

Active Member
Has anyone taken clomid? If so, how long did it take to get pregnant? Was there any side effects?

Thanks :)

In Christ,
Psalm 16:11
Yes, I have taken clomid. I took it for 2 cycles in spring 1999 and did not conceive... I did conceive in the fall of '99 though. I did 5 cyles of clomid (some of the cycles included HCG and follistim) in 2003, and I did not get pregnant. However, I did conceive the cycle following my last cycle of meds (so it was probably the clomid the previous cycle). When I took it in 1999, I experienced noticeable pelvis heaviness. I kept telling my DH that I didn't know how we were going to... you know... because my pelvis just ached. I also noticed limited cervical mucus. In 2003, I noticed irritability and limited mucus but the pelivc heaviness was not as severe. I was also having ultrasounds to monitor my ovaries, and they kept telling me my uterine lining "hates" clomid. I know women who have conceived in the first cycle and others that it takes a few cycles.

I'll keep you in my prayers!
I was on it last month, but am taking a month off due to a large cist(sp?) that is on one of my ovaries. They aren't sure if that is there due to the Clomid, or if it was there to begin with. So, now I'm going in the wrong direction to move forward, I'm on birth control for 1 month. Sigh. Oh well, maybe they found out what's wrong.
But, yes the clomid made my pelvis hurt, but only during the week of ovulating. Sex, not so comfortable, heck nothing was for me though at that point. I was also bloated. I've also heard of women getting PMS like symptoms in mood swings. That didn't happen to me.
Everyone is different as to how Clomid will affect you. It did help to give me hope during that month though. And that is a huge help.

<but only during the week of ovulating.>

Oh dear, I failed to mention how long I had the pelvic heaviness. It lasted maybe 3 or 4 days.
My doctor tells me I will need to take it bacause I do not ovulate. When I'm off the pill I bleed all the time! NO FUN!!! But the nurse told me I will have to be off the pill for a month before I can start taking the clomid. I'm not going to start it until May, I'm in a wedding so Im going to the tanning bed. I'm thinking the tanning bed would not be good from the baby. Anywhoo, I'm hopeing and praying that I will not bleed like crazy when I'm off the pill.

Thanks for sharing your input!

In Christ,

Psalm 16:11
I've never taken Clomid but I used to frequent the forums (Taking Charge of Your Fertility) and there were several women who were/are on Clomid so you may want to check it out.

Good luck,

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