Daily check in: Sunday June 18, 2006

Good morning ladies,

I guess Iwill start the day off here. It is happy father's day and hope all of them are having a great one!

Today I will take dh out to breakfast and them go to the park for a walk/jogg for hopefully two miles. Then do ctx kickbox and lower/upper boday of Bootcamp. Then I'm settling down to watch nascar at Michigan today. Go Kasey!

Hope everyone has a wonderful Father's day!

Good Morning Kim and all who follow.

Enjoy breakfast with DH, Kim!:9

Today is my rest day which I am going to keep active as I have done the past couple of weeks with a w/u, ab work, 10-15 mins of yoga and then a stretchmax segment in time allows.

Happy Father's Day to all of the dads in everyone's lives!:+
Good Morning Fit Chicks and Happy Father's Day to all of our Dads!

Today I have StepBlast on my rotation, but the sun is finally shining here so I think I may hit the deck for some sun and take a rest day.

Kim: Great workout planned.

Wendy: How many more days til vacation? I know you will have a great time and can't wait to see pix!

Hello to all that follow....have a great day!
Another rest day here......maybe I'll fit a walk in later if it's not raining!

Took DH to breakfast and we'll take my dad and mom to dinner later...we worked all day around the house and yard yesterday so today we'll relax and take it easy.

Hope everyone has a nice Father's Day !:D
Good morning,

Another rest day here :) But last night I did SH Legs, and CoreMax#1. I must admit that I can't do those levitation holds....and I don't particularly care. If I never get my feet off the ground I won't lose any sleep over it.

Phyllis - I was flattered to hear that I inspired you yesterday. I get so much motivation from this group. Great job on your run! How do you feel today? I had some very stiff legs yesterday, but only minimal DOMS. I'm going to continue running at least once a week; Cathe's put a lot of it in this rotation. I want to do a 5km run in the fall. I think I understand your description of wall squats. Are they really hard (they sound like they are)?

Wendy - Excellent workout yesterday!! Yes, I'm sure my previous running contributed a lot to my run the other day. I know how to pace myself, etc. And Cathe's cardios have kept me at a good level of cardiovascular conditioning. Now I need to get a new pair of runners so my knee doesn't become a problem. How's the packing going? :p

Tammy - that TLT BBBB sounds really intriguing. Some day I just might try that. How does it compare to Cathe's workouts, intensity-wise? Is it like Legs&Glutes?

Becky - that was a lot of work you did yesterday!

Katie - I agree with you on the push ups LOL. I keep thinking I should do that push-up challenge that people are doing, but always seem to find an excuse to skip it for the day.

Susan - PUB is a great workout.

Maeghan - what kind of rotation are you interested in doing?

Kim - wow, that's quite a workout you have planned for today. Enjoy!

Have a great day!
Good morning all and a Happy Father's Day to all the Dads in our lives!

This morning I did PUB including the ab section followed by most of MIC - It was my fist time doing this workout. I got the DVD several weeks ago but I've been doing RS and Imax. I was too excited about those two workout to give MIC a try. I didn't care much for the hi-lo aerobic portion, but I liked the step portion. I skipped the intervals. I figured by that point I had done enough.

Today will also be a quick cleanmax. We have company from Montreal coming for dinner and I want to show off the house. It's a big Victorian and they don't see many of these in their section of town.

Hope you all have a great day!
Sandra, my outer quads are sore today. I'll probably just take a rest day today and begin week 3 tomorrow.

I find the wall squats hard to do. I have a difficult time keeping my balance. So, I may delete them from my next BBW.

Have a good Sunday.

Hey girls,

I did most of my workout, I did a fast walk 1 mile and yes that is a mile short of what I wanted. I did kickbox and then stretchmax. I doubt that I will do BC upper/lower cause I really need a rest now. i think i am wimping out. hehe.

hope everyone is having a happy father's day!

Hey ladies! I will do a muscle WO later tonight, and hopefully a run.
Sandra-- I want a challenging rotation that is gonna burn some fat. I am FINALLY breaking through this plateau after months, so I want to step it up and burn the last layer of fat and really tone it up.
Thanks for asking!
Well, going to take the kiddies swimming for a while!
Will check in after the WO.

Maeghan AKA megadoo

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Hello ladies,
Happy Fathers day to all of the families. I am going to try to take a rest day today. I have had a hard time doing that lately due to my poor eating habits. I also have the new TlT workouts, but haven't tried them yet. I am so enjoying the running right now and having great results that I kind of want to stick to that for now. Well the summer break is starting officially on Monday and I am trying to figure out how to get my workouts in. I guess there will have to be an hour of t.v. a morning for my kiddies. I try not to do that in the summer time, but I have to get some me time in. Anyway, did not mean to ramble on. Have a great day!

Well I'm finally turning in a workout today!! After I got off work, I power walked for an hour in place of the 45 minute run on the rotation and then I subbed L&G's for LL's which I don't have.

I feel MUCH better!
Way to go Jane! How is DH?

Sandra: TLT BBBB is as intense as you want to make it. You can do it with or without weights. They use the mini exerballs and I used a 6# one. The leg work utilized the core as much as possible and I will say my glutes and upper hamstrings (the thutt areaa?) were really feeling it later in the day. I think this is one of those workouts, that as your form and strength improve, you feel it more and more. Does that make sense?
jane it sounds like you had a good workout! I had a good one today although me and dd got a small frosty at Wendy's. Boy do I feel guilty. Especially when I only have two weeks to go before the beach.

Glad you're back to working out!

Thanks Kim. It does feel good to get back to Cathe. I've done a lot of other "physical work" but nothing is like a Cathe workout. Thanks to Cathe, I could stand up to the hard physical labor we've done around here lately.

Tammy - thanks for asking. DH goes back to work tomorrow after three weeks out. He is sooo ready to go back. It's been nice having him around here, but I think we are both glad to be getting back to our routine.
Jane I must have been away for a while because I haven't heard about your dh. I hope everything is okay. I guess things are if he's going back to work. Althgugh I don't know what happened I'm glad things are better now.


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