Colds, Flu and how many do you get?


Just many colds, flu do you get?

This year i've had three colds and the flu, which only lasted 2 days, but was still yuck.

This year i haven't felt great, so i was wondering, how many do you get?

I am currently in the middle of a cold, and I had another mild one a few weeks ago, but it's been going around in my family and we just can't seem to get rid of it. Before kids I never got colds, but they are germ magnets so it's to be expected. I on average get about 2 bad colds a year, Spring and Fall. I try to stay healthy by exercising, eating right and taking extra Vit C. I think the Vit C has helped me a lot.

Last year I got the flu for the first time in my life. It was awful! I was flat on my back for a week! Almost had to be hospitalized for dehydration. Many people mistake a cold for a flu. Believe me! The flu is much worse, and after having it I now understand why older people and younger children can die from it.
Seems like I can get a cold when the temp drops in the winter. Like a change of season cold. But as far as influenza...I had a nasty case about 2 years ago, the fever, chills, body aches. Never had anything like that where I could not even exercise through! I have also gotten a cold sometimes while marathon training...something about my immune sysytem being so low...:)...Carole
I rarely and I mean rarely get sick. I have only stayed home twice in the last 15 years from work due to the flu. Colds don't seem to get to me. I usually get more sinus/allergies problems than a cold. Am I jinxing myself by saying this???

My hubby usually gets bronchitis or pneumonia once a year. Not sure why, but around the holidays he seems to catch something. He also gets a couple colds a year also.

I get a cold about once every 2 years, and the flu once every 5 years. I too hope there is no jinxing involved in this statement.

I manage maybe one-two a year. I think it would be worse if I "Didn't" exercise! They last roughly two days if that!


Slow and steady ain't a bad thing!
Well with a small child in school and pre-school I manage to get 2-3 colds a winter and last winter was the first time in about 6 years that I got the flu. I don't want to go thru that again this year!! Susan
I would get a minor cold every 3-4 years, then I started Atkins. Started getting colds every 6-8 weeks. It's been much better since I started taking vitamin C & zinc supplements, haven't had one for about 6 months.
I barely get sick at all.
I probably get a cold, maybe once a year, but not necessarily.
I never had the flu before. :7
Last year I had the flu for @ 2days other than that if I am out it is bacause my boys are sick.

I don't take the flu shot but as of last year I have made sure my boys have it.

Huh, since my son started preschool I've gotten plenty sick lately it seems. I think that I'm finally getting over a bought with Brochitis that didn't go away for 3 weeks! I would still workout with it, but the cough was really annoying. A couple of weeks before that I had a head cold. I hope that this isn't a pattern, because it's not very fun. I take vitamins, eat well most of the time, you'd think that I'd be really healthy. But Since I had my son I get sick a lot more often than I used to. Probably about 3-4 times a year I will get a cold. Haven't had teh flu for many, many years, and hope to not get it again. Washing my hands LOTS will be my defense this year against that.

I've never had the flu. I get a cold once every three or four years. I'm lucky, I guess - I do all the things you're supposed to do to prevent colds (take vitamins, work out, eat well, wash my hands, get adequate sleep) but I'm not obsessive about any of it. My husband, on the other hand, gets a flat-on-his-back flu every year or so and has colds three to four times a year.:-(

I got the flu flying from Tokyo to the U.S., 14 years ago. I have never been so sick in my life. I was very healthy and fit at the time and it still knocked me flat on my back. It took at least 4 to 6 weeks to get back to normal. Since that time, I get a flu shot every year. I got my shot last week, as a matter of fact. I agree with previous posters, a lot of people say they have the flu when they actually have a cold. The flu is NASTY.
Oh, man! I catch everything that goes around. But then I teach elementary school, so a lot does go around me. It's been worse, though. When I was in college, I was sick all the time. I'm pretty sure it was because I didn't sleep.

I have never had the flu. I get colds but not even one every year, not even when my kids bring the bugs home. I've been pretty healthy the last few years and I think not always working out, eating better and sleping better has really helped.


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