Chinup check in July 14


Hey all, back on track today. Did P90X L&B today. Did 4 sets of 4 chins (previous maxed out at 3 sets of 4,then could only do sets of 3)and 4 sets of 3. That's an improvement!! I feel that 5th rep coming. I haven't tried for it yet cause that 4rth rep is so hard my whole body is shaking, but it is getting easier to get to 4. So it makes sense that 5 is coming, right??

How's everyone else doing???

It's gonna be HOT this weekend!! I'm not planning much outdoors. I just don't tolerate the heat anymore. We are planning to see Pirates of the Carribean tomorrow.

have a great weekend

Great job on those chins!!!!

I worked on them this A.M. and even though I feel some progress I still feel such a long way off from doing one complete chin from a dead hang. But, I will keep on trying.

Have fun at the movies.

Joanne, thanks for the compliment. It sounds like you are doing well. If you are feeling stronger that is a good sign. So good for you!!!!

This evening I did some pullups 5 sets of 1 rep. Usually I can get out 1 set with 2 reps but couldn't today. Maybe fatigue from hard work earlier. Oh and I still have the dreaded Ab Ripper X to do- YUK!!

Joanne, "hang" in there, you'll make it. Me, I'm not so sure but at least I'm making tiny upward movements.

Catherine ^5 on your hard work. I feeeeeeeel #5 coming fast for you.

Today I'm doing KPC with my new 1# weighted gloves, we'll see how that goes. Then I'm working on push-ups and chin negatives.

I hope everyone has better weather than I'm having here in the GA mountains. Everytime I plan for a family hike, it seems the thunderstorms/floods roll in.
Hey Melody!!! I did KPC today too!! Was supposed to do KenpoX but just wanted something more intense. To make up for my poor eating choices today x( Let us know how those gloves do ya!!

When you are ready Mel you should start a P90X rotation. I soooooooo think, no I know that'll get you doing chins!! I never thought I'd be able to do one. But I set my goal changed my thinking to I can't do one to I WILL started P90X and within 3 months (before the 90 days was up) I was able to do 1!!! I do think you have to have your heart and soul in it though. It's a fun rotation, but it's tough. Of course I know you KNOW tough, cause you know Cathe LOL!!

Hope your weather is better soon.

Hey where is everyone else??? Come on gang!! I miss ya'll :p


Thanks for your encouragement. I am trying to get in the frame of mind for a P90X rotation, but guess I just don't want to "miss" Cathe.:) What do you think about subbing Cathe cardio and leg work -- I just don't particularly care for Tony's cardio and the leg w/o. I've done the Ab Ripper X and Core Syn a few and love those. I guess I'll have to bite the bullet and just do it for my next rotation, huh?

BTW, I loved doing KPC with the 1# gloves. It did add to the intensity but not to the point of wiping me out. I actually felt more controlled and in better form with my punches. Maybe because I was aware of the need to be in better form due to adding weight.

Oh, I did work on push up and push up negatives and chin negatives after KPC. I did the usuual 4 sets of slow chin negatives 10 ct down and was again able to pull up about 2 inches from dead hang. I alternated sets of push ups and chin negatives today and no weights.

That's my report...signing off.:7
I know what you mean about missing Cathe. I think it's fine to sub Cathe cardio and leg work. Although, I do have to say that PlyoX is one intense workout and you should at least try it. Also on my last rotation I only did the rotation as is and I really grew to like the Legs and Back routine. I think at some point try them all. It's fairly easy to adjust the rotation to fit your needs. But done as is it provides awesome results!!!

WTG on those negatives and the 2 inches from a dead hang!!

Hey ladies. Today was P90X chest and back. I am starting week 3 of my rotation and it is flying by!!! Recovery week is next week yippee. Oh there's a stressful thought- no chinups or pullups for a week :eek: :eek: :eek:. I am really looking forward to CS though- I love that workout!! I do have to confess- I have not done Yoga X yet :( this rotation. I know I need yoga, I just haven't been able to make myself do it.

