Damage Control November


Time to start the new month. I'm looking forward to the time change tonight (fall back). My 10K is tomorrow, I'm just going to do the best I can. I went to my WW meeting this morning and was down .6. Then my former coworker and I went out to breakfast to catch up. It was really nice getting out and talking to someone outside my house. No workout to report though. Been busy running errands, picking up my race packet, costco, etc.

What are you up to?
Oh, my gosh. I completely forgot it was a new month already. I am really losing track of things. I hope your 10k went well! Just doing it is a win in my book.

To heck with ww-stick to SGS. I've been doing a shake a day and feeling good getting the extra veggies and fruits. Have you made any recipes from the cookbook yet? There seems to be a lot with some odd ingredients. I need to get organized enough to make a list and make a new one. I really want to try the Thai lettuce wraps.

DS2 was quiet for over 24 hours-even after I texted him 4 times. It's scary thinking about it. Did I tell you the dog made it out and is having fun in the dog park? I'm getting used to it-just like getting used to him being gone.

So, Friday I did Gym Style Chest and Triceps-the timesaver premix. Saturday I did BSB-also the premix. They were about 30 minutes so I think Lite is going to be right up my alley. I'm getting in steps and that's about it. At least my upper body is sore and I feel like I'm working out a little bit!

Off to walk with a friend. I can't wait to hear about the race!

It was pretty cold this morning for the race, 35-45 degrees. I don't know my exact time, but think it was around 70 minutes. My fitbit stopped tracking after 30 minutes, it's so annoying. It tracked my steps, but only 33 minutes of the race. It's because the versa is a touch screen and doesn't have a way to lock the screen. My glove must've rubbed against it and turned it off (paused the exercise). I still need to go grocery shopping today and that will probably be it.

I haven't made any recipes from the SGS book. I also have her smoothie book as well. I'm happy with steamed veggies and don't always like putting in all the time and prep work for the recipes. I should read through it and see what I can find. Glad you are getting in some upper body exercise. I'm actually looking forward to the new series. As mush as I love the high impact and high intensity, I find that my body just can't handle it as well as it used to.
Well, after this round of therapy, I am completely done with impact. I am feeling better finally and the end is in sight (of therapy). Yesterday I did X10 double low impact. It felt good and didn't make me hurt (win-win). Today we had to go to the eye doctor for another post op visit for Dan. He's doing ok. There is still some inflammation, so we go back in January. There is also a cataract starting on the eye (which we knew could happen) so it looks like another surgery is in the future. After we got home, I went to PT. The 40 minutes of ab, back, and leg strengthening will have to count for today's workout. I'm planning on going to the pool tomorrow before work.

Yesterday I also got a nice walk in out at our Grand Canyon. The leaves are not too pretty this year, but the walk was very nice. Sometimes walking in the cemetery here in town gets me down. I like to go there because there are no holes to worry about or any step downs that could mess with my SI joint. I think I'm getting a little finicky in my old age!

I've really been trying to have a better attitude lately. I read something at the doctor's office about work-I should go in and ask my boss what skills I can develop to get promoted-and then start trying to do them! What do you think? Last night Weis called me back after months since I submitted the application! I told them I wasn't interested at this time.

I made paleo egg roll in a bowl for dinner with ground turkey, onions, garlic, carrots, and cabbage. It should last me for dinners at work this week! I'm with you-the simple recipes are the ones I make a lot. I did buy some almond flour in hopes of making the almond jam muffins sometime soon!

We had a 3 hour power outage Monday night. Thankfully David was cooking on the grill. I was working though and had to get back to work when the power came back on. I'm not digging the time change. I like the extra sleep, but do not like that it is dark at night. Yesterday I did BR w/o in the morning and hoped to get to the next STS disc, but that didn't happen. We have a lot of deadlines for year end and it causes long hours and stress. I did go for a quick 30 min walk but it was getting dark. I made a yummy dinner last night. I cooked half an onion, garlic, 2 jalapeno's, riced cauliflower, 1 can black beans and 1 can tomatoes with green chiles. Then I stuffed bell peppers with the mixture and baked them. It was the Mexican flair that I was looking for but meat free and WW friendly. I'm looking for a back/shoulder brace to pull my shoulders back. I found a few that I'm researching and I will probably order this week. I think it will really help with my neck/shoulder issue as well improving my posture. I do the recommended stretches, but I feel it is all undone when I sleep so curled up. We'll see.

There is nothing wrong with low impact or even no impact-bike, elliptical, weights etc. You have to do what works for you. Your PT does sound like a workout. When would Dan be having this next surgery? I think it is a good idea to let your boss know you are interested in moving up and find out what the requirements are.

Wow, that recipe sound amazing! I love all the veggies in it and definitely need to pick u some cauliflower rice and make this! And good thing you have a grill!

