Cheetahs Tuesday 7/18


Mornin' runner girls!;)

Well, my knee is on the right track. It's getting better and better...

I was trying to choose between Low Max and the elliptical this morning. I REALLY want to get on the elliptical since I can't run so I guess that means I gotta force myself outside today. DANGIT!:p

I have some DOMS in my tris and hams from yesterday's work out. Gotta love it!}(

I'll be back later!:)
Good morning cheetahs

Wendy...I think it was a good choice not to go to the class last night. Swimming does sound like more fun. Good news about your knee! Hope you get to the elliptical...:)

Christine...Humboldt and Avenue are the same course just reversed. They are for the marathon out and back 6.55 miles on one side then out and back 6.55 on the other side, so in Avenue you just start on the opposite side (if this makes sense). I know there is the Clam Beach run in Trinity along the coast. It is in Feb. What I didn't like is the run starts about 2 PM. Mostly pavement and about 2 miles on the beach to end it, I think it's 8.75 miles total. Great how did you like S&H??

Marcia..I have a Windsor Pilates ball workout too...I like it the best of Pilates.

Jess...that is awesome you get to do the infomercial again!!! Congrats...have a great time in Calif!

It was already 81 at 5:30AM!!! WOW...I am going to run about 3 miles and just feel how my legs are. Then maybe GS BSB later and some abs...

Have a great day...:)
Good morning my Cheetah pals!! I did a 4 mile run, then did GS Chest/ triceps!! (yeah- my UPS man delivered my DVD's y'day!) First time doing it- I'm sure I'll be sore tomorrow!! Loved it though!!

Then I had to run my dd to day camp & picked up a coffee on the way home- I hadn't even had my coffee yet!!! :eek:

It's going to be a little cooler today, only 90! I think we'll head to the pool to cool off!

Busy day y'day & I still have some catching up to do around here, especially laundry! Oh well, it will be here when we get back too! ;-)

And thanks, Carole! I'm still in shock & excited about it all!! I got my e-ticket & I fly out at 6AM on Tues & leave at 7:20AM on Thurs. Good thing I'm used to early hours! ;-) Quick trip for sure!

Well, finishing up my coffee & oatmeal & gotta get movin'! Have a great day!

I'm glad that your knee is feeling better, Wendy! So what did you do- elliptical or LowMax?? Gotta love those DOMS! I'm trying not to do too much w/ my legs w/ all of the running, really sore muscles while running long miles is just NOT fun!!! I do really want to try out GS legs though, might do that tomorrow AFTER my 7 mile run. ;-)

Have a good one!

Happy Tuesday Cheetah Ladies!!

Wendy – glad to hear your knee is better! Have fun on the elliptical! I, too, think you did the right thing with the class. Listen to your body!

Carole – Oh, okay! Sounds like an incredible run – I visited the website and the views are beautiful!! Slow and Heavy was interesting. I like the slow count and while I can see why some people think it’s boring, I enjoy lifting, so I didn’t find it boring. I have some DOMS, but not much. I’m thinking I could go a little heavier on some of the weights, but we’ll see. I wanted to be careful the first time. I had a question for you – what was the altitude for the 50k and did you have time to get acclimated? I was thinking about that – I know the effects of altitude, and was thinking that that probably did it. It’s like trying to run with ½ the air!

Jess – CONGRATS ON BEING IN THE INFOMERCIAL!! That is sooo exciting! And yes, trying to figure out when to put in lower body weights, is a challenge. If I’m worried, I’ll go a little lighter on the weights just to make sure. And I add things in slowly.

Along with S&H, I got the Classics step video, so after PLB floorwork, I’m going to do a mish mosh of Step Jam and Step Heat. I previewed these, and Step Heat is too short, and the first combo of Step Jam too boring. So I figured if I did both, I’ll get a nice little workout. Another hot one here – not as bad, but now we have the lovely humidity. THAT I can live without. Ick. And I have an appointment with the DMV today. Fun, fun…

Enjoy your days!!!
Good morning runners!

No time to post right now. While it's on my mind I just wanted to ask Christine if she saw the flyer for the Inaugural Rock 'n' Roll 1/2 Marathon in San Jose that was included in the Sonoma goody bag. It's on October 8. I'll be running St. George the day before, otherwise I'd give it serious consideration....

Be back later!!
Elaine - YES! I did see it. It's sitting on my desk beside my computer waiting for DH to make up his mind as to whether he'll run it or not. I should just go ahead and sign him up as I know he'll be complaining if I don't. Men!

Well, the workout didn't quite go as planned. I don't know why, but my legs are a wee bit tired... *rolls eyes at herself* I did PLB stability ball section, and the first combo of Step Jam, and most of the second, but then my DVD player started acting up and I realized I really should just call it a day, especially if I want to hike tomorrow.

I'm going to ask this in the open forum, but anyone familiar with the Polar S625X and the SR200SD? They claim to use electronic pulses to measure each stride so you can tell how far you run. The S625X says it measure altitude as well. I've been hesitating buying the Garmin because of the GPS issue, but these say they don't use GPS. I'd love to know how they really work. I'm thinking of stopping by REI on my way home from the DMV to check 'em out.
Carole, How did your legs feel on your run today?

Jess, Have fun doing the informercial! That's sooo exciting!!!

Christine, DMV...UGH! I wonder if Cali DMV's are as bad as Jersey ones? Probably not! LOL

Hi Elaine!

I did a 35 min elliptical work out. It totalled 3.43 miles and was done interval style. I alternated low incline with high resistance and high incline with low resistance. I also did the low incline half forward motion and half backward. My legs were nice and toasty when I was done!}( I actually wanted to make it 40 mins or 3.5 miles even but this particular type of machine cuts you off after a certain amount of time and I didn't feel like "starting over". They have other ellipticals that don't do that...I'll have to remember this for next time. x(

I just finished lunch...salad with all kinds of tastey morsels in it. I used to eat salad LOTS and then got too lazy to make them all of the time. I just started getting into it again this past week. I'm happy about it. I really like them. :9

I have to wash the kitchen floor and dust this afternoon and I also have to give DS a bath...

I'll be back!
Christine....which site did you look at? Clam Beach?...Yes the elevation was about 6000 ft so I do think that was a factor. I have not ever had any problem running the 15K there though. But I know altitude could have been a big issue. For some reason I never did enjoy StepJam....:(..What is the GPS issue with Garmin? I use a Timex GPS and it has always been fairly accurate. I do think thouh that GPS's will give you a more accurate result than electronic pulses...just my 2 cents...:) legs were a bit sore on the downhills today....but the run went well..Good job on the Elliptical...:)

Like I said to Wendy the downhills had me grimacing a bit...:)...after the 3 miles I did just the step portion of Lowmax. Then raked some leaves. Now some housework and hopefully this afternoon my GS workout.
Wendy - I was pleasantly surprised at how fast I got in and out of the DMV. In CA you can make an appointment on line, and if you do that, you get in before everyone else, which is nice.

Carole - Oh yeah, the elevation could have been a factor, especially if there was heat as well. I've seen marathon runners come down with Altitude Sickness at heights you wouldn't think they would. And it varies from time to time. Sometimes it won't affect you then whammo - it does. It's weird.

My issue with the Garmin especially is that I have done Search and Rescue and have used Garmin GPS systems. All of them, without fail (no matter how powerful) fail when under dense tree cover and 75% of the trails I hike/run have dense tree cover. A friend loaned me an SR2000 after having bought the more expensive one, so I guess I'll find out how accurate they are.

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