<---dancin' in the dark


<---is not dancing quite yet, but it certainly is dark
<---hopes everyone had a fantastic, safe Fourth
<---wishes everyone a smooth, productive and uncomplicated work day, whether you work at home or away from home
<---is off to work, to find out what it's like to work with a skeleton crew
<---figures things should get really interesting around there
<---says bye bye, and have fun!
<--waves g'morning to Shannon and Shelley.
<--hopes Shannon's work day is interesting ONLY if it's in a GOOD way!
<--hopes Shelley had an invigorating shower.
<--is slurping coffee and watching channel 11 news.
<--is back to reality today and doesn't like it. :p
<--- waves good morning to everyone
<--- slept better last night
<--- wonders where Nancy lives that DT could walk to the Promenade
<--- lives in Brooklyn
<--- saw that you ladies were busy online last night
<--- thinks Edy's Nestle Toll House Cookie Dough Ice Cream is most dangerous
<--- can NOT keep ^^^ in the house
<--- will be BBL in the afternoon

<--waves to UK.
<--will answer for Nancy since she is a late riser and may miss earlier posts...Nancy lives in Brooklyn too, UK!:)
<--now senses a Brookly GTG on the horizon!;)
<--needs to get house in order for realtor tomorrow, pay bills, work out, do laundry, blah blah blah today and has no clue how <--will get it all done!:eek:
<--thinks coming off vacation really STINKS!x(
<--wonders if anyone will object to <--whining for a while?:p
<--- tells Tig to whine away:)
<--- is eating steel cut oats with sliced banana and a teeny bit of pb:)
<--- starts every day eating well but then it all seems to go to he!! in a handcart
<--- will try to keep on track today
<--- thinks that ice cream sounds divine and couldn't keep it in the house either
<--- has to go make her ultra-clean lunch now
<--thinks that coming off vacation sucks, too!
<--usually needs a vacation from the vacation!

<--is getting very, very frustrated with DH right now.
<--DH hasn't slept all night and insists that he needs to be up right now with <--instead of sleeping
<--DH thinks that eating cereal with "help him sleep", but is really falling asleep in the cereal!
<--DH has really bad insomnia and doesn't usually go to bed until 0400 anyway
<--sometimes gets scared because <--hears him fall in the middle of the night from falling asleep standing up
<--gets very mad at DH because he doesn't feel that there is anything wrong and doesn't do anything about it....like see the doctor!

<--hope everyone had a safe Fourth and have duly recovered from said activity-ivity-ivities

<--needs to finish new flower garden, <--no inclination to get outside and do it
<--has PUB planned for later today
<--lats got decent workout yesterday, though with the shovel

<--hopes Shelley enjoys the shower
<--hopes that work goes well for those that work outside the home
<--knows that the work inside the home is NEVER easy (just ask Mel!)

Edits to add:
<--DH bought Edy's Double Churned Light Caramel Delight...super yum!

<--says a sleepy good morning to her favorite ladies
<--is very glad that it's already Wednesday!
<--is sorry that TiG has to get back to reality today, and says feel free to whine away
<--is sorry that we all have to get back to reality today
<--tells Susan yup, TiG is right, I live in the Heights a few blocks from the Promenade
<--knew that Susan lived in Brooklyn, but forgot
<--thinks that Shell's brekkie sounds delish
<--like Amy, has also been eating a lot of Edy's double-churned ice cream lately :9
<--says DT loves the double chocolate brownie flavor
<--says looks like the ladies of the evening had fun last night
<--was busy reading her book on how to feel worthy of making more money :+ :p
<--must visit the golden pot
-Ms. Whineypants
<---waves good morning to all
<---sees there is a line for the golden coffee pot
<---*taps foot impatiently*
<---aahh....feels better now...
<---isn't working out today
<---is going to work
<---hopes everyone has a great day
<---will BBL
<--hopes Amy gets out there and finishes that flower garden soon!:)
<--has flowers but they are in pots...<--isn't brave enough to actually try and plant them in the ground yet! LOL
<--thinks DH would run them over with the lawnmower anyway!:7
<--wishes Shelley super fantastically clean eating today!!!:9
<--wonders if Nancy will get a work out in today perhaps?
<--thinks <--probably missed someone and apologizes profusely but must get a move on...
<--is off to the gym now! TOODLES!:+
<--says good morning to all of you!
<--asks Shelly is she saw <-- post last night about ging through Montreal?
<--realized <--will not be near Shelly:-(
<--just forgot everything <--was thinking thanks to Chase x( ;)

Maeghan AKA megadoo

http://www.3fatchicks.net/img/bar072/slider-but3/lb/203/145/157/.png[/img] [/url]