I ended up just walking to the polling place and back yesterday-about 2 miles. My abs were killing me. Today I did the pool. I've found a workout buddy-a new retired girl who had a heart attack. She's done her rehab and we've been walking some together. So today we did the pool.

Even if you're not getting as much STS as you like, you're moving everyday. When would you wear the brace at night, all the time? I'm off to do some crossword (we got an LA Times book this time) with Dan before work.

Don't work too hard!

This morning I did STS disc 9-legs. My work schedule didn't allow for a lunch w/o. I really hate that because then I'm just stressed and eat everything in site. Even if I just get out to walk, I have a much better day eating wise. Plus I get more water in and more steps. Oh well. Tomorrow is the early meeting. Not sure when I will get my workout in. We are supposed to have snow flurries tonight and tomorrow morning. DS1 has some of his stuff blocking my elliptical. I was going to sell it, but it will come in handy to get my steps in with the winter months and time change. The brace would be worn during the day. You start off wearing just for a little bit and work up to wearing it all day. I hope to get the girls airfare booked for Christmas here shortly.

That is great that you found a w/o buddy. I wish my w/o buddy could still w/o. All that ab work is paying off!
How are you? Are you sleeping? Did you get the airfare booked? Speaking of snow-we had some yesterday! Oh-looks like it's snowing out here now, too. At least it's not rain-I'm tired of the rain.

I've been walking and doing some weights at the gym. I'm just about out of therapy sessions so have started a home program which includes lots of ab work. I actually think my abs are getting more toned-planks seem to be great for that. I do about 5 minutes of standard and side to side planks in addition to the band work, bridges, and chops.

DS2 is lonely. He is so happy to have his dog. He's struggling with his budget, too. It's tough being an adult. I advised him to try to meet someone at his gym to hang out with.

Off to watch soccer and try to get psyched for work.

It's been a busy few days. Thursday I did To The Max in the a.m. and an STS disc at lunch. Yesterday I did Gauntlet from the Terminator disc. This morning I went to my WW meeting and was down 2lbs. I'm happy about that. My sister is coming over today but I should be able to fit in a workout later. The hubs and DS2 went up to our condo in the mountains yesterday. I pretty much have the house to myself with the other 2 boys working. Still waiting to get the go ahead to book the girls airfare.

Great job with all the ab work! I'm sure it's a huge change for DS2 to be so far away from family and friends. Learning how to live on your own is very challenging. He'll get there. My DS2 also struggles with his budget, but he's figuring it out. DS1 & 3 do not make enough to live on their own. DS1's checks are garnished at 60% of his pay for child support, the max they can legally take out.

Nice job with TTM and the Gauntlet! They are both super tough workouts. Sounds like your consistency is paying off at the weigh ins, too. Nice to have the house to yourself-with DH retired I don't get that very often.

Health wise, I'm at another low. I can not sleep with my hip hurting. Last night was around 6 hours-don't even want to know the exact. I feel better once I stretch and get moving. Tonight I'm going to take some Tylenol before bed to see if I can sleep longer. I've also stopped taking any herbal supplements or melatonin to help me sleep. I feel like I just want to try things normal for a while. My ab work continues and I picked up a Bosu ball to help with strengthening and balance. Doing the pool as much as possible and walking at work. I see the doctor next Monday to reevaluate things.

Not much to report. No workouts over the weekend. This morning I did a BR w/o. I worked 11 hours today. Tomorrow I should be able to get to the next STS disc at lunch. I have a massage tomorrow evening that I'm looking forward to. The massage therapist said to lay with my spine on a foam roller and allow my shoulders to fall back towards the floor and open the chest. I've been doing that every day or every other day for about 30 minutes. My upper back is so sore so I know it's working.

Not sleeping is the worst. The 5-htp should help with that. It will take you body a bit to adjust if you stopping all meds. I only use melatonin if I go several nights without sleep. I'm not a nice person when I don't get my sleep. Then I only use for up to 2 nights in a row just to get me back on a normal sleep schedule. According to my fitbit, I get between 6 hour and 6 hours 45 minutes each night. The melatonin comes in different doses, perhaps you can just use a lower strength and wean yourself off that way. I use the 3mg only when needed.
Glad to hear the shoulder/back area is feeling/getting better! Aaron left a short stubby foam roller that I've been using on my hip flexers. Been doing my home program and stretches and have had to take some pain medication, but finally slept last night!

Enjoy your massage. I'm making the stuffed pepper recipe you made last week tonight.

It's my turn I guess, I didn't sleep very well last night and slept in until 7am. My neck/shoulder starting hurting in the middle of the night and it is still hurting. I may need to move my monitors a bit and see if that helps. I did a BR w/o yesterday morning. I have the next STS on tap for this morning. I can't recall the disc number but it CSB. It'll be tough for sure since I'm so tired. I prefer cardio in the morning and lifting in afternoon or evening as I have more strength then.

