Cheetahs Check-In Sunday July 16


Happy B'day to my DH! It's today! He's 32 years young!;) We are headed up to his mom's for dinner this afternoon to celebrate.:9

Okay, so my run yesterday went FANTASTIC and I was sooo happy but low and behold SOMETHING had to kill my "high"!x( My left knee started bothering me yesterday afternoon and so in order to keep it from hurting I am walking with a friggin' limp! It doesn't hurt all of the time but walking "normal" is what will trigger it while "limping" does not. :-( :-( :-(

I will see how it feels and possibly try a rebounder work out today if my knee is OKAY with that. I hope it gets better fast. I'd hate to miss my class tomorrow night!:eek:

Happy Sunday Ladies!
Good morning cheetahs

Wendy...thanks or your post last night...:)...and[/img] to your young DH!!! Have a great dinner. I'd back off any high impact cardio today with your knee pain. You might benefit from doing some leg extensions on a machine at the gym to strengthen all the muscles surrounding your knee. have good sensors...thank you for your very kind words...:)

For any cheetah that didn't see it. I did post about my 50K in yesterdays thread. Not sure what I will do today, my legs are sore (mostly quads). I am planning on backing off a little with my running distances for the 30K in Oct. It is a tough course and I want to try and train hard. But first I need a break this week...:) I might try a circuit today...have a great day...:)
WTG, Carole - I'm going to have to go back and read your post from yesterday. You are my idol, the races you do and you are still going to workout today, too. WOW! You are absolutely incredible!!!

Wendy - take it easy on your knee. Did you take some ibuprofin? That sometimes helps me when I take some before and maybe after a run.

Today I think I'm going shopping again for "home business" stuff :) :) I got my starter kit yesterday and am just pumped.

Jess - which Windsor Pilates would you recommend? I figured you are a very good source to ask for that. ;-)

I hope everyone has a wonderful day today!! I'm thinking about just a good ol' fashioned walk today since the weather is suppose to be in the high 90's and humid.

Have a great day - later....

Good morning!

Hi SuperCarole- still super in EVERY WAY!!! Maybe you should lay off running for a week or so and do whatever crosstraining appeals to ya! But you're a smart lady and I know you've faced situations like this before and know how to deal with them.

Wendy,... Great advise from Carole, as always, re: your knee. No need to panic about it at this point. Keep up the good work. Happy B day to your DH!

Today is all cross training. First some p90x upper body workouts I haven't tried yet :). Then a good sweatdrenching circuit, I'm thinking Gauntlet!

And here's to our Sonoma Cheetahs.....Christine, Elaine and Amy
:7 :7 :7 :7 :7
Have FUN ladies! Can't wait to see the pics and race reports!

Hello everyone,

I ran just under 4.5 miles today. Had to walk some, I think because lastnight at 9pm I decided to do super charged sculpting workout by the firm. I havent really done any wts for legs in almost a month. My legs where tired and I was tired with todays run ,it was also hot already by 8am. When it is hot ,when I run my heart rate goes over 200. I dont really understand that. I wasnt going fast today ,ended up with a 10:06 pace which I normally like to run at 9:30pace so I dont know why my heart rate was higher. I did feel like I was working harder today. It was humid,going to be 95 today with the humidity they say it will feeel more like 100degrees. I havent went past 4.5 miles since the half. I am getting a little frustrated by this,how long will this take me to get through. A guy at work said his wife came down with a chest cold or something and ran through it like I did. He said it took her four months to feel good with her runs again. I said 4MONTHS! I hope it dont take me four months, I cant believe that. Have any of you experienced this or know anyone who has?
Hi lovely Cheetahs!

Carole-I posted quickly in the open forum. I just got on the computer after the weekend of the wedding, but my I kept thinking about you this weekend. I think that what you did in the race and what you have accomplished in your life is AMAZING every step of the way (walking, running, or walking lunge!). Stress, especially marital stress, can wreak all kinds of havoc in your performance, it's so close to your center, your life that it's hard to get away from it and decompress. Just my work related stress, I could barely get myself out the door to run at the end of this last semester.
Think of how much you are asking your body to do, you know better than anyone that if everything doesn't work together, it just doesn't *work*.

