Chin-Up Check-In Wed 5.24


Hi everyone! I don't have time to respond to your posts from Monday's thread except to say welcome back to Janie, to tell Melody I'm glad things sound better, to wish Briee luck with her big change in living arrangements and to tell Catherine I knew she'd come back around.

I wasn't able to work out yesterday or the day before and may not be able to do much besides some chins today. This happened before last year's Ball, so I predicted it and am fine with it. I know I'll get back on track. If I could just squeeze in one more circuit (two more would be better!)this week, I would be grateful - if not, that's fine too.
Morning Sooooooooooooosan. I hope your schedule lets up soon as I know how frustrating missing chinups must be.;-)

I have PLB for today, and my "attempts" are on schedule again for Friday. We're going into Atlanta late this afternoon for an appointment - haven't been to Dick's in awhile and just might have to stop by there.

Cheerful chinning to you all.:7
I was starting to think I'd never see over the bar again, after my first chin last week, but today, I did another one!

I was a bit frustrated yesterday, with my tries before P90X Chest and Back, just getting a "nose-up and a half" and a "forhead up." I even only did 1/2 of Chest/Back as well, because I felt like I should have done a cardio day or an extra day of rest (I would do that last time I did a P90X rotation).

BUT today, I tried again, and I got a chin-up (over the bar, eyes facing straight forward, which are the only ones I count as "full") and, after a rest, a "mouth-up" (that's higher than a 'nose-up" but not quite a 'chin-up';-) ).

So what did I do differently, or what was the same both times I got my 'full' chin? As with last week, I had an acupuncture appointment today. There MUST be some extra chi involved in getting that last 3 inches or so!

I also was shoeless, but I've done shoeless attempts before,with varying results.
I am going for some acupunture :p :p Good job Kathryn. As you can tell from my reports it seems to be touch and go for a while. I guess as with other things, we have good days and bad. I think there are so many variables that affect us and how we perform. I wonder what phase the moon is in???

I did Core Synergistics today. I love that workout!! It kind of hits it all. Hey Briee does this count as ab work?? Actually I did half of Ab RipperX yesterday. Figure half is better than none and I thought of you too. Isn't that sweet, we think of each other during ab work :+

Miss Soooooooooooosan, life can be so busy- be sure to take time to enjoy yourself during those busy times!!

Melody, Can I go to Dicks, can I huh, can I please,....

Back to say hi and report: no workout other than assisted chins at the Y after a meeting. Used 30 lbs and did 6, 3 and 2 8/10's reps each set. (I guess that last set was a nose-up.:)) Not as good as Monday, but almost.

Melody, I hope you get a chance to go to Dick's again. If so, I want a full report!

Kathryn, woo hoo!!! I knew you'd do another one. I don't know much about acupuncture or what it might have to do with chin-ups, but you never know. Would be interesting if this phenomenon kept repeating itself.

Catherine, Core Synergistics definitely counts as ab work, as does Ab Ripper X. My guess is you're already pretty strong in that area, judging from your push-up/pull-up counts!

I think tomorrow might lighten up so I'm going to do BC or a Terminator. Yay! I'll get a second circuit in! are doing REALLY well with the assisted machine. #30 pounds is NOT that much of a help when you think of total weight. Keep at these!! I missed workouts yesterday and today as well. Life just happens, and I'm determined not to get bummed out either!! Actually this encourages me to know that others go through this as well. Maybe I'll do a circuit with you tomorrow:7 :7 :7

HI to everyone else up there!! Kathryn - keep it up, some days are just better than others. Happens to me all the time.

Briee (I do chins with my shoes on, but used to have a hang up with having my lifting gloves on -weird eh?)
Briee, I really appreciate your continual encouragement! It means a lot!:)

Question for you and anyone else: Would it be better for me to increase the assistance to, say, 35 lbs so that I can do at least 8 reps the first set? I know, for example, that I wouldn't do fewer than 8 reps of bicep curls per set if I were trying to increase bicep strength. Is this different if my (current) goal is to do only one chin-up?

You realize that at the pace you're setting, I won't be able to speak to you soon.:p

I cannot believe I forgot to tell everyone - my DH ordered P90X Tuesday - mulit-grip position chin up bar and all!! Watch out world...I could being doing "A" chin-up in one year instead of two.:7

Today is cardio, core and yoga for me, tomorrow is upper body and my negatives. I'm also working really hard on push-ups, jeez, it's always something.

Take care everyone. And thanks for all your daily encouragement.
Another one

I did another one later yesterday! (The 'chi' must hang around for a while!) That's two in one day! (though NOT in a row! LOL! I think it will be a while before I go there!)