Yay, you finally got some sleep! Your body heals better when it is not in pain. Take them if needed. Hope you enjoy the stuffed peppers.
Well the peppers were a big hit-even DS1 liked his. I can see them becoming one of my routine dishes (like paleo egg roll in a bowl and vegetarian chili) especially when I'm doing more of a whole30 diet. I'm taking one in for work tonight. I found a huge bag of cauli rice at Sam's club last Thursday. When I opened it last night it was 4 12 oz. bags. I really liked that serving size. I used the whole bag, 1 can of black beans, 1 can of tomatoes with chili peppers, some garlic, spices, and some tomato paste that I had left over. I blanched the peppers, filled them up and baked them for an hour. Thank you so much for the recipe!!! I was reading where it's good to have 10 servings of fruits and veggies/day (plus other stuff). This recipe helps get me there.

Workout-I just walked yesterday. I got up today and did all my stretches and home program-took me 40 minutes. I'm going to the pool today before work. I know I should be strength training more, but am just not motivated. Last night was another sleep struggle. Going back to PT next Monday for a final visit (maybe) to see what's going on. Saturday we're going to State College for a Trader Joe's run.

I worked 11 hours yesterday. This time change and long days are making it impossible to get my steps in. I did STS D7-CSB yesterday morning at that was it. It's crucial to get my workouts done in the morning. My motivation with weight training is waning too. I know I need to do it so I'm going to keep going with STS for now. I'm looking forward to having 2 days off next week. A lot of folks are taking next week off so it should be quiet for me. Last night I made stuffed peppers with ground turkey, cauliflower rice, jalapeno, onion, garlic and seasonings. I wanted some sort of tomato but we didn't have any on hand. They were still good though. David and Zach will be coming home today. I'm looking forward to having my laptop back. I'll probably sleep better with David home also. Oh, in my quest for weight loss I tried using the riced cauliflower instead of oatmeal. I cooked 2 cups cauliflower, dumped a bunch of cinnamon on it, diced in an apple, and added 1 scoop of protein powder. It's not the best that's for sure, but I've made it twice. The first time I used part of a premier protein container and it wasn't very good. Yesterday I made it with powdered protein and it was better.

Glad you liked the recipe! Your stretches may be your workout on some days. That's okay. I notice I sleep better when I get my workouts in.
Hey lady,

That turkey dish sounds like a great one to make with leftover Thanksgiving turkey! I don't know about the cauli rice for breakfast although it is a good way to increase your veggies! I got turned down for even an interview at work for the admissions job. Oh well, I probably wouldn't have liked driving all over anyway-too much sitting. My walking buddy cancelled for today-her husband has cancer and I think they got some bad news. I might try to do a circuit weight workout this morning before work.

So yesterday before work I did the push weight workout from Fit Split. It felt so good! It was about 1/2 an hour, but I did pause a bit so I could use a little heavier weight and get through all the push ups. We got a big snowstorm here last night-glad I live pretty close to work, since some people had to stay overnight at work!

Heading to Trader Joe's at State College tomorrow for a stock up before the holidays. Might play cards with my parents, too. What are your weekend plans? Don't work too hard!

I'm happy to have my laptop back! My check ins will be more regular now. Yesterday I did a BR w/o in the morning and did a walk/run in the late afternoon. We are having freezing rain today which will turn to black ice. Very dangerous. My weight was up a tad this week. I didn't have as many activity points and I didn't eat my weekly allowance. I'm considering going back to RWH since those are shorter workouts than STS. I at least want to finish meso 1 though. It should be a quiet week at work so I should be able to get STS in. I do have to log into work today for a bit, maybe an hour or so. David and I will probably go grocery shopping and I have laundry to do. I'll definitely be working out though.

Great job with Fit Split. I don't think I've done any of the weight workouts from that series. I'm surprised you were turned down for an interview. I heard about the storm, stay safe.

Yesterday I did a STS Disc 9 legs, and a BR w/o. I felt horrible, nauseous and light headed. I think it's because I start my workouts much later in the morning on the weekends and I don't eat breakfast. Today I decided to eat breakfast first and that made a huge difference. I had a 1/4C oatmeal, 1 scoop protein powder, and almond milk. I did STS D8 B&T then followed that up with a 45 min BR circuit. Much better. I have more laundry to do today and grocery shopping.

How are you doing and what are you up to?
I had a fun weekend. Saturday I just did my therapy/core for 40 minutes after a trip to State College to stock up on tea, coconut aminos, the rice Dan likes, and a bunch of pantry items that we can only find at TJ's. We ate Thai there and then drove home before dark. Later that evening we played cards with my parents. Sunday I went to the pool and hot tub, did some grocery shopping, and made Chicken and Wild Rice soup.

Today I have therapy and a follow up doctor's appt. about my foot. Plus cards at 4:30. I'm working Tuesday and Wednesday and then am off until the following Wednesday so I'm looking forward to that!

Your breakfast-did you cook it or blend it? How does your work week look? Do you get a long weekend?


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