Daily check in Sunday, December 18


Hi good morning everyone. I have just done Tear it Up of the Slim Series, KPC of Cathe and Burn it Up of Slim in 6. Later I will use my stationar bike. Have a great Sunday everyone.

Mariángeles a spanish terminator,TAEBO and Turbo Jam junkie.
Hmmmm KPC Mariangeles, that is one of my favorite workouts! Looks like you have a great w/o as usual!

Today is rest day on the rotation. I have more baking to do but if time permits, I may get in a walk if the weather holds.

Have a wonderful Sunday fitness folks!
Good Morning Mariangeles , Jane and all who follow,

Today is a rest day for me but I am also hoping to walk later.
I am also doing some more baking. We don't really need anymore cookies and candy, but I'm on a roll !:D

Have a great Sunday everyone!
Hi Mariangeles, Jane, Becky and everyone else.

Today is Imax for me. I'm not sure which one - depends how I feel by then. Last nite was SH - C/B.

My DD got home for college yesterday :) She is here for 3 weeks before heading off for a semester abroad (2 weeks Quebec - 3 mos France - 1 week in French speaking Africa)! So nice to have the family home :)

I did tons of shopping yesterday - I only have a few things left. Also had to do her b-day presents!

Have a great day all.

Have fun with the cooking - yumm!
Good morning ladies

Mariangeles...tough workout!!

Jane...have fun baking, I wait a bit longer til I make my M&M cookies! Our weather is rain roday...

Becky...enjoy your rest day and cooking!

Robyn...any Imax is a great workout! That is awesome your DD is home for a bit...:)...you will have a very nice X-Mas...

I am doing a 10-12 mile run on most likely some muddy trails....(didn't I like to play in the mud when I was a kid???)

Have a great day...http://smilies.sofrayt.com/%5E/hol/xmastree4.gif[/img]

Hello ladies.

Didn't get my cardio in yesterday that I was supposed to do so today I plan on doing a longer cardio session than usual. With this rotation most of my cardios have been on the short side (30 mins).

Today calls for kickbox cardio, legs and abs. I will probably do KPC too, Mariangeles and then who knows what for leg and ab work.

MY FIL and his lady friend are coming over this afternoon for a couple of hours. I wanted to try to get my work out in before they come. If I can't manage that one, I will do it later on in the day.

Last night at my SIL's house I had some apple crisp and a coffee drink that has chocolate, cinammon and whipped cream in it! YUMMMM! :9 :9 :9 }( }( }(

Have a great Sunday! Hope no one has to hit the stores!
Yummmm.... Wendy that sounds delicious!

Carole - ha! Funny you are right when we are older we sometimes forgot the fun factor!

I was going to hit the store for a digital camera... but think I may do it later tonight. I went early and late yesterday and the stores were not TOOO bad.

Need to order the PC today and I'm done! 2 days to do it all not bad!
Good Morning Fit Chicks!

Today for me will be S&H Back/Shoulders/Abs and a run on the treadmill.

Mariangeles: Your marathon workouts are amazing!

Jane: I hope to do some baking later also.

Becky: Good luck w/your baking.

Robyn: All the Imaxes are great. Enjoy your family...how wonderful for you!

Carole: Be careful on your run in the rain and enjoy your football! My DH was happy that the Giants won last night.

Okay, my work out is done! The best part is that after I finished, I was writing what I did in my journal and I realized that today was supposed to be a rest day! LOL I never even thought about that today! WOW~I must have really wanted to exercise! GO ME! LOL ;)

So I did the KPC/L&G kickbox and highstep plus abs premix (50 mins) for the first time ever and LOVED it! My heart rate was up, the sweat was flyin' and my legs were burnin'!}( It pulled every facet of my work out together in a nice, neat, compact little package! GO CATHE! :+

Have a great day everyone!:)

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