CTX Leaner Legs Question


Active Member
Hi all.
This morning I must have been into torture! I didn't do one of my CTX tapes this week so I decided to do two tapes this morning. I did the Circuit Max tape with Back first. I didn't do the leg weights part of it because I knew I would be doing legs second. The first tape went well even though it was my first time with it. Then, I did legs. I just have a question or two. Were you all able to do all the exercises the first time? I have almost all of Cathe's other tapes and I do them often. I haven't been keeping up with my strength work though. I was only able to do about half of the exercises. That tape is a killer! I also hate working my legs. I don't know why but I do. I love arms and back but I hate legs and abs. So, will it get better for me as I continue here or is that just a dream? My knees are hurting a little too. Perhaps I over-did it. Am I going to be in agony tomorrow?
Hi! Leaner Legs is a tough one, isn't it?! I just sold my CTX series so I can buy the DVD's, and I still haven't gotten around to buying them, so, it's been a while since I've done that tape. BUT, I do remember that it is a killer. I was able to do all the sets and reps, but I was DRIPPING with sweat and quivering afterwards the first few times with it.
The strange thing for some people is that they aren't really in a lot of pain after this tape, for some strange reason. As I got more used to the tape, and got stronger, it did become SLIGHTLY easier, and I didn't dread it as much ;-), but that's when I started feeling it more the next day. I think that I was able to really put more into each rep, and it got my hamstrings really well. Even though you're wiped out when you first start using it, it's maybe a combination of: 1. its a new workout, and 2. it gets your heart rate way up, which may be responsible for how hard it seems.
Hope your knees feel ok!
I had a really hard time with the static lunges and couldn't complete them the first time I did this tape. I used to hate to work my legs, but I am actually starting to like it. When I started doing this tape I was using 32 lbs. and I nearly died. I'm now at 40 lbs. and am going to try 43lbs. next week. I'm also using 12 lb. dumbells(for step ups, dips,...)I used to be able to use only 8's.
Being able to finish this tape gives me such a sense of accomplishment, and knowing that I am lifting heavier now than when I first started makes me feel so tuff:)
This workout will get easier. I don't know how much weight you use. That doesn't matter, just keep track of your weights,up the ante bit by bit and you'll see how fast you're legs adapt to the torture. Who knows, maybe you'll start to like working your legs!!!

I'm so glad you posted this question, I'm interested in everyone's responses. I don't like working my legs much either (and love to whine about it!) and haven't been able to get all the way through Leaner Legs, even with most of the exercises unweighted. Glad to hear it just takes time.

:) Gretchen
Leaner Legs the First Time

I thought I was going to die. I made the mistake of doing it with my regualr lower body barbell weight. Well duh...I was feeling it in a bad way the next day. I think that since the moves are so much faster than the PS Legs, you really have to watch your knee alignment. I really have to watch me foot placement during those one leg squats and lunges or I really feel a pull in my knee.

I think it also helps when I have a better warm up. The warmup seems so short. I like to do a short cardio tape then pop in LL. That way im good and warm and stretched. This really helps my performance. But I have to make sure that the cardio I did was low or lower impact or my knees will tell me to stop!

If you cant do all the reps, do as many as you can with the weight you have then go to lighter (if your using a barbell it may not be quick to change the weights, so you could just grab dumbells) or use no weights at all. And build up to all the reps.

And yes...Id does get better after a handful of workouts. I think since its a different format than Cathe's other lower body workouts it takes some getting used to.

Happy Squating!

RE: Leaner Legs the First Time

Well the results are in. Yesterday I was sore indeed. But, not nearly as sore as I expected. Sunday is my off day so I did no exercise yesterday. I just had breakfast today and I am off work for the holiday. Yippee! I am about to start doing the kickbox tape as soon as I digest a little more. I have another question for you ladies and dudes. What order do you do the CTX series in? I have been experimenting but I don't like doing the Circuit training too close to legs. I often find that I need to put more time between Chest and triceps but that isn't a big deal. I was also trying to put one day between the abs. What is your sequence for these tapes? I also did a silly thing. I got so confident before starting this rotation...I took my pictures in a bathing suit. I am supposed to measure and take more pictures in six weeks. But, I got sick for a week and couldn't work out. I've also not been doing well with my diet. I might have to extend to eight weeks and see how it goes. I don't want to totally bum myself. How long does it usually take to see results with this series? I live in Alabama so it will start getting warm very soon. I would like to start exercising outside when I can. Thanks for the posts!
RE: Leaner Legs the First Time

This post is in response to the order in which everyone does the CTX series. Let me just add that I also HATE working legs, but like taxes, it's a necessary evil. I'm doing a CTX rotation this month, working each upper body part twice a week. As much as I hate legs, I love abs that much more so I tend to do abs as frequently as I can. Here it is...

CTX Kickbox+Biceps+abs and CTX Chest only
Power Circuit
CTX 10.10.10+Triceps and CTX Shoulders+abs
CTX Step&Interval+Chest and CTX Biceps+abs
CTX Leaner Legs and abs
CTX All Step+Shoulders+abs and CTX Triceps only

Next month it's on to a PS rotation!

Good luck with your leg work,

I just got CTX and this week, did LL for the first time this Tuesday. God, what torture. I couldn't finish the static lunges or plie squats. My legs were quivering during the latter. Anyone notice how Rhonda started standing up early on the sit-and-stand squats? haha. Anyway, weirdly enough, I wasn't sore the next day. I don't enjoy LL yet--the pace is almost manic after doing PS-Legs for so long. In a few months, I'm sure I'll be glad I've been persistent about LL. I have visions (dreams?) of how buffed my legs will look in shorts!!!! I'm doing the tape this morning after Step Max, so wish me luck! suzanna
PS Legs or Leaner Legs?

I feel that I need to tone/shape my bottom area and inner/outer thighs. I have recently been noticing that these aren't as tight as they used to be. SO, can someone explain to me if I should be doing Leaner Legs (which seems more geared toward endurance from what I've read here), or should I buy PS Legs to really shape and tone this area?
Any feedback on this would be so greatly appreciated - I live in the South also and the warm weather will be here soon!! (We've already had several 70 degree days!) I want to walk outside with PRIDE!! Can anyone help with this dillema?

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