So for chinups (in between sets of pullups) I did 2 sets of 3, 2 sets of 2 and 2 sets of 1. I have to remember they are harder when you are doing in between pushups!! Otherwise I'd be bummed about the #s. I did 205 pushups. Not as good as the 212 last week, but darn close enough!!

Anyone else working on these today????

When are Briee and Soooooooooooosan coming back????
And has Kathryn and Janie left us??????? I bet Kathryn's been out there secretly doing them and has passed me up by now!!

Hi Catherine,

Just us again, huh?

Today was my rest day, didn't even do yoga. Did go river rafting with DH and the DSs and had a blast. I love living in the mountains close to the river with my own raft, canoe, etc.

I guess pushing off some of those rocks today could count for upper body and core workout. As I, several times, (hey, why was DH still in the raft?) got out and pulled or pushed the raft off of rocks (the river is really low), DH said "I'm sure glad you workout." *eye roll here*

212 pushups! I'm still trying to get to 12 straight leg on toes pushups.

Looking for everyone else, hey! where are you? Aren't you home yet? How much vacation can one stand?

Hey everyone, I'm back! Maine was awesome as usual. It's always hard to come back to the Virginia heat. I've read the previous check-ins and glad to see the die-hards are still at it.

Catherine, I know you can almost taste that fifth chin-up. And you could only do two when we first started this check-in! (I wish I could "only" do two.)

Melody, WTG on the two inches! That definitely shows you're getting stronger. The rafting trip sounds like a blast. How hot is it by you?

Joanne, your perseverence (sp?) will get you there! Glad to see another ecto's keeping at it, even though we're a long way from a full chin-up.

No chin-ups in Maine, but I did either yoga or Pilates every day. I also walked up and down hills quite a bit and played tennis. I tried a chin-up when I got home last night and didn't get to my usual half-way point. I still can't see how I'll ever get to one, but I'll keep trying! We went for a short boat ride when we got back and I did 16 push-ups on the grass when we got off the boat. For some reason, they were the easiest push-ups I've ever cranked out. Go figure.

I'm going to do my usual getting-back-into-weight-work Push-Pull today. What's eveyone else up to?
Soooooooooooosan!!!! Glad you had a good vacation. You'll be back on track with those chinups before you know it. I thought of you while reading an article on chinups. They actually recommend doing those partial reps that you do sometimes(I think it was you). Where you start with a bend in the arm pull up and lower down. They recommend going lower (straighter arm) with each week to progress to a full dead hang chinup. So who knows, maybe worth a try.

Just saying WELCOME BACK SOOOOOOOOOOOOOSAN!!!!! I missed you.:)

I'll being working BSB later and, of course, my negatives.

Good day to all, got to run, much to do.
Soooosan-Glad you had a nice vacation. When I read your posts you sound just like me with the chins.

Melody-It sounds like you live in a really beautiful area.

Catherine-I'm glad to hear those partial reps are recommended as that is what I have been doing too. Wow-you sure do a lot of push ups. That is super!!!! I can do 40 without stopping and I am really pooped by then. I still remember when I could only do 1 or 2 and that is what also keeps me working on these darn chins.

I'm not sure if I will get a work out in today. My arms are sore from ME upper and some chins yesterday. Hopefully, I will be able to get on my bike this evening.

Thanks for the hearty welcome, guys! I missed you too! I'm not up for chins today, but will attempt some on Wed followed by negatives. I did Push-Pull earlier followed by 15 min of yoga stretches. Catherine, you've made me want to do a P90X rotation, but I just can't commit to a 90-day rotation until the fall. I really think it will help me get closer to my chin-up goal. Until then, I'm just going to make sure to hit each body part twice a week in some matter, continue with intense cardio 2-3 times a week and supplement with chins and yoga.
Ms Space Cadet reporting scattered I must be. Today was not BSB but CT, so no chin negatives for me...pushups, yes.

I can't even think of anything to say, so I'll say good night. Good night.:)

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