Clean Eating Challege!


[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Jul-18-01 AT 11:10AM (Est)[/font][p]I am going to have a clean eating challenge day:9, Thursday, July 19th, 2001.

The reason why... because for the last few weeks I have been telling or should I say lying to myself that I am going to eat clean and healthy. I haven't been able to make it thru one entire day of eating completely cleanx(. Therefore I decided I am going to have a challege. Although one day doesn't feel like a lot but just knowing that I made through one day will hopefully inspire me to keep going. I thought maybe you people would like to join me and that way I know that there is others trying to make it thru the same day. We could report back to see how we did. Okay, I wasn't sure how good of an idea it is, but I thought smokers have a national smoke out, why not have a clean eating challege.

You could choose what your criteria is... for example, I am going to drink all 8 8oz of water, eliminate sweets, and have 2 fruit & 3 vegetables:7. You don't have to do all that, maybe just one main thing that is hard to give up...(ie caffeine, sugar, pop, chocolate, or chips).

I thought it would be fun! If you think it's dorky, just let me know, you won't hurt my feelings.

Do you want to join the challenge!:-jumpy :-jumpy :-jumpy
it's gonna be tough

...but I'm gonna join you! BUT, don't call me a cheater if I have ONE cheat meal a that OK?!? ;-) I'm sure that I'd go crazy if I don't have M&Ms once a week! But it's a great idea! Where I work there is SO much JUNK and when it gets crazy and I'm stressed, grabbing just one or two chips on the way by is SO EASY and I never think about it! I'm trying to lose 10 pounds and I exercise regularly (OK, recently with vacation, hubby's grandpa's hospitalization and death, and life in general...maybe exercising 3-4 times per week instead of 4-6) Clean eating is the key, I'm sure of it, and knowing there are others working right along with me may give me a little boost. 21 days are needed to make new habits (less if it involves chocolate!!!) so WHY NOT!!!
thanks for the invite Nikki!
anyone else?
:-jumpy julie :-jumpy
RE: it's gonna be tough

I will definitely join in. I have been trying to get 10 to 15 pounds off all year but have not been successful. I CAN make it through one day, at least.

I think this is a good idea!!!! :)

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Jul-18-01 AT 07:00AM (Est)[/font][p]Let's post what you will try to change for tommorrow. I will start a post Tommorrow to see how we are doing. Stock up on the healthy stuff tonight!

Oh yay, I am up for suggestions. If you think it should be a week or another day just jump in and let me know.
Hi Nikki!! This is the first thread I've read today and I love it! I like the week idea best, but whatever youall think is fine with me:)! I'll just keep reading this thread to figure out if I need to buckle down for more than a day.
This will be a great challenge for me!! Is anybody else going to give up caffine on this? What will I do without my coffe and diet coke;-)? Sweets will be tough too. I'm off during the summer with a housefull of kids. Ok, ok, I've got 24 hrs. to get my mindset on clean eating. I love this!! Just the kick in the butt I need:)!
Thanks Nikki!

Great idea! Count me in! I actually turned over a new leaf on Monday after weeks (months???) of some good days but mostly "cheat" days!

I have already incorporated soy and flax into my diet - tomorrow I will eat more vegetables and drink one cup of green tea (blech!).

I'll be interested in seeing if there's interest in keeping this going beyond the one day.

Thanks for starting this!!!!
What a great idea! I have been struggling with 10-15 pounds that I have gained over the last year (lost 45 about 4 years ago after the birth of my third son) and I know that my eating habits have become terrible. My biggest problem is in the evening I "pick" -- a handful of this, a taste of that, and the next thing you know I've eaten my way through all the junk food I have in the house (tough not to have the junk food in the house when you have 3 sons!) So my challenge will be to stick to nutritional food for the day with NO unhealthy snacking. Hopefully since I know you guys are "watching", I'll succeed!
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Jul-18-01 AT 10:46AM (Est)[/font][p]I'm in.

Count me among those who have 10 pounds that REALLY love me and don't want to leave -- Weight Watchers, extra cardio, you name it, nothing affects these 10 guys for long -- lose 2, gain 2, lose 2, gain 2. This has got to be the cosmic curse of being past 40, I swear. It's time to try something new to shake this up!

Tomorrow I will: drink at least 88 oz. of water; eliminate bread; eat 2 fruits and 3 veggies; and eat more protein, including a little with each mini-meal.

Kathy S.
RE: Will not give up coffee

since I only drink 2 to 3 cups a day, all in the a.m. before 10:00 usually. However, I will give up chocolate and limit the night eating. Cheese has been way too friendly with me lately as well.

