Competition Bound..Anja Langer


Active Member
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON May-09-01 AT 04:13PM (Est)[/font][p]

To any of you who are:
Competion Bound:
I dont know what you are aiming for in competing (because i dont know anything about competition) but i thought of you yesterday as i read this book....

Body Flex-Magic by German Ms. Olympia finalist Anja Langer.

I read tons of books at the bookstore and this one got me to pull out my wallet...

First like Anja as a person... serious body, hard worker and winner.

I love how she has designed her body, her muscle development is way more than i could go for but its incredibly graceful and beautiful...without enhancements... totally femme... totally sexy ....

I liked the size and content of the book (it's about 300 pages)I liked that she treats the reader seriously in case they are shooting for the top.
I liked that i saw techniques and topics in this book i have not noticed elsewhere..
(she talked about where the best place to get the weight on a muscle contraction... to get the weight at the top of a bicept contraction she tells you to bend , flat back, at the waist, let the arms hang straight down and then when you curl the weight all the way up on a bicept curl you will be putting the stress of the weight in the optimal place on the muscle..(i may not have told that well.. but thats the idea)

Another book...
Also have you seen "maximize your training " by matt brzycki??
I have to get that book also . Almost no photos, but lots of goood information on what works and doesnt and WHY with scientific backup.
Hey Cinza!! Thanks for the info!! I will definately check those out as competing is a goal of mine! I hope there are other like minds out there with me!
Also, I just read in M&F Hers that there is a new competition coming about. NO gymnastics required!! They've done away with the mandatory routines, so it's based entirely on your figure! They expect you to come in as good of shape if you were competing in a fitness contest though. Something to aspire to....
Anyway, thamks again on the info on the books!!

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON May-09-01 AT 07:24PM (Est)[/font][p]are you near a big enough bookstore to look at lots of books?
I love to sit at borders with some coffee and a pile of workout books.

There are quiet a few women champs who have put books out on shaping up...
but i think the Langer goes beyond all of them...she gives very detailed accounts of preparing for competition...
for example she tells how the pro make the muscle look harder by loading the muscles with carbohydrates several days before competing...
her schedule of calories is very interesting too....

Did i mention the book Sculping Her Body Perfect? thats and excellent book by Brad Schoenfeld, he also wrote Look Great Naked... a shorter version of Sculpting her body...
but its not as exciting as the langer book (in MY ever soooo Humble Opinion! )

If you go take a peek at the bookstore tell me which books you think are good too.
by the way if you see it at the store and like it
the Langer book is on right now for about $5.00... 2.99 shipping.
I paid $15...which is fine with me because i had to have it right away!! Bedtime reading !!
I don't have a Borders near me, but I've got a Barnes and Noble's and a B. Dalton's book store!! I'll check them out!! I have heard of Sculpting Her Body Perfect!! I think Oxygen Magazine rated it 4 stars!! I've never heard of Look Good Naked though:)! However, very fitting, because who doesn't;-)??
BTW, thanks for telling me about half price!! What a deal!! I may go ahead and order it without going to the bookstore first!! How can I pass it up?
Manipulating calories will be a toughie for me, as I love to eat!! Does she include any reciepes or protein powder reciepes in her book??
Thanks for the extra info!!

She does have section on nutrition with some recipes but i dont see protien powder on my light glance.
The interesting calorie stuff is a schedule of calories per day for a week...
day 1 1500
day 2 900
day 3 2100
day 4 1000
day 5 1200
day 6 2200
day 7 1600

The idea is to have some really low days without letting the metabolism get wind of the deficit!

i thought it was interesting and a good idea to go so low and so high... it wouldnt even be suffering!

i hope you like the book... see if you can find a photo of it on barnes and noble or amazon or borders.....

by the way is a great place to hunt for videos... too... i got a new tape for 10.00 from that borders is selling for 20. is a bit risky... the sellers are anyone who wants to sell... I have had good luck...mostly with but someone sent me the wrong tape...someone else sent a damaged book when they said it was perfect..... will deal with these problems but very slowly.
some of the prices are fantastic though.
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON May-10-01 AT 11:34AM (Est)[/font][p]I have to add a ps to my last note.

before you order the book...

you might find its not on your track...

its written for training in the gym using regular machines and stuff...

there is plenty of stuff to read and learn in general....and looking at her makes me inspired to do more than i have.

but its not a home workout... that is , unless you are very well equipted!!!
Hey Cinza! Maybe it's better to pay full price for it? Are they secured for the transactions?? I'll check out Amazon too. I like Amazon and so does my credit card:)! Is the book adaptable for someone at home?? I'm pretty well equipted. I've got barbells, dumbells, treadmill, total gym, epiliptical machine, bike, health rider, and a step. Having never seen the book before, do you think what I have is adaptable??
Thanks again for your help on this!

Hi, I don't mean to "butt in," but I bought this book about 5 years ago, after the birth of my daughter. Anja is great, and it is definitely worth buying. I live out in the country, about 30 minutes away from a gym, so my husband and I have our own, which is pretty well equipped. I could do all of the exercises in her book, with the exception of hack squats (I have a leg press machine, but it doesn't convert into a hack squat). Anyway, out of about 20 books on bodybuilding that I have, Anja's is definitely my favorite. She has also recently been featured in Muscle and Fitness magazine (I think--I have several subscriptions and can't remember exactly which one she was in last month). She's evidently making a come-back into the world of fitness. Good luck!
Sarah and Competition Bound:

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON May-10-01 AT 11:44AM (Est)[/font][p]

i think Sarah gave you a better answer than i could...
an experienced thumbs up recommendation..

Luckily the book is not expensive new. is fun...but risky.. i buy lots of videos for 4-5 on there...but i know i might bite the bullet now and then... guarantees your just takes forever to get paid back.

they have the book on can see the cover, its a few $ off... but of course shipping makes up for that!

It's good we are on to her before she makes a comeback!! a book like that is usually closer to 20.

I would like to know more about her.

Has she had any enhancement surgery done?
I was very impressed with her natural chest....even if it was nothing!!..she is so impressive just the way she is.
I am hoping she will stay that way as a positive role model for people like me who find losing body fat means losing breasts...

RE: Sarah and Competition Bound:

I'm not sure, but I haven't ever read anything like that about her. She has a very honest interview in that new magazine I was talking about. (I teach high school English and I'm here at school, so I can't check my copies to see exactly which one it is.) Anyway, I was just so impressed that she put her career on hold to be a mother first. That really made me admire her. Now, she says, her son is ten, and she's getting back into things, only with fitness instead of bodybuilding. Even looking at her pictures in those early bodybuilding years, though, I still think she looked great. I don't care a lot for the bodybuilder's look nowadays, but I have always had her as a role model for the past few years. I guess because I can kind of see similarities between us. I'm 5'10 and no matter how hard I would try, I'd be wasting my time to even think about being a little size 3-4 and 110 pounds. She's kind of the same way. I think she's 5'9 or so and I look at her and think, "now that is something that I could get close to accomplishing."
Lori: I just wanted to add that there is also a great article on her in Muscle & Fitness mag (May 2001). If that's what the 40's look like, I better get busy and keep it up!! : )

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