Chin-up check-in Aug 24


Great day for me - I took the opportunity to rechannel some frustrations on the pull-up bar this morning, and did 2 sets of 4 PULL-UPS, and one set of 3's, and some chins! Way cool!

"You can't win them all - but you can try." - Babe Zaharias[/img]
Woo hoo, HB! Hope things are otherwise looking up (although I really shouldn't be speaking to you}().
Holy moly! Rock on bunch o' honey ;) I did 2 chin ups and well, dang, a pull up. I didn't even know I could do one of those. Way harder to me. OMG. I love feeling strong!

“In the beginning there was nothing. God said, 'Let there be light!' And there was light. There was still nothing, but you could see it a whole lot better.” --Ellen Degeneres
Yes, doing much better, thank you!

"You can't win them all - but you can try." - Babe Zaharias[/img]
LOL Soooooosan! Mwah ;)

“In the beginning there was nothing. God said, 'Let there be light!' And there was light. There was still nothing, but you could see it a whole lot better.” --Ellen Degeneres
Hey ladies!! Soooooooooooosan, glad your knee is better. Boybert keep up the good work!!

For me this week has become more of a rest week instead of recovery week. I have only managed 2 workouts. I will do KPC tomorrow and start week 9 of P90X on Sunday. Which means Chest and Back-my favorite!! Well sort of LOL }( }( I am losing ground on my chinups and pullups because of inconsitency x( Remember about a month ago I did 4 & 3/4s reps and now I am lucky to eeek out three. I can barely do a pullups now. I have to tell myself that I will get back quickly once I get back into a set routine doing these twice a week. I have to keep my "chin up" Hee Hee!!

Melody, how'd your appointment go on Wed? Is your neck all better?

HB, how is life? Hope you are surviving. Something tells me you're doing ok- YOU ARE A SURVIVOR!!

Miss Briee,..... I am gonna come to your house and find you!!! Hope you are well!!

Oh, my bisquit is still recovering from a large corneal abrasion. Needless to say I am changing groomers. They take no responsibilty for what happened to her. Not only do I have a sick doggie, I am out almost $500 in Vet bills!!!! Of course, the money isn't the big issue. But she was fine when I left her and not ok when I picked her up. They should except responsibilty for what happened when she was in their care!!!!

Hi Catherine and all

Well, Catherine, since you asked...I wouldn't even know I have a neck if the strep throat didn't hurt so badly. My household came home from the beach with sinus infections, ear infections, asthma problems, strep, and Wil's surgery is Wednedsday. I can't remember my last workout, can't plan my next workout and don't know why all this gunk keeps hitting us this summer. We really are always NOT sickly.

Thanks for thinking of me.

Hope your dear Bisquit improves quickly.

Hope all chinning continues to go well.

Is Briee ok?

And Deb, welcome to the chinning world. I can't do any yet, just so you know.:p
Ahhhhhh Mel you poor thing!! ((((((((((((((((((HUGS)))))))))))))))))) You have had a tough time of it haven't you? I hope you all are well soon. And I certainly hope Wil's surgery goes well next week. Sending you lots of positive vibes to get well soon!!

Oh and no one's heard from Briee in about a week :-( I hope she is ok.

Speaking of, I did a "Briee" tonight. Well sort of. For me I did a late workout. I just finished HSTA. I was feeling like a slug and for some reason was inspired to do a circuit video. It felt good to not have to lift heavy!! Maybe that's part of my problem. I need a rotation that works in lighter days here and there. I just hope I can sleep tonight.

Melody, I'm so sorry your family is going through this. It's bad enough when the kids are sick, but when you're sick on top of it, you can't even rest cause you're so busy taking care of everyone else. I hope things start improving soon and wish Will all the best with his surgery.

Catherine, how aggravating! #&$@#%* groomer! Hope Biscuit's on the mend. You'll be back at close to 5 chins in no time.

It's been a busy week for me. I was gone most of the day yesterday, so decided to take a "Body Design" class at the Y. I never take classes there even though I have a free membership. It was okay, but not nearly as challenging as a Cathe workout. It was nice to have a different setting than my family room, but the workouts there just aren't worth my time. We have company coming today, so I doubt I'll have a chance to do anything. I'll probably do a long power yoga session and some chins tomorrow. I'm trying to do them 3X/wk.

Enjoy your Saturday!:)
Melody-hope you and your family are feeling better today.

I'm going to work on my chins today. My knee is sore so I will probably do PUB today also.

Have a great Saturday.


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