"Clean Eating" recipes


OK tried to really clean up our diets so I tried a couple of recipes from the "Clean Eating" magazines. I made the ziploc omelet. I followed the instructions but the bag ripped when I went to take it out of the pot. Then I made the risotto and chicken marsala recipes. After a half an hour the risotto was still crunchy and the marsala sauce didn't reduce at allx( Needless to say we had take-out that night. I don't know what I did wrong for any of these recipes, I'm usually a pretty decent cook. And it really made me mad that I had to throw everything out, what a waste of a lot of money:eek: Any tips on the ziploc omelet?

I just switched to Clean eating too. Today is 1 week and I am loving it. I just posted on the Ziploc omelet and the wonderful catheits informed me they are retracting this receipe because of the enviromental issues with plastic and food.

So fry it up in a pan. I can not help you with the Risotto receipe I did not try it yet.


"Double Knot your laces and let's move on"
-Cathe Friedrich


>... they are retracting this
>receipe because of the enviromental issues with plastic and

Actually, there are environmental reasons for avoiding it, but the recipe was being retracted more because of health risks associated with having hot food in contact with plastic, and the toxins that can leach into the food from it.

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