

I have been trying to get pregnant for a few years and my Dr. gave me clomid. Anyone else use it and what were your results?
Hi Lizzy! Yes, I have used clomid... for 2 cycles in 1999 and for 6(?) cyles in 2003. In 1999, I was prescribed clomid by my OB/gyn... instructed to keep a record of my BBT (basal body temps) and use OPKs (ovulation predictor kits)... I ovulated both cycles but didn't conceive... so I stopped and was pregnant 6 months later.

In 2003, I was under the care of an infertility clinic... I took clomid, was instructed to use OPKs, had several vaginal u/sounds to monitor follicular development, and inseminations. Some months I ovulated on my own (with the assistance of clomid :) and some months I received a "boost"... an injection of HCG to stimulate ovulation. The vagianl u/sounds and inseminations were very useful because we learned that my uterine lining was thin (side effect of the clomid so I took flaxseed) and my cervical mucus was thick (another side effect). That may have been beneficial information in 1999 but it is just I even used Follistem a few cycles. Oh, I should also mention that after 3 cylces I had a hystersalpinogram (tubes were clear) and a diagnostic lap (found endometriosis). Anyway, my DH & I decided to take a break from treatment and I was pregnant the first drug free cycle... but that was probably a lingering Clomid ovulation.

One of my girlfriends took it back in 1999 and conceived on the first cylce... I am just a difficult case. My mother also used it... for 4 years and finally conceived me.

I can tell you that I experienced pelvic heaviness prior to ovulation and afterwards from fluid. I was also EXTREMELY PMSy some months.

If you have any other questions, I will be more than happy to answer. Also, feel free to email or pm me if you would like to discuss this privately.

I wish you the BEST of luck!!!! And I'll say a prayer too!
Thanks Autumn,
I also had an HSG and had the "boost" last week. I only had one cycle of clomid and still waiting to see if it works. last night I had really bad abdominal pain. I was almost in tears. I looked it up and I guess that is one of the side effects. Did you have that problem too?
Thanks again,

My apologies for not respoding sooner!! I missed the post, and I finally remembered just now that I had responded to your post and never checked back with you. I had severe pelvic pain for a couple of days before ovulation and 2-3 days after ovulation. I hope you contacted your health care provider to make sure everything is ok. Have you confirmed ovulation?

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