Daily Check-In Saturday 7/15


G'morning Gals!:)

I'm flyin' high with excitement right now! I just finished a 3 mile run outside w/no breaks! My prior best outdoors was 2 miles with a 1 minute walking rest in between!

Needless to say, I AM THRILLED! 5K here I come!!!:+

Hope everyone has a great day!:)
Good morning Wendy,Tammy and everyone who follows,

Well couldn't finish the first week of my rotation. It looked fun and effective, but I just have a hard time following those darn things! It gets to where I want to do another workout than what it calls for. I guess one day I will hit the right one.

Today I will probably do a KPC,LG premix with abs and a stretch segment.

Wendy- Congratulations girl! You have been doing a great job!

Tammy-Yeah, I woke up having to decide what I will do today. I think I do better when I can just choose whatever workout for that day, instead of following a rotation.

Everyone have a great Saturday!

Oh I have a family reunion to go to today,so I will also be quite active there. There will be pool volleyball,basketball, horse shoes, and lots of other games. There will also be a pig cooking. That is not the greatest for me. And I am bummed because with my foot I can't be too active with the sports. I'll do what I can do.

I can't believe I forgot to tell you ladies about my family reunion.

Okay I am leaving this post now!

Hey Ladies:) My first check-in in a while. A nasty 'windsock' virus fouled up our internet connection a while back and I finally dealt with it this week. Nice to be back:) I'm training for a half marathon Oct. 1st and sticking religiously to the programme. Today was 3k steady run, the air was mighty thick and moist today, bleeeechhhhh. I mixed up the upper body portions from PH and B-Max and got a lovely buzz through my arms. My 11 y.o. Faith and I are running errands today to finalize her 'going to camp' list. She's off tomorrow for a week at a camp. There's a buskers festival in town today so we'll check that out too.

Wendy, nice job, from a fellow running newbie, here's a big ^^^^^5!:)

Tammy enjoy your mystery workout:+

Kim, I've never even tried a rotation 'cause I love doing my own thing. Enjoy your reunion and hope your foot calms down.

Take Care
Hey ladies,

I finished a KPC premix with abs but didn't put in LG as planned. Just didn't feel like it when I started. But KPC was invigorating as usual.

Laurie- My dh is actually getting rid of viruses in all of our four computers. He found one in mine first , then found one in his, and the kids both have viruses on theirs.

There are bugs everywhere!

Kim, Hope the reunion is fun!!!!

Laurie, TY re my run! Training for a half!? WOWZERS! How long have you been running? How many months of training are doing for the race? I'm ridiculously nervous about doing my first 5k and here you are training for 13 miles! GO YOU! :)
Great job Wendy! MY last two runs outside were 3 miles, no breaks. It feels awesome!!
I also like to have an incline on my TM.
I am hoping to run tonight when it cools off. I am planning outside, but if all else fails, I will do TM. At some point tonight I am going ot do UB weights too. I feel great using my new 15#ers!!
I am hoping to go grocery shopping with Dh (no kids) in a little while, so hope that works out! LOL!

Maeghan AKA megadoo

http://www.3fatchicks.net/img/bar072/slider-but3/lb/203/145/156/.png[/img] [/url]

>I am hoping to go grocery shopping with Dh (no kids) in a
>little while, so hope that works out! LOL!
>Maeghan AKA megadoo

Isn't your DH WORSE than a kid!? ;) :p :7 :7 :7
Laurie: Great to *see* you around again. Good luck with your training.

Kim: Have fun at the family reunion.

Megadoo: Welcome home!

I ended up doing BodyMax with some extra rests here and there. I am still struggling with my energy levels. I'm not sure BodyMax was a good choice for me, but it was a lot of fun! I have been revisiting all the oldies. I think next week I will probably do the CTX series and try to get back on track.
Hey Wendy, I have never been a 'runner'. My best friend however, is and she somehow talked me into rising up to a new challenge. (I still can't figure out how she roped me in to this;-) :+) I have been running for about 4 or 5 weeks. I joined a 16 week 'train for a half marathon' with The Running Room. We do long runs on Sunday (run 10 minutes/walk 1 minute), tomorrow is 10K (last 2 weeks were 9K and I held my own with experinced runners) I'm still intimidated but am keeping mentally positive. After what you did today you are in great shape for a 5K.
My friend is training in a different city and I'm amazed at how different our programmes are. The race is being run in a gorgeous setting along the Sandbanks of Lake Ontario, that was huge in my saying yes to this. I have sentimental attachments galore to this area and couldn't say no......could I?????:+ :7

Take Care
Hello everyone. I just finished HSC and I just LOVE that workout. I find that the time flys and it is so thorough. Do you all love this one too. I tend to like the circuit type workouts.

Tammy, sorry your energy level is still low. I think it is good to revisit the older ones and have some fun with them.

Wendy, Woo Hoo for your 3 mile run!!!!

Megadoo, enjoy your new 15lb weights!

Kim, I love KPS and yes it is invigorating.

Laurie, great job with the run and good to have you back:)

Have a great evening guys and hopefully I will not eat anymore of the little yummy chocolate doughnuts}(

Today I did MM and then did a 2 mile run.

DH and I went tubing today and that required a lot of arm work to steer out of the way of fallen trees. I think I'll be sore tomorrow!

Wendy you are sooooo right!!! He always finds the toy section and looks at everything. Then he finds any food (for the kids) that has like Superman, Batman, or Cars on it and thinks we should get it!
He cracks me up, but I will admit we had a nice "alone time" even though it was grocery shopping. We needed that after 6 hours in the car with the kids! LOL!
Off to the TM, finally!!!!!!!!!!!

Maeghan AKA megadoo

http://www.3fatchicks.net/img/bar072/slider-but3/lb/203/145/156/.png[/img] [/url]

Hi Everyone!

I am so late working out AND checking in today. I just finished Powermax. With a/c blasting and a fan pointed directly at me, I still am sweating like crazy!!

Good workout and lots of fun. I have to revisit some of the olds ones more often!!!:D :D

Hope everyone is enjoying their weekend!
Hello everybody!!!

Today I did 30 minutes of HCX #1 (the circuit), added abs from HSC and then HSC stretch. I've lost endurance after taking a week off week before last and doing no interval work this past week. I'll get it back though. I just need to start adding back in the interval work.
I jusst spent an hour on the TM and it was great! I did 40 min running non stop, steady speed at 2.5 incline. Then at 40 min, I started walking at quick pace at incline of 8. At 55 min I put the incline down and did my cool down.
I think I will wait to do weights in the morning!

Maeghan AKA megadoo

http://www.3fatchicks.net/img/bar072/slider-but3/lb/203/145/156/.png[/img] [/url]


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