I'm almost tempted to try again today, but my rational mind tells me that *I* do best with more rest, and my cantankerous shoulder would definitely give me what-for if I tried again!

Maybe I should set up another acupuncture appointment for tomorrow?;-)
>Question for you and anyone else: Would it be better for me
>to increase the assistance to, say, 35 lbs so that I can do at
>least 8 reps the first set?

I wouldn't increase the assistance, that seems to be going in the wrong direction (but hey, I'm happy to be able to do ONE rep!).

You might try doing some negatives, though, to work the weak spots (which, from my limited experience, seem to be near the top of the move, or from 1/2 up to the top).

How about for this next week, keep the assistance the same, and do one set of 5 negatives at the end (with as much rest as necessary between reps). See how that works.
Melody, I am lol to your remark about doing one in a year instead of two. So are you and DH gonna do a rotation together? Your gonna love P90X. It took me some time to get used to Tony, but now I love him.

Soooooooooooosan, good job!! I agree with Kathryn- I would add negatives in and not increase your assistance. I really think doing the negatives really help increase strength.

Have a good day all!!

Oh anyone doing HB's pushup challenge?

>Oh anyone doing HB's pushup challenge?

I'm thinking about it, but I'd have to do 49, and I don't know if it means 49 in a row with no pauses in one set and on the toes, or what. (And since I don't like imbalances between chest and back, would that mean that I have to aim to do the same amount in chin-ups!!:eek: :eek: )
>>Oh anyone doing HB's pushup challenge?
>I'm thinking about it, but I'd have to do 49, and I don't know
>if it means 49 in a row with no pauses in one set and on the
>toes, or what. (And since I don't like imbalances between
>chest and back, would that mean that I have to aim to do the
>same amount in chin-ups!!:eek: :eek: )

Gee, Kathryn, I'm with you -- one thing leads to another then another and then another and...STOP THE MADNESS!

OK, I feel better now. You may carry on.:7
So how many pushups do I have to do???? I'm 41 and I always start my chest and back workout with 40 (first set) and I can pushout one more. Am I done????? Say I'm done Melody!! Cause I can't see a purpose in doing 82 at least not right now.

How about 41 chins (major hysterical smiley guy on the floor LOL). Did HB say once that she did 100. The problem I see with pushups is form. In our TaeKwonDo class we open with 40-50, but they do them so dang fast that I get mad and accuse instructor of bad form - which gets me about 40-50 more (my mouth gets me into more trouble).

Oops, big thunderstorm and my computer is going to get zapped if I don't get off quick. Will check in later.

Briee -

I refuse to discuss numbers regarading my pushups at this time. I'm taking the position that this is a chinup checkin.

Thunderstorm done.

Well stated Melody!! This IS a chin checkin and for the record...I've had NO donuts today. But I'm working on an angel food cake. No frosting...just plain cake. Health food at it's best. Now frosting...that would push it over the edge right into garbage food. chins yet either.

I need a workout BAD.

Briee (I need angel food cake could thread an entire angel food cake over the pullup bar - yep...I may be the first)
Whoa Whoa Whoa Soosan. I just went up and reread your thread. VERY IMPORTANT...>"I wouldn't do any less than 8 reps for bicep curls if I was trying to increase strength".

Yes you would. When I increase strength, I intentionally do high weight few reps. ie...when I went from 20# DB's to 25# for bicep curls I did a set of 2 reps at 25# and to begin with...I had crappy form. Then form eventually became better and my strength also increased and finally I could do a set of 8 with good form (except the last 2 reps which were pretty stressed). I'd stick with your 30# assists and if you can, do a few with even less resistance. Or even better...DO YOUR NEGATIVES (Oh....only if they don't cause a problem) If they are still a problem then decrease your assist poundage ....say....try one pullup with only #15-20 pounds. This is how you will increase in strength. High weight...less reps is a GREAT way to increase. Your doing GREAT!!

I just wanted to add in that I ate at Ruth's Chris Steak House tonight. Had the filet and lobster along with chocolate sin cake(really just a few bites) for dessert. Oh and I did not workout today:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:.

"Your age in push-ups challenge": That means "in a row with no pauses in one set and on the toes." You do NOT have to aim to do the same number of chin-ups to correct an "inbalance."

"It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt." Mark Twain ;-)
Hi Honeybunch,

Good Thursday morning.

Thanks for your complete clarification regarding the "your age in push-ups challenge".

Hi Catherine,

Good Thursday morning.

Thanks for your complete clarification on dinner, dessert and the NO WORKOUT.:7

Good Thursday morning (in the Wednesday checkin) to all who enter this *lack of descriptive word* chinup checkin.

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