Cheetahs Check-In Saturday 7/15


Good Morning Cheetah Girls!:)

I am about to set foot outside for a run. It's still pretty cool out there so it's a good time to go. DS is at his nanny's house and DH is working so I need to take advantage and get out there while I have NOTHING to hold me back!

Wish me luck! I'll check back in afterwards!
Good luck Wendy - enjoy that peace and quiet you have right now. Good job taking advantage of the time. :) There is nothing better than a cool morning run to get those endorphins going strong all day. Good luck!!

Hello all:

I'm not sure what I will do today for a workout. We are going with some friends to the local car races later this afternoon, grill out, etc. so I am short on time. Hmmmm......the wheels are turning for a good one. Maybe LowMax or elliptical.

I get my starter kit from Tastefully Simple today and I can't wait to set up my "home office". I think this is going to be fun!!

Have a great day everyone, be back later.

Hi Marcia! I'm very excited for you and your new venture! Let us know how you like it!

Well Cheetahs...I DID IT! I ran 3 miles...OUTSIDE...NO STOPPING! WOO HOO!:+ I am sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo excited but I'll bet ya couldn't tell? :p

I worked on keeping may pace slower and it must have helped! Here's how it breaks down:

Mile 1: 11.45 mins
Mile 2: 11.70 mins
Mile 3: 11.41 mins

Total Time: 34.56 mins :+ :+ :+ :+ :+ :+

Gosh, I feel SOOOO awesome right now! I can REALLY do this! I wasn't so sure but now I know that I CAN!!!! YIPPEE!:7

Okay, I'm done being a complete GOOF! LOL

Now I have to find the energy for weight rush though...I have time. I have things to get done around the house first....

Hope everyone has a great Saturday and....GO CAROLE!!!:7
WAY TO GO, Wendy............I know that feeling and you will be on a high for quite a while. :) :) :) Your time sounds great, too!

Have a great day!
Sorry, this cheetah is late checking in because I was busy running/ biking!! :p

And I did it- 13.1 mile run!! We started out at 4:45 & I'm glad that we did because it was already sticky & humid then!!! We did quick walk/ drink breaks every 2 miles which helped a lot. I also did a vanilla gu (gel) at mile 6 which really gave me the energy to finish strong. We kept at 9:48 pace which is great for a training run, especially since we were doing the walk breaks! We are gonna rock the marathon!! ;-) I feel seriously GREAT. Then we did a quick 6 mile bike to loosen our legs which really helps. New shoes feel great, but the blisters I already had on my big toes were sore. I did put some Body glide on them, but still had to pop them when I was done. Yikes! Time for a pedicure!!

Got my shower & made some WW/oat pancakes- my favorite post-run breakfast! No tummy issues either- YEAH!

My dh is gone for the day helping his dad mow off their new house lawn/ our property (we both own property in MO) so I'm taking the kids to the pool for the day. It's going to be hot & miserable today so that'll feel great! Meeting a friend & her kids too.

Well, better get moving. Just wanted to post my run!!!

GO CAROLE GO! I thought of you as I was running & thinking you were running more than double what I ran!!

You should be- you did great, Wendy!! You're gonna do awesome at your 5K!!! Enjoy the rest of your day!!! Happy bday to dh! (it's today, right?)

Marcia ~ Have a great day! Did you find your motivation again?? G/L w/ the TS! I'm going to a party at my friend's on Tues night. Any new stuff out? I haven't been to a party in a year or so!! I'll let ya know what I like! ;-)

Everyone else- have a great Saturday!

Hi, ladies! Here I am again. Been busy, as usual!

WENDY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You did GREAT! Good for you! Now, when's the RACE?????? Keep up the good work.

Marcia-I am so excited for you too, with the Tastefully Simple adventure. Keep us posted on that!

Jess-ANOTHER great run by you! Great job!

Isn't all this motivation catchy???? Keep it coming!

Here's mine. Ran early, 6am with the team. Like Jess, I'm glad we started early becasue the humidity just hung in the air. Did a 10 mile team training run, at a faster clip than we've been doing. Felt great!

Now, when is the Wine Country adventure our lady cheetah friends are doing???????

Good Morning Lovely Cheetah Ladies! WOW! A lot of positive energy today! That's great to see!

WAY TO GO WENDY!!! 3 MILES!! And at a good pace! WOW! YOU ROCK!!

Jess - EXCELLENT JOB on the 13.1 miles! And the bike ride afterwards!

Marcia - I'll bet you're excited! A new business venture! Let us know how it goes!

Gayle - a 10 miler at a nice clip! WOW!

Today is my rest day before the "big" race tomorrow. I'll be heading down to Napa this afternoon, if all goes as planned. Elaine is already there, and Amyg will be leaving today as well! Photos to be published soon!!!

*Sends good vibes to Super Carole on her 50k and pats stuffed SuperCarole the cheetah who is sitting by the computer*
Good run, Gayle!! I'm glad that you're feeling great too!! I understand the busyness, that was my week this week!!

