after a more intense workout. You could do a long/intense aerobic routine one day, then take the next day off for recovery ("off" doesn't necessarily mean no activity, but rather active recovery, which could include yoga or a walk or even gardening, some of the activities that the magazines now recommend as "exercise" for those who aren't getting much). Another time, you could do a heavy weight routine, then take the next day "off".
I personally think it's very important to rotate activities, and that way you're putting different stresses on your body. For example, rotate between step, kickboxing, hi/low, biking, etc. for aerobics. If you do step or any other of the same activity day in and day out, I think you need more days off, to not overtrain.
Are you saying that you take NO days off, or am I not reading your post right? I, for sure, agree that one day off per week is a must, but two, not necessarily. I take off one most of the time.

I wish your husband would make gentle suggestions instead of "telling you" what to do. You are a grown up and capable of making that decision for yourself. Just me venting.
Thanks Suzanne. I think my husband is feeling guilty for not working out :) but also is a bit miffed when I complain about the extra 5 pounds. They are hitting my upper hip area where the muscle is building from step workouts. Do you do tough workouts 6 days per week? Eating is a problem with me. I work on changing it but don't do as well as it seems everyone else does. Thanks for your advice.
Hi Debra, no no you are not bossing me... I am looking for the advice. I avoid weights a lot of weights because I look pretty stocky sometimes. I was wondering how everyone in Cathe's videos tend to look better and better with weight training where I just look bigger.
I am thinking of rotating w/a cardio kick tape so my hips don't appear bigger. I am doing 1 day of running per week. And would love to have a new intermediate tennis partner. Thank you for your advice.
I know written communication leaves some gaps and misunderstandings (especially with me rushing around all the time). He is just replying to my complaining about the extra weight. Really I don't mind the advice from anyone. I just want to make some gains in my health. I usually workout 7 days per week but not always extremely intense. I feel guilty taking days off but seem to be getting no where. Very frustrating! I need to eat less but sitting at my job all day really gets me.
Weight training

Have you tried it? It's tough for a female to gain a lot of muscle mass because of hormones. You might want to experiment. Most of us have found if we want to change the shape of our body, we have to build some muscle. The MIS recommendation below is a good one because MIS is more endurance wt training than mass building. That means one does longer sets with lighter weights than the PS series. Body Max would be great for you too because it has the cardio you like, then circuit training for the legs, then endurance type upper body wt work. Both tapes can be used in sections rather than all at once too.

While the external benefits of wt training are great, the important benefits are internal - maintaining bone density, joints & ligaments.

It sounds like your hubby was just looking out for you. He's probably seen some signs of overtraining.
Good heavens, please don't think everyone is doing better than you at the eating thing! NOT!
I've joined the clean eating challenge which has helped my motivation, but before that I was going through one of those cycles where I ate basically junk. And I'm always tempted! All we can do is try the best we can.
As for the workout thing...I agree with everyone else...take at least one day of active rest, maybe some yoga or stretching for your flexibility? Or nothing! Read a book, watch tv, lay around, ask for countless favours from your other words, pretend you're a man! Really, the rest is imperative for your training.
I agree about the strength training as well...I had hit a weight plateau until I went to a higher level of weight work, and the numbers on the old scale finally started moving again.
Just my 2 cents! Good luck with it...
Ruth :)
Hi Ruth. Trying to do better with my eating but I really love sweets. I sit at a desk all day and drink a lot of Diet Snapples, etc so am wondering if they are adding water weight. I already ask countless favors from my family on a daily basis. They are so sweet :)I am leary of strength training. Really I put on muscle awful quick and look fat because of my muscle even though my body fat is probably pretty good. THanks for your message. Glad to hear you struggle with the food part too.
Hey, you're trying...what else can we expect from ourselves? I love sweets too. I can't have M&M's in my house, I will eat them within one day, no matter how many there are! My other love is ice cream, & my husband who is skinny buys ONLY the best, of course. Sigh
You're right about your job of course. I know my job has helped with the weight, because I basically never stop moving. Of course it's driving me insane, but that's another story.
Another thing which has helped me is that I have never liked "drinks". Cola, juices, Snapple ;-) I gather from what I've read it's saved me a lot of calories over the years. The only thing I like is water or unsweetened iced tea. It seems to run in the family, my sister & son don't like drinks either.
I was only kidding about your man...I can tell you have a good one! So do I.
As for weight training, I have found that, for me, it is actually making my body slimmer, "tighter". But that's me. You have to do what works for you, of course. We're all different.
Good luck with it, & I'd be happy to exchange encouragement regarding the sweets! I admit it, I had ice cream last night! (But only a little.)
Take care, Ruth

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