
As a pharmacist, I've dispensed it many times with good results. ;)


Jadon born 11/23/05
Justin born 1/17/04
Jory born 4/9/94
Hi Calee,

I was on Clomid for the last 2 months before I conceived. I took it days 3-7, some people are told to take it 5-9 (it may depend on the length of your cycles, or what dose you are starting with). I was on the lowest dose for both months ... usually you gradually get bumped up depending upon the resulting follicles and their sizes. I was pretty lucky and didn't have many side effects - I did have some hot flashes and my sides were pretty sore for a week before I ovulated. The actual follicle rupture the 2nd month really knocked the wind out of me - it felt like a water balloon was slowly being filled up until -BAM! But overall, it really wasn't too bad ... check out the forums at and you'll find zillions of stories, both good and bad.

Both times I had an increased number of follies - the first month I had one on each side (one whopper and one tiny), the second I had more - one that measured at 27 and 5 others that ranged from 5-14. I was ovulating fine on my own before with good follies, but Dh and I were having a hard time succeeding after 2 early losses - hence the Clomid :)

Good luck - if you have any other questions feel free to ask!

Dear Calee

I took clomid every other month for 3 months. My doctor recommended that I take it every other month because he said the clomid can mess up an otherwise normal cycle.

I got pregnant during the third round. I took the lowest dosage (50 mg) but still had side effects during the first 2 months of taking it. During the first month, I had a terrible headache for several days. During the second month, I just felt very emotional and weepy. I didn't have any side effects during the third month and that was the month that I conceived:)

Good luck!
Hi Angie,
I'd not heard that clomid can alter a normal cycle, that's good to hear. I'm frusterated because I DON'T cycle normally and am considering trying it.
Did you ever feel just "not yourself" while taking it? I had a friend try it and hate it because she felt that way. I don't know how well I would handle that.
Hi Calee

I didn't experience "not feeling myself." Like I said I was just very, very emotional (sort of like a super PMS) for the days when I took the clomid during my second round with it. I've always had trouble with side effects from the birth control pill so this didn't surprise me. In fact, I was more surprised that I didn't feel any side effects during the third month of the Clomid.

I've heard that many women do not have any side effects at all.

Fortunately my symptons only occurred during the 5 days that I was taking Clomid so I could live with it. I have to say it was worth it! I am pregnant now and who knows if I would have been had I not been taking Clomid.

Let me know if you have any other questions.

Best of luck!
Thanks for sharing your experience, I'm like you and had a horrible time with BC pills. I haven't been back to the Dr. yet, but when I go and get everything squared away I'll post again.
Thanks for your time :)

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