Daily Check-In Sunday 7/30



Today is a short but hilly TM run for me.

I was supposed to run outside this morning but I overslept.

Hope everyone has a nice day!:)
Good Morning!

This morning was an early walk down and then *gulp* up death hill . That is about a 50 minute walk, half is uphill. I felt it in my legs and glutes today after walking it yesterday too.

That's it for me today. The humidity is stifling, and I've decided mow-max has to wait for another day!!:p
Good Sunday morning everyone. Becky that hill sounds intimidating! I don't blame you on MowMax, it is stifling here too, highs in the 90's and high humidity!!

Just finished BodyMax. My endurance is going to take some work but I finished it.
Good morning all. I'm thinking I should start another check in called the I Hardly Ever Post On The Check In Check In. Twelve days of vacation will do that to you. Yesterday I did GS B,S&B and lightened up on the weight, since I haven't lifted in 2 weeks. I probably shouldn't have wimped out, since I feel hardly any DOMS today. Today will be a cardio day. I liked the look of the Step Blast variation that Sandra posted under Video & DVD...and may try that this afternoon. Hope you all have a great day.
It is say too hot for comfort. I wake up with all these ideas of things to do, then I step outside and change my mind.

So, this morning did S\H chest, BM chest and IMAX 1 int 1-5. I do enjoy chest work, so it was an enjoyable WO for me.

What's everyone doing for August?


Good morning fit gals!

Wendy, Have a great run. I definitley need to add some hills to my run.

Becky, enjoy your rest day and your yoga


Becky, sound like a tough walk, OUCH!!!

Jane, Body Max on a Sunday, WOW!!!

Phyllis, I wish I liked working Chest. I find it is my weakest muscle. I love working shoulder though.

Robyn, enjoy step blast and it is good to hear from you again

I am going to take a break from cardio today, yes you heard me right. I am going to do Gs Ba, chest, and triceps.

Have a great Sunday friends:)

Good Afternoon Fit Chicks!!

This morning I did CC#6 (candace's version) and then some stretching.

Susan: Great UB workout today!

Robin: Welcome back and let us know what you think of the SB workout.

Phyllis: Great workout today....your new avatar is sweet...nice looking biceps you have going there.

Jane: BodyMax is a tough workout...good for you!

Becky: Death Hill two days in a row will surely fry your legs!

BeckyMD: Enjoy your rest day.

Wendy: I hope you had a good TM run!

Hello to all that follow...have a great day!
Hi. I did a pre-programmed hill run on the TM at the gym: 30 mins/2.75 miles.

I just entered length of time, speed and difficulty level and the TM took it from there. It was a great work out. I ran it at my usual pace and was surprised that I didn't have to slow down at all!:)

The highest incline was 5%. It was as if I were climbing a big hill...there would be a climb and then flatten out, another climb, flat run, and it went on like that at all different inclines w/the flat runs in between.

I'll have to make it just a bit more challenging next time by increasing my speed, time or difficulty level...or ALL OF THEM!:eek: }(
Super late check in for me today -
I did PLB with 200 walking lunges - well 100 forward and 100 reverse lunges, but close enough - followed by a well deserved Stretchmax. My chest and triceps are really sore from yesterday's workout. I love it, hehe. :)

It's funny - I workout before I do anything else, but I just don't always get to the checkin until much later. I guess that's what's most important.

Hope Everyone enjoyed their Sunday!


"Age is a question of mind over matter. If you don't mind, it doesn't matter." Satchel Paige
Great job today guys.
Wendy, you are really doing great with your running- I was wondering if you have noticed any difference in the look or shape of your legs since you started running?

I did not WO yesterday, rest day, much needed. ANd I haven't done anything today either. I really am not feeling well, and I was busy all afternoon and evening. I might do a little yoga, not sure.
I am just praying that I feel better in the AM.
Good night guys.

Maeghan AKA megadoo

New pics added in July 25 2006 and Fitness album!!!!

http://www.3fatchicks.net/img/bar072/slider-but3/lb/203/145/154/.png[/img] [/url]

Maeghan...Thanks! It's funny you should ask me that about my legs because lately I have been noticing the differences in them! My calves are definately smaller-they have shrunk by atleast 1" each since I began running. This is great as my calves were always on the large side. My thighs have taken on a new shape....or should I say, they appear to be shapelier than they used to be! I am quite happy with the changes and hope that they continue for the better! :)
My calves have always been a bit bigger too. I haven't been running as much as you lately, but I did notice a bit myself. I guess I will be running more! LOL!!
I never thought it was possible, but I do love running. It just feels like such an accomplishment when you are done! Pretty soon I will have to join the cheetahs check in too LOL!!!
Good night and awesome job!

Maeghan AKA megadoo

New pics added in July 25 2006 and Fitness album!!!!

http://www.3fatchicks.net/img/bar072/slider-but3/lb/203/145/154/.png[/img] [/url]

Would LOOOVE to have you at the Cheetah's check in! Come by and you'll be inspired to run more often! TRUST ME! :)

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