You know what's really helped me? Writing everything down, and planning what I'll eat for the day. I set myself a calorie limit (which is very satisfying, by the way...1700 calories) and there is no room for junk food. I've been doing this for 4 weeks now. But there's still the pig out Fridays I look forwrd to.....!!!!!

This is all very easy for me because I tote a lunch to work. I still manage to get in my evening goody of sugar-free, fat-free Jello pudding :9

It's really not that hard. I know, easy for me to say, right?
Hello, I just wanted to say that this is a great idea. Eating is the hardest thing for me, like most people. I was also wondering if when everyone writes in for this "challenge", if they could post what they ate for the day. I am so tired of looking through recipe books for new "healthy" ideas for small meals, as well as eating the same meals just about everyday. I try very hard to eat "clean" at least 5 days a week. Following will be a list of my "few" meals. Hopefully someone will post a good "new" idea for me.

1). 1/2 - 1/4 boneless, skinless boiled chicken breast with
1/2C light cottage cheese and 1 medium tomato seasoned with
garlic powder, salt and pepper.
2). 10" flour tortilla with 6 slices Healthy Choice smoked
Turkey breast ( I don't think the turkey breast is "clean"
at all, but it is low in calories, fat, etc.), mustard, 2
Tbs. Parmesan cheese, and green pepper slices with 1 serving
Campbell's soup.
3). 10" flour tortilla with sliced tomato & lettuce leaves, 1
Tbs. Parmesan cheese and 2 Tbs. Fat-free Ranch dressing
with 1 medium baked sweet potato (no butter or sugar).
4). 1 small can red kidney beans, 1C diatilini pasta seasoned
with 1/4C pasta sauce, 1 Tbs. Parmesan cheese, garlic
powder, salt and pepper (again, not very "clean").

Thanks!! And good luck to everyone!!
sign me up!

Guess I'm a dork too, Nikki! An 17 year old picture of DH & I on a backpacking trip has motivated me. I want those legs back!!! Not the arms - they were skinny & shapeless. My husband has posted another old picture of me cycling on the fridge as motivation (it's not as motivating as the backpacking pic but he didn't take that one).

I need to work on portion control to drop 5-8 pounds.

sign me up too !

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Jul-18-01 AT 03:38PM (Est)[/font][p] i will drink water and try to eat a real dinner .

i hate to cook so my dinner is likely to be a microwaved zucchini .. or a boiled beet....
And if i want to make a real treat of my dinner ...i put soy sauce and vinegar on it!!

i know, this is no way to live !!

Probably i should promise to make one of honeybunch's desserts and acutally eat some while all you guys try to cut out the sweets! }>

babysteps... water and maybe... some beans and rice ..
What a great idea! I am going to cut my glass of evening wine and the popcorn I often make to go with it.
Count me in, too...great idea Nikki. Thursday is my day off, which will actually make it harder, but I need to tame those days off!
I will not eat any icecream & will not put 1/2 & 1/2 in my coffee.
I will not eat chocolate of any kind.
I will eat 5 to 6 mini-meals, and drink all my water.
I usually drink the water anyway...I eat tons of veggies & a decent amount of fruit. So away we go!
Ruth :)
Hi Nikki!

I'll take the "challenge" too. I really have been trying to eat clean myself lately and with a houseful of kids it is just too easy to snack on the "junk". Much to my kids disapproval, I have eliminated the chips, cheetos, pretzels,etc from the pantry. They just love it when I get on these "health kicks". I simply love popcorn and pop my own. Is it really that bad for you? I sort of thought the fiber was a good benefit with it.

I will avoid the sweets,(the fruits are so good this time of year - who needs the refined sugar?) avoid the processed carbohydrates, and drink more water. Get my measly 4 glasses up to at least 6. Lemon and crushed ice are my incentives.

I'm all for extending the challenge. So I will just check the post later to see what is happening.

Good luck everyone :)

Lynn W
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Jul-19-01 AT 05:32AM (Est)[/font][p]Bravo to you for having the guts to be the queen of your kitchen and banishing the bad stuff! Too many of us have the kids and the hubby rule the cupboards and their contents! I DO know that can't be helped sometimes, so please, nobody take offense.

When I REALLY had no self control, that is when I couldn't pass up any candy that was around the house, I would have my husband (#2) hide my candy and dole it out to me when I asked for it. If you remember, I tried it with the peeps, and I always found the hiding place. If it were peep season now, I would not do that since I've started writing everything down that I eat.

I'm going to try something a little different for pig out day this week....I'm going to make a real effort to pig out on much less offensive foods, that is Sweet Escapes candy, and Little Debbies that are the lowest in fat and calories. Also, less fat in the ice cream.

I know if we all ate cleaner, we would get better results with our exercise, and probably wouldn't have to exercise as hard...especially us cardio queens!!!

On to better and cleaner eating!!!:7

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