Chinup Checkin July 8


Morning ladies. I thought I'd start a new thread so those of you getting back from vacations etc could get on it!!! I'll be doing chest and back tomorrow. I am supposed to make up YogaX today but,.... we'll see. I've had a headache the mild nagging kind for the past two days. Yuk!! I think it's allergies.

Hi Catherine and all who check-in.

I'm back and all out of sorts. I'll be doing either BC or a full body workout today with some chin negatives. I hope to get my rotation back on track starting Monday.

Hope everyone's having some fun out there.:)
Did not do any yesterday for the July 8th check-in, but I'm doing some today, AND started my first set of chins with a for-real full-blown pull-up! Very exciting for me!

"You can't win them all - but you can try." - Babe Zaharias[/img]

Great job on the pullup!!

Today was Chest & Back for me. So keep in mind my sets have low numbers cause I am doing pushups in between chinups. Did 2 sets of 3, 2 sets of 2 and 3 sets of 1. Will try to do more today later and some pullups if I can.

The biggie for me today was 210 pushups all total!!! That's a PR!!! Now I am afraid I've set the bar too high for next timex( I guess we'll see.

I expect to see some more reporting around here!!! What do yall think this is rest week or something!! LOL, JK. Well,.... maybe a little serious :+ I am starting to feel like I am reporting to myself. At least HB is still checkin in!!

ETA: Miss Melody, did you do your negatives yesterday? I need a report!!

OK, I am back. I did 5 one rep pullups this evening. Along with my AB Ripper X. For some reason when I type that or say it, it echos in my head Abbbbbbb Ripppppppper Xxxxxxxx. Still thinks of Briee when doing Ab work.

So, any body out there??? Come on, surely someone besides me and HB are working hard. I vote no more vacations. I get too lonely!!! :+ :+ :+

Honeybunch and Catherine, I am very pleased to hear that you two are carrying the torch. I have failed miserably this weekend, nothing to report. I have managed to workout, but *hangs head in shame* no chin negatives.

I'll kick butt back into high gear tomorrow as I don't think I have to go out of town again until Friday...please, I hope not.

Good night to all.

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