Childbirth Education Classes


Since I am almost 30 weeks now, I probably should have asked this several weeks ago, but I can't decide if I should take the chilbirth education classes offered at the hospital? This is my first child, and I am wondering how helpful the rest of you found these classes to be.

Thanks for the input!

Hi Tina,
Your getting close!
For my first pregnancy I took Lamaze classes. I can't say I really stuck to the breathing. When I started to hypervenalate I
also made the decision for pain relief. However, I was very glad I took the class as was my husband for the sheer fact of getting to know what to expect during the last part of pregnancy and the labor. I think my husband really learned alot from the class since he did not hardly read anything during the pregnancy.
There are other methods aside from Lamaze such as Bradley. I have a girlfriend who took Bradley and I was kind of wishing that I had looked into it more. At any rate, I highly recommend taking a childbirth class with your coach. I am thinking of taking a refresher course myself for this pregnancy.
Good luck!
Our doctor MADE us go to classes! I really did not see the need for two whole days worth of classes, a lot focused on alleviating woes of pregnancy that I was lucky enough to avoid, and I felt a bit looked down upon as someone who planned to have a medicated birth (this was not a Lamaze or Bradley class -- just a "what to expect" thing). But I was ultimately glad I went just so the whole process wasn't quite so mysterious. Just knowing that my husband knew how to get to the labor and delivery ward and where to get me signed in made me feel better! And although I didn't really practice the breathing techniques, they did help me feel some sense of control when my doctor wouldn't let me get an epidural until I was 4 cm dilated.

Especially since this is your first child, I'd err on the side of caution and go. It definitely helped me feel more relaxed when I finally went into labor.
I am 32 weeks and I am currently taking the childbirth classes offered at my hospital. I don't know if I'll remember all the breathing or if it will help when the time comes, but my husband and I both enjoy the class for all the information it provides. It helps take the fear out of the unknown. Its also provided me with some good information about the hospital procedures. That way if you develop a birth plan and/or have set ideas of how you would like things to be you can find out if their policy fits your expectations!!!

P.S. Can't believe the end is getting so close !! Good Luck to you.

I also think taking a class is a good idea. It was great for us, and like Erika's husband, mine probably benefited more than I did. He was not familiar at all with anything about pregnancy, and it really helped him to understand and to be less worried about me ALL the time. I loved it when they told us that exercise is a great thing during pregnancy because he always worried about that :)

I took a class from a non-profit childbirth place that was taught by midwives(it was a lot cheaper than the hospiital course). I enjoyed it, but remember that if you take it from a hospital, you get their perspective, and if you take it from a midwife or someone like that, you get a whole different perspective. I didn't necessarily have any preconceived notions of either perspective (natural vs. medicated) since I was trying to have an open mind about everything. I don't really know what I'm trying to say, I guess just remember to let it be your experience and not let anyone try to make you feel guilty one way or the other. Hopefully, this made some sense!
Thanks for all of the advice! I am looking into my options today. I am concerned about how my husband is going to react to the entire labor and delivery. He worries alot and if we can do anything to help ease his concerns, it is well worth it.
I confess I got more out of yoga breathing and relaxation techniques than I did out of the Lamaze method covered very briefly in my childbirth class. But a lot of time was spent covering what happens after the birth, which was new information for me. I'm glad I took it. Also, the class I took was completed in one day. So, look around for something that will fit your schedule - if it's 2 hours for 4 weeks or one 8-hour day. Another reason to take the class: lots of freebies - diaper bag, diapers, coupons, CD with classical music, book, small cooler, foot rattles, formula (which is sitting on the shelf unopened, but I had it in case of an emergency), breastfeeding guide, etc.

Good luck whatever you decide
My husband told me that he would rather sit out in the waiting room and just have someone come tell him if its a boy or girl! But I wouldn't let him out of being in there with me, so I understand your concern about your husband. Mine has really gotten alot out of the childbirth classes and is feeling much better about being in there, especially since he now has more of idea of what to expect.

Hi Tina! You may have already made your decision but I wanted to ditto what everyone else said. I did not get a lot out of the actual breathing "lessons" but my husband and I did walk away with a greater sense of what to expect through the entire birthing process. Epidurals, C-sections, Forceps, Vacumes, you name it, they covered it. Also, seeing the rooms, where to go what to do was also very helpful. Unfortunately I went 3 1/2 weeks early and was no where near my hospital so that particular event brought on a whole new set of panick.

Good luck!

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