Daily Check in: Sunday June 25,2006

Hello Fit sleepy heads,

Okay well I just woke up so I have no room to talk.

Today I have planned PUB and maybe some yoga on the agenda. I am laying off of cardio and lowerbody today.

Hope everyone has a great day!

Good morning Kim and all that follow...

Today is a 45 minute run which I am about to get over with since it is still a little cool this morning.

This afternoon is PLB in its entirety. I can see where this rotation gets its name "Rock Bottom".
Good morning,

Last night I did PS Legs and abs. I'm scheduled to do a 40 minute run tonight.

Kim - it's nice to give the lower body a break some times, and PUB is a great workout!

Jane - Are you noticing any results from the rock bottom rotation?

Have a great day,
Sandra - I am noticing good results with this rotation even though I floundered a little on it. I did week one, totally ditched week two, then picked up week two where week three was suppose to start. On well, I'll be going into July with this one. I'm thinking of doing another lower body rotation after I finish this one, maybe Butts and Guts from last September.

Tammy - I meant to tell you and your son congrats on graduation. That is such a special time.

I just finished a 50 minute run and, on my gosh, it felt good. It is just amazing how a steady diet of good nutrition, weight training, and steady state/interval cardio makes for an excellent run!!!!
Good Morning all!

Maeghan, I was tired just reading your list of things to do the otherday! BTW, I checked out your picturetrail and I love your house and flowers!

Susan, Step Heaven was fun. I like Christi's music alot. I was too ( brain tired)tired to figure out the second section, so I did the first one and the intervals. Next time, Maybe I'll start with part 2 when I'm fresh.

Today I did PS BBA and SL w/o the wu,deadlifts and calf work. I'll be away from Cathe for awhile as I am going to NY on business. I hope to do some running, swimming and utilize whatever equipment is at he hotel's fitness room. I'll try to check in if I can.

Oh, BTW, I just purchased a polar F11. It should arrive sometime this week. I cant wait!

It's miserable here with rain. Have a good day. Phyllis
Thank you Phyllis! I am actually going to go plant some more flowers in another garden out front. I plan to post "updated" pics of the flowers in month or so when they have filled out. I find I really love gardening. I am not the best, (still learning from my mom) but it is fun and relaxing.
And yes it was a very busy day Friday, and yesterday wasn't much better, so I am totally trying to relax today, and will do my WO later when it cools down. i hope to run and do PUB.
Have a great day ladies!!!!!!!!!!

Maeghan AKA megadoo

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Hello ladies,

PUB is done, but didn't get yoga in today. Been running dd around to spend the night with a friend.

Hope everyone has a great night!

Evening ladies -
I'm checking in late, probably because I woke up late and everything has been off all day.

Yesterday was Legs & Glutes. I love that workout, don't know why, but I really enjoy it.

Today I wanted to do a cardio, but didn't roll out of bed until 8 am (I'm usually up by 6 on weekends!) We had a breakfast to go to so I did my pushups and ditched the cardio. Went to meet my parents. Not too thrilled with the breakfast - it was a charity thing thrown by my dad's Knights of Columbus group. Everything was dripping in oil, butter or fat. Yuck. Got home, made strawberry jam and strawberry pie. Chopped all my veggies for the week and am just now sitting down to pay the bills that I've putting off for the past week. As you can see, I'm still postponing - posting here instead of paying bills. Oh well. It will get done. Boy, I must be feeling chatty today with all those details.

Have a great evening and check in with you tomorrow!
Thanks Jane! I can't believe how fast the time goes by. DS#3 graduates HS next year and then it is just DH and me!
No workout for me today:-( , although I've been running around all day. The graduation party was great and everyone had fun. Whew!

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