<--- is at work now
<--- has too many things to do at home to be at work:p
<--- is counting days until her next vacation
<--- went for an interval run this morning in the delightful cool
<--- will do MM later
<--- is possibly hungry already:p
<--tells Shelly that <--SIL lives in Burlington
<--thinks Shelly's run sounds divine, <--tried to do that last night, but started thundering and raining as <--put <--shoes on!
<--didn't run
<--hope Tig has a good gym visit
<--really needs to get housework done

Maeghan AKA megadoo

http://www.3fatchicks.net/img/bar072/slider-but3/lb/203/145/157/.png[/img] [/url]

<--- didn't see Maeghan's post last night about going through Montreal
<--- can't believe that Maeghan's SIL lives in Burlington
<--- also used to live in Burlington!
<--- answers Susan's question from yesterday and says that she is Canadian, not an American living in Canada:)
<--- just read last night's <--- thread and tells Maeghan that Hamilton is indeed the other way:(
<--- also tells Maeghan that she doesn't like wine either (or any other alcoholic bevvies)
<--- thinks all the <--- thread ladies should do a RT to Toronto!
<--- wildly waves at Cousin Shannon, Shellers, Wendy, Susan, Amy, Nance, Tammy, Maeghan, and all who follow
<--- is sorry she missed out on all the chatter last night
<--- prays that Cuz doesn't get slam dunked at work with the skeleton crew
<--- thinks its very cute how Shelley says "going to he!! in a handCART"
<--- tells her we yanks say "handBASKET"
<--- tells Tig we don't mind her whining and <--- may join her in the whine fest as she has to pay bills here shortly
<--- hopes all goes well for Tig with the realtor
<--- {{{{{HUGS}}}}} Shell and tells her she does the same thing...starts the day out with healthy eating then it all falls apart at about 4:00 PM
<--- is going to try really, REALLY hard not to do that because she despertely wants to look HOT by October
<--- wonders why, in view of ^^^ statement, she bought a package of ice cream sandwiches yesterday. <--- says at least they are LF--lol!
<--- is very sorry about Amy's DH and can see why she would worry about him. <--- hopes Amy can persuade him to see the doctor
<--- is envious of Nance's DT who got to see some fireworks. <--- has not seen fireworks in YEARS, except on TV
<--- just posted before she was ready:eek:
<--- hopes Tammy has a good day at work. <--- has her fingers crossed that Tammy's idiot co-worker will up and quit
<--- keeps posting before she is ready:eek: :D :eek: :D
<--- wonders when Maeghan leaves for her vacation
<--- wonders where Robin is this morning?
<--- had a nice 4th with her DH
<--- went to see Superman then grilled out
<--- 's poor DH had to stand over the grill with an umbrella because it started pouring down rain about 15 min after he put the chicken on the grill
<--- had an excellent dinner last night with ^^^ seasoned with lemon and garlic and oven roasted red potatoes, broccoli, and cauliflower:9 :9
<--- then had an ice cream sandwich}(
<--- needs to pay bills and will BBL
<--- waves hello to my <--- friends
<--- is happy to be back to a routine!!
<--- is comforted by routines
<--- is going to dentist this morning to get part one of a crown.

<--- tells sis Michele 1 ice cream sandwich per day and life is good!
<--- made 2 vegan blueberry/ sour cream pies last night that everyone loved!!! Did use real sugar! but it was divine with tofu sour cream.

<--- is now 'standing' at computer to avoid hip pain

<--- time to go get clean, supervise teenagers and off to dentist.

<--- bye!

Judy "Likes2bfit"

If you fail to plan, then you plan to fail.


<--waves morning Michele
<--tells Shelly <--packing for Toronto RT!:)
<--DH and <--were thinking of going to to Toronto to take kiddies to the HUGE zoo and maybe Marineland.
<--says it is possible that it may happen, but maybe not
<--will let you know
<--says it depends on the kiddies and the car trip
<--will have portable DVD player for them, hope that helps
<--wonders if SHelly eats at ST Hubert?
<--says it is DH favorite!
<--says <--ccurled 15 pound dumbell last night, 8 reps, then 5 hammer curl reps!:7 :eek:
<--says Dh was impressed! <--is too!:p
<--remembers when <--could barely curl 2 pounders!!!
<--also did military presses with 10 pounds, and when <--first started, <--could not even do 2 pounders!
<--anyway, hope everyone gets their bills paid and has great days
<--wonders if it is possible to pay bills and still have a great day at the same time???}( :p

Maeghan AKA megadoo

http://www.3fatchicks.net/img/bar072/slider-but3/lb/203/145/157/.png[/img] [/url]

<--says it is great to see you Judy!!
<--hopes your hippys are OK
<--wishes good luck at dentist!
<--forgot to mention, no ear pain today thank goodness! Just a slight cold.
<--can handle that!

Maeghan AKA megadoo

http://www.3fatchicks.net/img/bar072/slider-but3/lb/203/145/157/.png[/img] [/url]


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