
I'm wondering if anyone has had this happen to them? My husband commented that I'm losing weight, however my scale says I'm the same weight and I'm pretty sure my measurements are the same. I could be a little off with the measurements, but has anyone else gotten that reaction?
Means you are gaining muscle and losing fat. Great!Good job, that is exactly what you want!!

Scales just show weight without distinguishing between fat, muscle, water retention, so it's possible that you have gained muscle and lost fat. Also, I think everybody looses weight in different ways. Maybe your face is getting a bit thinner first? Other people usually notice these things before we do because we look at ourselves every day and don't notice the change...though your dh would also be seeing you everyday, so I don't know why he would notice and you wouldn't. Do you have any photos from a month ago? Take some today and compare. It's a way of seeing yourself more objectively.
Yes, I've gotten in from my boyfriend hugging me - so its not just an optical illusion, but I actually feel different (i.e. more compact). It is hard to give up the scale though. Are your clothes fitting any differently?
I noticed that too. When I first started working out, I was a cardio junkie. I started lifting weights and me clothes were much looser, however the scale weight stayed the same.
Sorry I'm just now replying to all of you guys, thanks for your responses. I hope I'am gaining some muscle and losing some fat. I certainly workout hard enough. Good suggestion with taking photos.

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