Daily Check in - Boxing Day, December 26, 2017


Hi ladies,

I hope everyone has had a good Christmas.

Today was another day where we took it easy... relaxing and besides a walk, I did Pyramid Upper. Another new to me DVD. Really enjoyed it but stopped it before the core work. Got a real good burn going in my upper body.

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Hi Henriette! There’s a post for today already started. Sorry. But the pyramid workouts are great right!? Nice pace for tough work.
Hi Henriette,

I think PUB is my most used dvd. PLB is pretty tough if you really use some heavy weights. I tend to mix PUB in with a lot of my workouts made thru the blender. gives a good finishing burn. thanks for the reminder about his dvd
Hey all, I don't do PUB or PLB much because I hate changing weights. I guess I'm just lazy that way.

Today I did BM2 with a 6 inch step. Burned almost 800 calories. Still obviously have some improving to do in my cardio fitness.

I was thinking back a couple of years ago when I did BM2 entirely on a 4 inch step and thought I was a bad ass. That's when I was losing all my weight and the improvement was dramatic. I can remember getting entirely out of breath going up a flight of stairs. Unbelievable! I hope I'm never arrogant enough to think I can't go back there again.

You are doing great Henriette, most impressive!

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