Daily Check-in, Friday, May 31, 2024

Good morning....

Today's workouts:

YT-Coach Ali- Weight Plate Challenge Workout - 27 min.
YT-Julie Jones Fitness- NO REPEAT-Total Body Weights & Ropeless Jump Rope- 26 min.
YT-Trifecta Pilates- 12 min. Seated Pilates Ring Workout

Have a good day!
Good Morning Everyone,

Today I did 45 minutes of Boho Beautiful yoga. I just love this site (and they are Canadian!!).

Another great mash-up today Linda. Sorry to read about your dog. It's hard to see our dogs aging and declining in health. My dog is having similar issues. We have to carry her up and down stairs and roll her over. She was once 65 pounds but is so skinny now.

Nora - I hope you found your energy yesterday. And if not yesterday, then today!
Annette - safe travels!

Have a great day everyone.
Happy T.G.I.F ladies:)

Linda- Good morning & Thanks for getting us started;) Great job on your Friday's workout with:

YT-Coach Ali- Weight Plate Challenge Workout - 27 min.- Awesome stuff!
YT-Julie Jones Fitness- NO REPEAT-Total Body Weights & Ropeless Jump Rope- 26 min. - More Good Stuff, love it!
YT-Trifecta Pilates- 12 min. Seated Pilates Ring Workout - Ooh another great one:)

Love the variety in your workouts, lots of fun stuff, WTG and high fives;)

Siobhan- Great job on today's workout with:

Boho Beautiful yoga = 45 Min So cool they are in Canada as well.WTG and high fives!! Yes, I did get my workout in yesterday as mentioned in yesterday's workout.
Have a beautiful Friday;)

Annette- I saw your post yesrterday. Yay!! Your on your vacation and both you and your DH got workouts in at hotel gym, nice congrats to both of you!
Have a fun day and enjoy your vacation;)

Here's today's workouts:

YT- Kaleigh Cohen Cycling- 15 min METABOLIC BOOSTING cycling workout = 15 Min
YT- Kaleigh Cohen Cycling- 20-minute Low Intensity Interval Training (LIIT) Recovery Ride= 22 Min
TaeBo Amped- Core Express= 32 Min
Jessica Smith- Walk On- 2 Morning Walks= 32 Min

Have an awesome Friday;)

Hi girls,

Just had to stop by and update my workout. Fatigue got me again and I had to revise my workout. I will not be doing TaeBo Amped- Core Express= 32 Min. I will do my best to power through the rest.

Have a good evening;)


PS. I will not be workingout tomorrow and will be taking a rest weekend. Enoy your weekend:)

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