Daily check-in Aug 27


Susan, no it isn't my first time. I started running about the same time Wendy did. I really love it! Last night was the first time I didn't take a 1 min walk break halfway. I really wished I could have gone longer, but my little one had other plans!! LOL!!
I can't wait to try it again. Now, I need to do that outside too. I love running outside here! I love doing the hills and feeling so accomplished after.
I actually hadn't gotten that good of a run in in the last 2-3 weeks, so it was doubly sweet!
Thanks Susan!

Where are all the sleepy heads today???

Not sure what I will do today, maybe run LOL!! I should do a circuit, but we will see!

Maeghan AKA megadoo

New pics added in July 25 2006 and Fitness album!!!!

http://www.3fatchicks.net/img/bar072/slider-but3/lb/203/145/151/.png[/img] [/url]

Good Morning Fit Chicks!

CC#6 (Sean's version) and BC core for me today.

Meg: Congratulations on your running accomplishment.

Hello to all that follow....have a great day!
Good morning all. I'm taking a rest day, as I have serious DOMS frome yesterdays PS legs. I'm shocked, because I've done that WO many times. I listened to Cathe closely yesterday and really focused on the muscle I was using - so maybe that's why I'm feeling it so much. Also, I missed my leg WO last week, so that could've contributed.


Good afternoon everyone,

Phyllis - It does sound like you did apply some added intensity by concentrating on the muscles that way. I have heard Cathe mention that before, but I am not sure which workout. Have a good soak today!!

Today was Christi Still Jumpin warm up and 1st section, coremax 3, and stretchmax 2, all before church!

Have a great day, keep checking the blog, it is looking great!
Hey Maeghan,Tammy,Phyllis and Wendy,

I have gotten off the rotation I was starting and once again can't continue on with a rotation. I think I want to do what I feel that day instead of one already made up for me. I wanted to give it one more try but i think I doomed!:p

today I will do Mindy Mylrea's step and intervals plus pump party but without the pump party. Then some KPC abs.

Have a good day!

I've had a rest day the last two days so I figured I'd better get busy today.

I did PowerMax for cardio.

I want to get PS Shoulders and Triceps in and some abs. I'll see if I can get them in after I eat supper.
Today I planned to do all of Mindy Mylrea's Extreme intervals, but got the notion to do HCE and only did 20mins of intervals circuits. I can say I do not like Imax3! I love Imax1 and Imax2, but something about Imax3 I don't like. No wonder I hardly ever did it! Well after 20mins of that I did 15mins of Mindy Mylrea's floor aerobics.

Now i am off to do KPC abs.

Hello ladies:)

My husband and I ran the course for my 10k today. It is so hilly. It is a lot harder running hills than flat, that is for sure. It was a great workout. I am so much slower outside than I am on the treadmill.

I did get PS Chest, Shoulders, and Triceps done this evening along with PowerMax I did earlier. No abs.... need to get those done tomorrow.

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