Creatine Supplement

I've tried it and to tell you the truth I gained weight. I was so hungry all the time. Not only in the loading phase, but on the maintenance phase as well. I'm not using creatine at the moment, but when I'm on a Slow and Heavy rotation or any other rotation where I lift heavier than usual I sometimes go back to a creatine cycle. Don't ask me why. Maybe because I think it'll be easier for me recovery wise. However, I think that men get better results with creatine than women, that's my opinion anyway.
Janice (naughtoj) was taking this a while back, maybe she could share her experience??? I'd be interested to know how long you took it and whether you REALLY saw major results Janice....and I promise not to talk about rodents, mammals, or any other species.

I tried it a few years ago -- a couple of 8 week cycles (8 on, 2 off, repeat). It is supposed to help increase lean muscle mass, improve performance in high-intensity exercise, increase energy levels, and speed up recovery rates. It is supposed to super-hydrate the muscle cells with water. Those are the claims.

I liked it because I could REALLY tell that my muscles were more pumped (in my upper body) and I DID feel stronger in all my lifts. I guess that is the feel of the "super-hydrated" muscle cells. But it made me look smooth due to holding onto all the water and I put on about 8 pounds (which, I know was mostly water). I just felt too "puffy"...if that makes any sense.

At that time in my life I wasn't very good at keeping track of information about my workouts so I can't say for sure if I gained any muscle mass at all. But if I was lifting heavier and recovering faster, it is reasonable to think that I was gaining some mass.

I may try it again in the future -- but not in the summer. I don't need any extra water hanging out in my body while trying to wear a swim suit ;-)

Good luck,
I don't even know what creatine is, but I remember these photos from a website:

You probably can delve into the site further to get her opinion on it. Or e-mail her. It's kind of an amusing site and I have to credit Susan C.M. of this forum for it.

I tried it for a week and had to stop because my resting heart rate was so fast it was hard to breathe. I didn't feel it right away, only around the end of the first week.

I did feel like I had more energy, I had more strength to lift, and my muscles were pretty pumped (but I knew that was just water).

But because my heart started feeling abnormally like the Energizer Bunny on a cocaine high, I knew I just had to stop. I threw out the rest of the package.

From what I've read, the results vary from person to person, so you may not have adverse reactions from creatine. There are those who are very happy with it, and those who think it's hype.

I have cycled on and off for years and can tell a big differnce when I'm not taking it I don't recover as fast without it.I don't know why it would make your heart rate go up it doesn't contain epedra it's "suppose" to be a natural chemical(function) that occurs and I guess you kind of help it out with the dose of creatine.I would have thrown it out too but I have only positive results with it.Any supplementaion is a personal decision and should be researched before putting anything into your body your not sure of.:) :) :)
My results were similar to Shonie's. I am a big advocate of creatine, but don't take it constantly. I was actually contemplating starting up again after the assault I have been taking from P90X.

The biggest thing I notice with Creatine is "the pump". Whether this pump is related to an actual gain in muscle mass or due mostly to water weight gain, I don't know. It did seem to help me lift heavier. Most everyone gains weight on it, so be prepared, but you should start feeling like The Hulk. It is really hard for me to judge my results accurately. I have alot of muscle mass on me even when I don't take creatine, so it is hard. When I take it though I feel as if my arm muscles in particular are going to just bust out of their cavities. You get rock hard when you work out.

I think if you are somebody who would really like to add some muscle and feel really buff for a while, try it. I had no adverse effects from it so I cannot comment on that. The best one I tried that really pumped me up was Cell Tech. I also purchased some pure creatine so that I only had to use one scoop of Cell Tech twice per day. (It had 150 cals per scoop). I would then add one small scoop of the pure stuff to the Cell Tech before working out or after, or both, or I would just take it later when I remembered. I am bad with any type of supplement. The hardest part for me is remembering to take it. will never try it? You'd love it. I knew you were concerned with the safety of it.


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