chinup check-in 07/11

Uh, not a slacker here :+ :+ Thought I'd say hello to the rest of the slackers LOL.

OK, I know Briee and Soooooooooooosan are out of town. But where are Joanne, Janie and Kathryn???? Have they desserted us??? Don't they know they can't. We're chinsters for life!!!

Hope everyone is well and enjoying their summer.

I have chinups sched on Thurs

Hi Catherine-the-dedicated,

I have chin negatives on schedule for tomorrow and Saturday. Didn't want you to think I was a deserter.
Hey Everyone,

Today is upper body so I will be working on them this afternoon. Also, I'm trying to jump on my bar everytime I walk by it and do negs or something (I have to pass it to go to the laundry room). Not sure if this is a good idea or not but we shall see. I keep thinking "practice makes perfect" :)


When doing abs tonight I grabbed the pullup bar to hang and do the knee pull-up things, well, I decided to grab as doing a chin and try to pull myself up from a dead hang...I actually MOVED in an upward direction. I think I pulled myself up about 2 inches. Hey, this is exciting, amazing and motivating for me. Will be doing them there negatives tomorrow for sure.:)

Ok, I'll calm down now. Have a good night chinnies.
Thanks for the encouragement, Catherine.

My workout will be later, probably tonight, but I'll do my negatives. I have been attempting to pull up from a dead hang before doing negatives, but until yesterday there was practically no movement.

Good day to all.:)
OK, call me the slacker today. Bad afternoon at work and I was just too emotionally and physically exhausted to workout this evening. Will make it up tomorrow.

Oh and eeeeewww, my navel piercing is infected. Have had the darn thing for 5 years and it never got infected. I left it out for 2 days and had to force it back in. Now it's red, sore and has pus-eeeeewwww!!! Heck it was out for 2 weeks in December after my surgery and I had no problems. OK I guess that's too much info. Sorry.

Yuck on that infection Catherine, hope it clears soon. And I completely allow you the slacker status this once.

BTW yesterday I pulled myself up a couple of inches again from a dead hang. I then did my chin negatives 3 sets of slow 10 ct down with 5 ct hold at top and 3 ct hold half way down. I then did a wide grip negative slow 8 ct down.

Felt good.:)
November...that gives me time to get to looking good.;-)

Off to bed so I can get up and workout, etc earlier tomorrow. FIL called about 9:30pm to say he's coming up tomorrow. Good night, Catherine and pleasant dreams.

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