CTX series?


I am thinking about getting this, but only if it would be good during pregnancy. I don't need another workout just sitting ony shelf for 4 or 5 more months. Does (did) anyone use these during pregnancy? It seems like the shorter cardio would be perfect, but are the weight segments too heavy?

After the baby comes, I'm going to treat myself to the Rythmic Step/MIC/Imax and Power Hour/MIS/Body Max DVDs. I can't wait.
Hi there

It depends how much impact you want and how much you want to modify. I use the cardio portions of All Step, Step and Intervals, and Power Circuit (skipping PC's short hi/lo segment) during pregnancy because I find them easy to modify. I also use CTX upper body and Leaner Legs during pregnancy. I do not use Kick box or 10-10-10 during pregnancy, because they have way to much hi impact for me and I have difficulty modifying lots of hi impact.

The weight segments are more endurance oriented than strength.

It is a fun and versatile series.

Hope this helps:)

I absolutely love this series, but I must agree with the above poster - very high impact. I would think you would need to modify it for later in pregnancy.

Once I got to be 5 to 6 months pregnant I didn't do this series anymore. I personally just didn't feel comfortable with it since my back was bothering me, etc. and I didn't enjoy lifting heavy weights anymore. I mainly did high step circuit (which was what I was looking for with the light weights) and everything on the basic step/body fusion DVD. I know a lot of people pretty much continue on with the same workouts, but I just didn't feel comfortable with it and so I went with what my body was telling me.
I'm glad I asked. I definitely don't need something that's got a lot of high impact. I expect to have to modify most things, but do I really need another series that requires a LOT of modification? Nah, I oughta just be a good girl and wait it out. Besides, I preordered the new beginner series and that shouldn't be too much longer (then again, how do I know?). But everyone seems to love this series so it's definitely on the top of my post-baby wish list. Now if only Cathe would institute a bulk discount for DVDs like the one she has for VHS...sigh...
The ctx series is easily modified for pregnancy IMO. I used that series alot during my pregnancy. You can simply lighten your weights for the weight work and modify the cardio down to the level you are comfy with. The only cardio I didn't do b/c is was very hard to modify was Power Circuit. It's really not expensive when you think of all you are getting and how much you can do with it!

*You get 5 30 minute cardio work outs that are all different with abs and/or upper body work at the end of each one!

*1 endurance leg work out

*1 complete upper body endurance work out--->on the dvd they compile the upper body segs of each work out.

*A compilation of all the ab work in one place, again, if you get the dvd version.

It's an awesome investment. You just can't beat it for the price when you think about it!:)
I don't have the whole series but am wearing out the VHS's that I do have because I am using them so often. I used them last pg. and am continuing this time. (I may be springing for a DVD bundle soon...)

I guess if you don't like to modify, though, maybe it would be tough. I jump and kick as best I can - i slow down on the days I need to and hope to keep it up. My reasons for liking the series are that they aren't terribly long, the step work isn't too complicated for my pregnant brain, they cover everything without me having to think about it, and (at least the ones I have) the step and weight sections are nicely arranged so I don't get too tired and I can squeeze in a break when I need to. Then again, I've been using them so long I almost have them memorized ;-) so maybe that's affecting my comfort level. I do like the toning affect so far - I'm trying to maintain my arms and legs and am ignoring what's happening to everything in between ;)

Maybe we ought to suggest that Cathe do a preg. series - 'Belly Max' or PGX :D She could put 6 tapes together including workouts for those nausea days (Heave and Breathe)tired days (Power Napping) and even cover post-partum nursing (although perhaps Step Jump and Pump could be modified... :D you would have to 'pump' first, I guess )

I hope you find what you're looking for - it's hard to find something just right.

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