daughter's pierced ear troubles!


My youngest (only 7) bugged me and bugged me for pierced ears, so I finally caved in a couple months ago. Went to the place that "everyone" goes to, so I thought no problem. Well, her ears are just not healing properly. They'll be fine, then, boom, pus. It's so infuriating, because I've been anal about cleaning w/alcohol, etc. Any advice here? Should I call her Dr.?x(
I remember a long time ago (longer than I care to remember!) I got my ears double pierced. The double was after my initial piercings. My lobes did not like the new holes - always irritated, always infected. I had to let them close and be happy with just the original single piercing. I was bummed because this was back when double piercing was all the rage (kind of funny now, huh?!) and my sister got multiple piercings and I wanted to keep up but couldn't!! It's funny to me now. Anyway, maybe let her ears close and fully heal, then try again, maybe at a different place.
NEVER clean your piercings with alcohol. It actually impedes the healing process! Clean with an antibiotic soap and water. That's all you should need. You don't need chemicals, but if you use something, make sure it's not alcohol based. You can also try using a cream like Polysporin or other antibacterial ointment.
When my daughter got her ears pierced, they actually gave us some special stuff to clean them with. Still, it has taken 3 piercings, and 3 healing over in 5 years to finally be able to have her wear different earrings. I think part of it is age, she is almost 13 and finally able to care for them herself.
I think I'd be inclined to let them heal up and try again when she's a little older. Sometimes little kids have a tendency to "play" with their new earrings. That, coupled with potentially dirty hands can cause serious inflammation and even infection. Another thing to look at is the earrings themselves--she could be allergic.

I got my ears pierced at 13 and to this day my one ear becomes inflammed when I wear earrings--any kind of earring.

As for cleaning, Shelley is absolutly right. Ditch the alcohol and go with the antibacterial soaps and polysporin if needed. I would have the doctor take a look if it doean't heal up in a day or two.

Thanks, all. I think I will take her to the Dr. She was crying about her ears -- not from any pain, just from all the work we've been doing trying to get them to heal! I guess I made the wrong decision letting her get them pierced. :(
My daughter got her ears pierced (again:eek: !) about 6 weeks ago and she's been cleaning them twice a day with 'Ear Care Antiseptic'. The active ingredient is benzalkonium chloride 0.12%. I was away that day in chemistry class so I have no idea what that is!! After cleaning she gently turns the earing once. She's had a little bit of weeping at the piercing but no pain or redness. HTH:) Hope your DD's ears get better real soon.

Take Care
My daughter just turned 8 and like you I finally caved and let her get her ears pierced.

We haven't had any problems but I did buy the gold earings ($40) and she cleans with the antiseptic they gave us at the store.

She cleans them in the morning and before bed and I constantly remind her to keep her hands off of them unless she's washed her hands first.

Honestly though, we've just been lucky. My sister is an elementary school nurse and she told me she has girls in her office every week because their ears are infected and hurt.

Hindsight is 20/20 but now I think it's better to get ears pierced when they're babies or not until they're plenty old enough to take care of them themselves.

Good luck,
My best friend, who is 43 by the way, got her ears pierced for the very first time last summer. Got infected, irritated, tried everything, etc. Went to Doc...she's allergic to whatever those cheap earrings were made of and he advised her to buy better earrings.



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