CTX vs 4DS?

These are very different, and I would not consider either easy. CTX is made for 6 days of working out in a week, 4DS is for 4. Maybe consider that when purchasing.
Easier? We're talking about Cathe here....:)

I don't have 4DS, but want it of course. I have CTX though, and if I had to choose now between the 2, I'd go with 4DS.

I have both. I would pick 4DS over CTX only because it's more updated. The workouts are great.

CTX is great, too, but 4DS gets much more use by me.
IMO, 4 Day cardio is easier and I don't like it as much as the cardio in CTX. However, the weight work in 4 Day Split is better.

Get both!:D
I have both and like CTX better, even though it is outdated. I like the ab work, and the weight work, which is endurance based feels much more thorough since its only bodypart/day.

4DS does use heavier weights, but I just don't feel like I get enough of a workout when I do it since you are doing 2 bodyparts in the same amount of time CTX does one. That being said, in 4DS, the set, the music, Cathe and the crew all look dynamite, so its much more pleasant to watch since its newer and more polished.

Lynn M.
which one


I have both and my vote is for 4ds. There are more premixes and the weight work is exceptional. Cathe uses numerous weight lifting techniques to maximize the benefit in a short amount of time. At first I wasn't thrilled about the 4ds cardio, but I think that's because I was so familiar with the CTX cardio. Now I like it equally as well, if not better.


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