Cracked calluses on toes


I've got calluses on the outside edge of both big toes. I didn't think this was a big deal, but that was naive. They cracked, and now I'm do you get these things to heal? Sure makes cardio workouts feel a bit awkward.

I get regular pedicures to keep the callouses at bay. Also, AVON has a product that's called "Cracked Heel Relief Cream" that is super thick and creamy and contains lidocaine for local pain relief.
Flexitol Heel Crack cream/balm will help them from getting out of control once you've taken care of your current pain.
I get cracked heels that really hurt, if I don't take care of them. I've not been too good at it the last few weeks and I've got a crack on my big toe now.

What works nice is getting one of those pumice stones. Go to town on your feet at least twice a week, before bed. Then put on some Body Shop Peppermint Foot Rescue Treatment and wear the cotton sock things to bed. Works great!

I have to be bare foot in Tae Kwon Do class, and my feet could get very embarrassing if I don't pay attention.
I second Donna's recommendation about the pumice stone. I keep one in my shower and a few days a week, I scrub the heck out of my soles. I also have a callus shaver that I use because I get stubborn calluses on my big toes too and when they resist the pumice stone, a few gentle shaves with the callus shaver, after a good soaking, does the trick. I also moisturize my feet nightly with shea butter or Burt's Bees Coconut Foot Cream.

"Do or do not. There is no try." -Yoda
"Where there's a will, there's a way."
My pumice stone turned black in the shower and I was too lazy to clean it so I threw it out. Instead, I keep a foot file on my nightstand and file down my toe callouses a few times each month. I put a heavy cream on my feet most nights, and often put on socks to keep the cream on while I sleep. I don't know what to recommend to heal the painful crack, but once it's heeled, you should start a simple foot maintenance program to control the callouses.
I use vasoline. I put it on my feet then put socks on and go to bed. My DH thinks vasoline heals everything. He's like the guy from that movie (can't think of the name), who thinks windex heals everything. I gotta say the vasoline works well for me!
I use a callous shaver on my leather like feet and toes!:) I also slather on vaseline or a very thick foot cream, before I put on my socks, then I go workout and afterwards my feet are super soft.
Regular pedicures help, for the cracks, use super glue or nail glue! Seriously, it works so well to help those cracks get a chance to heal. I have one on the ball of my foot every summer, and this works like a charm!
> My DH thinks vasoline heals everything. He's like the
>guy from that movie (can't think of the name), who thinks
>windex heals everything.<

My Big Fat Greek Wedding! He was hilarious! :D

"Do or do not. There is no try." -Yoda
"Where there's a will, there's a way."

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