Cracked Heels


Does anyone have any suggestions for rough, cracked heels? I've tried pumicing, applying all kinds of "foot" creams, and wearing socks to bed. Unfortunately, nothing has worked. My heels are absolutely awful!! Does anyone have any secret remedies?

Thanks, Sarah
My Mom also has had cracked heels and tried all kinds of things to help. They were very painful at times. I started having the same problem about a year ago, and the only thing that has worked for both of us is a cream she found at a health food store called Vitalize. Here's a link.

This cream healed them completely, but she is still careful to make sure to put cream on every night. Now that they are healed she has been using a product from Bath and Body works which she says she also really likes and it's less expensive. (Heel of Approval cracked heel treatment)

Hope some of these work for you.
I've read that if we wear socks and shoes and avoid going barefoot (or avoid sandals for everyday wear) it will help. My heels are the worst at the end of the summer, so I think it's true.

I use that sloughing cream from Paula Begoun's site to take off the dead skin (grody!) and then I put on a heavy, heavy cream. If you do that every day (it takes a while to remove the dry stuff and let the skin underneath heal) then all you have to worry about is maintenance.
The only thing that I've ever found that works is Flexitol Heel Balm. It's for diabetics and works great! I get the worst cracked heels. So bad that sometimes it hurts to walk on them. With this stuff, I'd almost be tempted to wear sandals in the winter. My feet are OK in the spring - autumn, but usually around November they start getting bad.

You can get it at Target in the foot care section.

I've also heard that slathering Vaseline on your feet under your socks, then exercising so you build up that heat helps. I tried it a couple times and just found it to be horribly uncomfortable. And it didn't really seem to help.
It is possible that in fact the skin has a fungus or athletes foot which stops it responding from most creams. I read this somewhere. Try Lamisil cream (or similar product) and see if it helps.

What really produces smooth feet is sea water and walking on sand. Can you get to a beach this Summer?!!!

Have you tried Neutragena's foot cream? It's the best IMO.

Also sometimes I use an ointment--can't think of the name right now--put it on before I put socks on & wear to bed. Both are very effective.

But before you try them get a good pedicure. That will get rid of the dead, dry skin so you can start moisturizing the good skin.
Thanks ladies!! I'll try some of these tonight!

Maximus ~ I'd be too, too embarrassed to even THINK about a pedicure right now! NOT a pretty sight!

Clare ~ Yes, I'll be at a beach this summer, but there are many more sandal-wearing days before then, unfortunately. That's interesting about the athlete's feet possibility. I had never thought of that.

Thanks for all the ideas!

What cured all of my dry skin, including cracked heels, is taking fish oil every day. The difference in my skin is amazing - from chronically dry to normal now. I didn't even get cracked skin on my fingers during the winter, for the first time in decades.

I know you said you would be embarrassed to get a pedicure, but regular pedicures will really help and the technicians have seen everything. That is what they are there for!

Also, one of two Mary Kay products I use is called the Extra Emollient night cream. I also use a pumice every day in the shower, and I use one of those callous scraper thingys with the razor blade in it. This regimen has worked for me.

One other idea. Smooth on some of your grease of choice, vaseline, bag balm, Extra Emollient Night Cream, etc. Then use a rough "slougher" on top of that. The grease will really help the slougher work better. Finish off with a rinse and more cream, then wear socks. Hope this helps. This is a topic near and dear to my heart :)

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