Daily Check-In Saturday, March 3


((((((((Thanks to ALL of you))))))) I can feel your prayers and vibes:* :* :* :* :*

Yesterday was spent all day in the ICU staring at Mom connected to what seems like hundreds of tubes and wires. She is on a respirator and they have her heavily sedated to keep her from pulling out the respirator. They started dialysis as her kidneys have shut down. They have managed to regulate her heart rate and blood pressure with intravenous drugs. At one poing her heart rate was in the 190s and blood pressure was too low to register.

I don't know if we are waiting for her to die ....or take a turn for the better. It is hard to get a straight answer out of anyone. But wait and pray it is.

I'm going to go do Imax as I need to relieve some stress, and then it is back to the hospital.

Again...thanks to ALL of you...I feel blessed to be in the company of such wonderful & caring women.

I just saw this.

More~~~ prayers~~~ for Gods presence and acceptance of whatever He sends your Family. I will keep your family close to my heart.

Judy "Likes2bfit"

If you fail to plan, then you plan to fail.
Still praying for you and will continue to do so Tammy.

Thank you for keeping us all posted.

You are so much in my thoughts throughout the day , I know this is an extremely tough time for you. I wish there was some way to help you.

Tammy - I am continuing to keep your mother in my prayers. Thanks for keeping us posted. IMAX sounds like a good one to get some stress relief. Good for you to keep taking care of you so you can care for others.

I finally went to sleep about 11 last night, at that point I'd been up almost 24 hours. It felt so good to catch up on that sleep. I slept until 8:45!

I didn't do LIS yesterday, just didn't have the energy to do even that.

Today's workout is HSC and I'm going to do that and LIS if I have time. If not LIS will be easy to fit in somewhere.
Hi everyone!

Jane, I'm so glad you got caught up on your sleep! That makes all the difference in the world!

Phyllis , I'm sorry you are not feeling well again!:-( I've babysat my grandson several times recently and he is sick and now DD has it. A cold and sore throat. I am upping the vitamin C and also trying a new thing called Immunity fizz that I found at Costco....hoping that will keep me from catching it!!

Today I am busy with errands and jobs in the house and I have no idea what it will be yet but I will try to fit in a workout. Right now I am thinking I'll try CC #3 and abs, but who knows??
Weekends I really struggle to find the time, and space- since the family is around much more than during the week.

Have a good one everyone!

OMG, almost forgot to mention that it's SNOWING again!!!!! Connie I'll try to blow it in the other direction, because I KNOW you don't want it !!!:eek:
Hey everyone!

Tammy - Stay strong, things will work out for the best, we will keep the prayers going strong on this end.

Becky - You must be doing some serious blowing, because it is a sunny, semi -warm day here!

I did my first Bosu workout ever today, Rob Glicks Cardio Fusion. What a great tool! I am not much for gadgets, but this thing rocks. It is a great stabilizing challenge, as well as a leg strengthening tool. I got a great workout with no impact!
Daily Check-in

This will be a short update because I do not feel good tonight. I am coming out of denial and admitting that I am under the weather again. I woke up with a tickle in my throat Wednesday morning. I have been sneezing like crazy all week. I woke up around 3:00 a.m. with a cough. I could not get back to sleep because my wild neighbors were having a party again.

I did not have enough energy for the Kick Max blast challenge, so I did the low impact premix for a gentle workout. This premix skips the interval blast segment. The intensity was perfect for today because it did not cause me to get too hot. I love the leg conditioning drills. I feel like I am in a ballet class when I do those, and they are much more enjoyable than floor leg exercises. I wrapped up my workout with the first segment of Core Max. Tomorrow is my planned rest day. I may enjoy Stretch Max if I have enough energy to move.

I found another pair of the Reebok cross training shoes that I love at Academy this afternoon. I went to HEB on the way home and bought some Halls Max for my cough. Halls Max cough drops are made in New Jersey. Hopefully, they are as powerful and effective as the other Maxes that are created in New Jersey! Other than the quick trip to Academy and HEB, I rested today. I am hoping to feel better in the morning. This is a new month, and this is not the way I wanted it to start. I am feeling a little discouraged tonight, but I will keep pressing on. I bought some more Emer’gen-C too. Hopefully, it will work for me again.

Rebounding is supposed to be good for the immune system, so I am planning to do a few minutes of gentle bouncing before I call it a day. By the grace of God, I will feel better tomorrow. I would like to feel good enough to attend the worship service, and I need to do my grocery shopping for the week because I was too tired to deal with that today.

Tammy, I am praying fervently.

Heather B.

“Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us” (Hebrews 12:1 NIV).

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