Daily Check in May 27

I'm finishing my coffee (d@mn I make good coffee:+ ) then I'm off to do some kickboxing. I've tried Janis Saffell/Guillermo Gomez (sp?) Hardcore once so I'll give it another go and skip the weight sections then add on KM drills or combos, I'll see how much caffeine I've got left in me before deciding which one:7

I've got to work today, I take every 3rd Saturday off but lately it feels like I'm always working. I'm anxious to get in the garden and plant some morning glories, scarlett runner beans, zinnias, clalendula and lillies.

Have a great day all!

Take Care
Hey Laurie!
Hope your daughter is doing okay. Give her a big high five for being such a trooper from me. It's a rest day for me today and I'm loving every minute of it. Hope your day is sweet. Hope your work out kicks butt....



"There are no great people in this world, only great challenges which ordinary people rise to meet."
William Frederick Halsey, Jr.
Good morning ladies

Have fun kickboxing today Laurie! I got a massage last tuesday and thought about you..I cannot believe how much they help...:)

Enjoy your rest day Jill...

I am doing TLT's Better Burb Better Buns, and maybe some more abs.

Have a great day...:)
Hey, I did my WO (UB)last night 11pm. Going to so lower body today, L&G. Going out to garden first !!!! Enjoying the beautiful weather everyone!!!!!!
Have great WO!!!!

Maeghan AKA megadoo

http://www.3fatchicks.net/img/bar072/slider-but3/lb/203/145/159/.png[/img] [/url]

Yeah, the weather is good, but the sun is playing a little hide and seek at the moment!

This AM was DS tennis match. He was competeing for top singles in the county. Unfortunatly he lost, but he has done so well all season!

I just finished PUB. I wonder if I'll ever be able to do those pikes. I can manage a couple, depending on the day, but I know my form doesn't look nearly like Cathe's!

Enjoy your day!


Good Afternoon Fit Chicks!

I did one of the premixes from KPC/LG this morning. It was about 60 minutes.....60 very effective minutes!

Phyllis: Congrats to your son on having a great season.

Maeghan: Enjoy L&G....I love the music on this workout.

Carole: Great workout! I hope you didn't burn your buns!

Jill: Enjoy your rest day today...every minute of it!

Laurie: Great workout. I hope your daughter's wrist is healing well.

Hello to all that follow....have a great day!
Good afternoon ladies,
Have not had much time to check-in lately, but definitley have been working out. I ran 4 miles today in 30 minutes which is a record for me. I am really trying to increase my speed. Well, I am off to dinner. Have a great evening friends.


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