I'm sure that you will get through this and figure this out.:)
We're here to help and to listen to any rants you want to throw our way}(
Love and hugs and hero worship,
Wendy-Happy b-day to your DH! I'll get some pics up from the wedding sometime this week. MIL has 300 on her camera alone (that was our "job" during the wedding which was nice b/c it gave us a lot of freedom to do what we wanted and avoid the rest, lol! So sorry about your knee! Make sure you ice and try some anti-inflammatory. Also, swimming is great for no impact and the weather is so beastly...

Marcia-How exciting! I think I missed the post where you talked about what kind of home business you are thinking about developing?

Shelly-Glad you're loving P90x, I'm going to have to check that out! You glutton for punishment Gauntlet lovin' cheetah!

Laura-The heat AND humidity always knock me out! Nice job on the run today. I don't think my HR has ever gone above 190, maybe I'm not working hard enough? }(

Jess-Did I miss something? Are you in a magazine?!? Sweet! I find that small meals that start with a complex carb are very helpful to "buffer" my system. But of course, as you know, nothing always works.

Hope you Sonoma Racers are having a blast!!!

Hey to Pamela, Barb, Karen, and Judy!

The wedding was, well, a huge waste of money and embarrassingly cheesy, but SIL loved every minute of it and so I guess it was worth it, lol. I'm just glad it's finally over as is DH. He should know early this week about job stuff, so we may be MOVING soon! Judy, advice?
Today, DH and I ran about 6 miles (in the HEAT) and then went swimming in MIL's pool to recover. Then the wedding "breakfast" (when did that tradition start?).
Catch up with everyone tomorrow!
Carole, Marcia, Shelly and Mattea: Thanks for the advice about my knee.

Hi Laura!

I ended up not working out at all today because there seems to be no "rhyme or reason" to when I feel pain. The pain is on the inside of my knee and nothing hurts to the touch. I am hoping that a little more time will do the trick so that I can get something in tomorrow! I am due for weights so I know I can atleast do u/b work and abs if not cardio and legs....

This is the start of a MAJOR heat wave here...if my knee allows for running class I still may not go if the heat is overwhelming when I have to leave. I don't know if they will cancel for heat like this but I personally don't see the point of going out in DANGEROUS heat like that...I don't feel it's worth it! We are talking almost 100% and HUMID! NO THANKS!:eek:

Have a great night ladies!
Hey All! I'm posting quickly tonight - just got back from Napa/Sonoma...

First of all - Carole - you're still my hero! We do all have bad days. I'm sorry yours was yesterday. {{{HUGS}}} Seriously 21 miles on trail is a fabulous accomplishment!

And Wendy - tell Sal I said Happy Birthday!

I got to MEET ELAINE!!! I was so excited! She's a beautiful red head who has a gorgeous smile, and she's a very nice lady. It's funny how we are a lot like we post. She's wonderful. We met at the packet pick up point, and I'm so happy I got to meet her. I hope we get to run together again. I missed Amy the entire weekend. I know she was there, but I didn't get to see her :-(.

The course was beautiful. The half started at 7, and the 10k at 8AM - we joined up with the half. I know the half had a nice hill, but the last part of it was pretty much flat or down hill. It was a fairly easy 10K. I ran pretty slow - I'm no speed demon. Came in at 1 hour 7 minutes. Or 126th out of 300 people. So, put in that light, I was in the top half, which makes me happy. :p They also had wine tasting afterwards so I saluted all the cheetahs with champagne (Tattinger to be exact - only the best for my cheetahs!)

It was funny, I realized something today. I should have done the half. Even though I wasn't prepared for it. I know I can walk 13 miles. So, at the very worst I could have run 6 miles and walked the rest and been under the 3 hour cut off. Next one I'm doing the half, even if I have to walk parts. Of course, next one I'm NOT staying with the friend we did this time. He lives large and is a firm believer is work hard play hard. He cooked "light" which is like saying Emeril cooks light because he does not include meat. I handled it pretty well except the last 1/2 mile of the 10k was a dash for the first available port-a-potty!

And my dear cheetahs were always on my mind during the run. For the most part the run was pretty easy, but I think every run has it's moments when for some reason or another ya start lag a bit, and need to refocus. During those times, I kept telling myself over and over, "Go Cheetah Go!" For some reason it really helped.

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