Could kickboxing tear ligaments?


New Member
I love kickboxing and usually do it once a week. I'm 16 weeks pregnant and have heard that our ligaments stretch when we're pregnant to prepare our bodies for childbirth. I'm concerned that kickboxing might pull or tear a ligament. Should I be?
I already suffered a groin injury during kickboxing 10 months ago--probably from not warming up properly that day. Thanks.
Hi Kaylee! While there is always the risk of pulling or tearing a muscle while working out in general, it is even a greater risk when you're pregnant. I'm not implying that you should not workout while pregnant but rather that you should be extra cautious.

When you are pregnant, your body produces a hormone called Relaxin. This hormone softens your bones and ligaments to help prepare your body for childbirth. The two areas that seem to be especially affected by this softening process(and therefore more vunerable) are the hip and groin. Kickboxing is especially demanding on the ligaments that surround the hip and groin area(round house kicks and side kicks). Because of this, I think it would be wise to modify your kicks considerably(if not even eliminate them)and focus more on punches while you are pregnant. You may even want to consider finding a cardio substitute altogether. For me personally, kickboxing became extememly uncomfortable during my last trimester and thats when I stopped it entirely.

Good Luck and congratulations!
I was also curious. Thanks!

As I was doing Cardio Kicks the other day I though maybe I shouldn't kick too high. Glad I didn't! I'm at the end of my second trimester and don't feel anything uncomfortable from it. Hopefully you'll be able to do it for a while longer.


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