Daily Check in Thurs - truly July 13


Good morning! Nobody noticed that I typed the wrong date yesterday. The Hardcore rotation did the same! It's like "GroundHog Day" - the 13th all over again! Ack!

Today was PS shoulders, 3sets and PS legs. I find PS legs to be very
boring, esp the floor work. Enjoy the day.

Good Morning Fitties!

It's day number three of rain and extreme humidity here.....starting to get a bit depressing. Would somebody please send some SUN???:p

Today's workout will be a 30 min. steady state run with sprints at the end, CM #1, SM #1.

Have a good one everybody!! The weekends almost here!:D :D
Good Morning Fit Chicks!

I'm going to do C&W (a fun, light workout for me) and CM#1.

Phyllis: Great workout! Happy Groundhog Day....LOL!!!!1;) ;) ;)

Becky: I would send some sunshine if I had it, but we are having the same YUCKY weather.

Hello to all that follow....have a great day!
Good morning ladies,

Today will be PUB,MM back and cardio. I am not sure of what type cardio yet.

Phyllis-What rotation are you doing? I am doing Muscle Building and Cardio. It is from Fitnessfreak366. Yours sounded alot like one of the workouts.

Becky-I can't send you sun here,cause rain will arrive soon here also.:-(

Tammy-I love C&W but rotation doesn't call for it, but I may do the step part. When I don't know what to do you ladies come up with one I haven't done in a while.

Everyone have a great day!

Hi Everyone,

I haven't checked in for a few days. Just catching up on some sleep.

I did L&G this morning. I haven't done it in a while. It always feels like I'm doing a cardio workout, too!:)

No sun here!:-(

I love C&W, too!

Have a great day.

Good Morning Girls.

I have to hit the weights today as well as get my cardio in. Going to go for a run. Think I might go for the 4 miler again. Have only done it once so far...

Hope everyone has a happy Thursday!:)
Good morning everyone,

I love CW also. Gotta dig that "Buttercup" song, ya know?

Today was PH. It is amazing how that workout can really get you sweating!

Have a great day.
Today I went workout crazy.

I started out w/ GS back,shoulders, & biceps timesaver (omitting the stretch at the end) and then did GS chest& triceps (omitting the warmup at the beginning). Then I did LowMax and finally stretchmax #3. LowMax really works the buns and upper legs! I feel like a got a total body workout plus cardio...I'll be sore later!

After work, DH and I will do some yoga (but it definately won't be power yoga today)

I hope everyone else has a great day.

Hey Becky, can you send me the rain. My plants are dying!

Hi Everyone,

I am back from a 12 day vacation and ready to bring it. I did not workout one time while one my vacation.

I picked up 6 lbs that was from the Lasagna that I made, fast foods with my grand kids and tons of sugary cake’s etc etc. Now, I’m ready to get my lean body back.

This evening I’m going to walk 20 laps at the school too clear my head. I set my clock this morning 5:30am but I just can not get out of bed I have been so tired.

Yesterday, I went to the health store and brought me some B vitamins hopefully that will help. I’m pretty sure by Saturday I will have done my first Cathe workout. I had planned to do Kick Max this morning, but I could not bring myself to get out of my warm bed. So hopefully this weekend will jump start my 12 week regimen. Take care all!

Morning ladies. Today was GS C&T followed by Core Max #3. Someday I WILL get through all the push ups on my toes. I will, I will, I will!!! I hate push ups!x(

Hope everyone has a great day!

My work out is DONE!}(

HOME: My own f/b weight work out hitting every body part with moderately heavy weight with the exception of lower body which I train with light weights only...about 1 hour.

GYM: 4 mile run/42.10 mins: I upped my pace .2 from my usual long run pace and punched up the incline to 2% for the last half mile. Boy! I really felt that! I was dripping with sweat when it was over!}(

Ab work is yet to come this afternoon...

Have great afternoon!:)
Keeping that incline at a bit higher than 0 is much easier on your knees. At 0, it is almost as if you are running downhill a bit (since the treadmill belt is moving too) and your knees get more impact. Good job on going 2%!
Thanks Becky!:)

If a slight incline on a treadmill is better for the knees, what would you say is good? Even .5% is better than 0? If so I may try to run on a small incline on a more consistent basis. I actually need serious practice on "hills" as my upcoming 5k has a couple of tough ones so I hear!:eek:
Hey ladies,

Not checkin for a workout, but just wanted to say hey.

I was supposed to do PUB,MM back, but the arms are sore from earlier this week. I will combine back with shoulders tomorrow.

Have a good night!


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