Daily Check in Tues July 11


Good morning! Today was PS BBA doing 3 of each set. I also started doing the negative pushups that Cathe mentioned last month to try and build up some arm strengh. I can do around 12 -15 regular push ups but after that I poop out. Have a good day. Phyllis

G'morning all.

Phyllis: What is a negative push up?

I don't have a particular work out in mind for this morning but I am due for cardio today so that is what I'll do in some way, shape or form. :)

Running class last night was fun. I started chatting with someone so the 30 mins flew by in no time despite my tired body. :p }(

Have a great tuesday ladies.
Good Tuesday morning ladies!

Today was day 2 of my Hardcore Fat Loss rotation and I did MuscleMax.
Whoa, that ab section at the end is tough! I'll be on my feet all day at work (fun stuff, dissecting out an infratemporal fossa in a skull) and then DH and I will go for a 25/30 min run after work. I'll probably have to do some sort of stretch/yoga after that.

I have posted 3 pics (sort of "before" for the hardcore rotation I started yesterday and sort of "after" since they were taken yesterday, after I had done Cathe cardio for 1 month...but hardly any weights at all.) on my www.mcgilligan.us site.

Hope everyone has great workouts!
Daily Check-in

I celebrated my spiritual birthday and fitness anniversary on the 4th of July. Because I desire to live by faith, not by sight, I packed my scale in a box that morning and sealed the box. I returned to the glorious freedom and sweet simplicity of living by faith, eating for the glory of God, and exercising as an act of worship without focusing on what I weigh. I am continuing to eat and exercise in a way that blesses my body and trusting God with the results. I am enjoying the freedom of not knowing what I weigh.

I am giving myself a break from trying to plan perfectly balanced meals, and I am simply making choices that bless my body and keeping my portion sizes small. The food logs are packed away with my scale. This is another area in which I am walking by faith. I am sticking with the same simple style of eating that blesses my body and works for me. The main difference is that I am listening to my natural signals of hunger and satisfaction instead of counting calories and planning ratios. I am packing my meals and snacks for the day but no longer weighing and measuring everything, so I have no idea how many calories I am eating each day. I know that my ratios are good even though I do not know what they are. My new style of eating is very simple. When I am hungry, I choose a whole grain or starchy veggie, a fruit or non-starchy veggie, and protein. If I am less hungry on certain days, I do not eat everything I packed just because it is there.

I am planning to do 8-week Cathe rotations with a recovery week after each rotation. I am not sure what that will involve yet. I will decide when I get there. For now, I am focusing on getting through this 8 weeks. I am scheduling 5 Cathe workouts each week with at least one rest day and one day of optional cardio of my choice. I am more active in the summer, and I am also going to the club a few times a week to jog in the pool. These were my workouts last week:

07-04-06 Boot Camp (p.m.)
07-05-06 Step Fit (p.m.)
07-06-06 Circuit Max (p.m.)
07-07-06 jogging in the pool (a.m.) + Cardio Kicks (p.m.)
07-08-06 Cardio and Weights (p.m.)

I am at peace with food and my body. I feel beautiful and light on my feet. And I do not have a number on the scale telling me otherwise. I am free. I am feeling really good about my more grace-oriented approach to eating and exercise. I have ceased striving so hard, and I am more at peace. My mind is quiet now. Concerns about what to eat and which workouts will produce the best results are no longer whirling around in my head. I am living in the moment and enjoying the journey. I am looking forward to my workouts again. No more deadlines and pressure. I am free. I will get to my goal when I get there. Glory! Cathe is waiting for me, so I am off to do Boot Camp!

Heather B.

“So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God” (1 Corinthians 10:31 NIV).
RE: Daily Check-in

Good morning Phyllis,Wendy,Becky, and Heather,

Today will be PUB tri's and bi's,MM tri's and bi's, and MM abs. The rotation doesn't call for cardio today but I will put some type in.

Hope everyone has a great day!

RE: Daily Check-in

Good morning everyone,

Today was Kari's Danceworks and ab hits. She has a great toning-stretch section on this workout that is really cool.

Have a great day!
RE: Daily Check-in

Good morning Fit Friends!

This morning was KPC. Might do some yoga in a bit too.

Hope everyone has a fantastic day.:D
Good morning everyone -

Today was Push/Pull followed by a 30 min cardio walk. I feel great! I really love that Push /Pull workout!

Have a great Tuesday everyone!!!:)
Morning ladies! Today was SB and it was brutal!

1st day of TTOM + not enough calorie intake yesterday = serious struggle through workout today.

I kept trying to find my energy and I couldn't. I was going to do abs as well, but I just couldn't. I won't make the mistake of not eating enough today. I usually don't have a problem with this and stay very consistant with my calories, but I just couldn't seem to get all the calories I needed yesterday. Boy, I didn't realize what a difference it makes! Tomorrow will be better!

Have a great day!

Hello again...40 mins of powermax is what I ended up doing. I just didn't have the energy to finish it after all I took on yesterday!

Have a great afternoon folks!:)
Hi guys,

Just finished PUB tri's,bi's and MM tri's,bi's and abs. I am really feeling the burn now! Especially when my chest is sore from yesterday.

Probably won't do anymore cardio unless I do a fast walk tonight.

Hello everybody.... I've been MIA for about a week.

Yesterday was Low Impact Step and today was Step and Weights premix from SJP (I added the abs also), ran about 55 minutes.
Yeah, I said no cardio today but it was killing me. I decided to do Powermax as I haven't done it in forever. There are some step workouts I can't do and I decided to give powermax a chance. I used a 4inch step and my foot didn't hurt. Praise the lord! Although it doesn't act like that often. So I only did 30 mins. since I am still building up my endurance.

I am finally done for the day!:)

well, I did start my run tonight, but only did 15 min becasue I didn't wait long enough after dinner. But I did 100 walking lunges, alot of abs/oblique work, and upper body with my resistance band. I got a really good burn going!

Maeghan AKA megadoo

http://www.3fatchicks.net/img/bar072/slider-but3/lb/203/145/156/.png[/img] [/url]

Hello Fit Chicks!

I don't know what is wrong with me...I'm in a slump. I only managed to do half of yesterday's workout of IM#2 (which is me FAVORITE) and today no workout at all. BLECH!!! I need an intervention!

I'll try again tomorrow!
Hi there everyone!

I know this is a bit late, as well as not being here for a few days. I went through a fairly severe case of exhaustion Sat through Mon. All I did was go to work and sleep...on Monday (my day off) I actually slept for a total of 16 hours! I felt fine otherwise, just exhausted. Obviously there were not going to be any WOs.

Tuesday afternoon I was able to do KPC after work and now I'm starting to feel like my old self. Although, working out in the afternoon with no AC is NOT my idea of fun! I miss my morning WOs...they certainly got me going in the mornings.

Have fun,

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