Christine, Amy, & Elaine ~ Good luck tomorrow!! You'll do great & you'd better take lots of pics to share!!! That sounds like fun!!!

Hey Cheetahs,
Sorry long time no chat! This online class is killing me! Mostly it's just getting it up and running week, getting the kinks out so (hopefully) it will run smoothly for the rest of the time. DH still doesn't know for sure about the job!!! ARGHG! They had trouble getting a hold of people's references, so it's taking longer than expected. Meanwhile another district is really pressuring him for a decision that he's not sure he wants to make. And he has another interview on Monday! LOL! Oh, and did I mention that today is the wedding}( ;-) :eek:

Anyway, just wanted to pop on quick and give everyone an update! Say a quick:
Wendy-Rock on runner chick! 3 freakin' miles!

Jess-You are impressing me to no end little cheetah!!! I also have bathroom issues due to IBS sometimes so I can definitely commiseratex( Also, sorry about your grandma, I'll keep her in my prayers!

LUCK, LUCK, LUCK (not that you'll need it) to Super Carole, Christine, Amy, and Elaine (the wine country runners right?)

Christine-I will email you the recipe as soon as I get a minute! In the meantime, if you go the grocery store make sure you have cracked wheat bulgur, vital wheat gluten, walnuts, and ground flax seed (the all veggie protein powder is optional). The veggies you use are really up to you.

I have also been working out, but today is a rest day for me and it promises to be anything BUT restful:p

Purrr to all the cheetahs!
Hey Mattea! Sounds like you're keeping busy! G/L w/ the wedding today- take some pics to share!! And G/L w/ your dh's job situation!

Thank you, thank you! Oh yeah, IBS totally sucks w/ running, doesn't it?? Mine is usually under control- eating lots of fruits/ veggies/ whole grains w/ fiber really helps! (and lots of water!)

Enjoy your *rest* day!!

Hello to all and thanks for the kudos on my run! I'm still on a "high" from it!:) :) :)

I finished off my work out with PUB down only premix going as heavy as possible, 50 walking lunges, 50 inner thigh lifts on each leg, 50 pelvic tilts on the ball for the ol'bootie ;) and last but not least, the freakin' ab work...FINALLY!!!! PH abs and stretch. }(

Gayle, The 5k is on Saturday Sept 2nd (Labor Day w/e)!!! Good job on the 10 miles! When did you join a running club?

Mattea, Have fun at the wedding! I LOVE going to (most) weddings! So much fun!:)

Jess, Over 13 miles..WOW! You are my hero! I was thinkin' about running 13 miles as I was on my 3rd and it was a pretty PAINFUL thought, I must admit!:p

Christine, I don't know if you'll see this, but best of luck on the race. Have a blast with Elaine and Amy! :+

I think I got everyone...if not, I'm sorry but I'm also outta time. Gotta hit the showers and then work on getting this house cleaned up. My mom is coming over to this afternoon. We are going to browse TJ Maxx for a while and then I'm cooking dinner for DH's B'day. :9

Hope everyone has a pleasant afternoon!:+
Had to share this video... Of course, my first thought was that the guy was the male version of Super Carole!!!

Thanks for the well wishes. DH went to the gym. I'm still sitting here in my pj's, which feels really weird for a Saturday morning. Packing is easy - running clothes, pj's and clothes for the way home. I'm excited!
Christine, Why is it wierd for you to be hangin' out in PJ's on the weekend? If I don't have to go somewhere early or work out early, that's what I do!;) I can't "sleep in" very well anymore so I take what I can get by wearin' my pj's as long as I can!:p

Well, I just ran around my house cleaning like a crazy person! I got lots done in little time. I'm not done yet but atleast the place no longer looks like a dump! :eek: My mom should be here in about 30-45 mins to go shopping at TJ Maxx....I LOVE THAT STORE!:+

And yes...I'm STILL "flyin high" due to this morning's run! I just can't freakin' believe I did it! I mean I know I just ran 4 miles on the TM but it's like night and day and outside is soooo much tougher for me! I am sooo excited! Please, if I am gushing too much and making y'all sick, let me know and I'll try to curtail it!:p

ETA: I wonder how Judy and Ed are doing with the big move! I'm sure it's all under control and very organized if FlyLady Judy has anything to say about it!:)
Way to go wendy!!

I ended up not doing the 5k today. I got up but kind of piddled around. I wanted to go but didnt, so I didnt. Kind of wished I had but I didnt preregister and it kind of gave me the excuse not to go. I am the kind of person who needs to be fully prepared. Just like if my boss was to ask me to work an extra day. I like it if she asks several days ahead not the day before. I dont know what it is about be ready for what is to come a few days before hand.I also thought give myself a little more time inbetween races.

hope everyone has a nice day!
Hi lovely cheetahs! I'm checking in a bit later than usual today.
Did 7 miles in just a little over an hour and feel pretty dang good!
Lots of positive energy cheetah vibes today!!! Hopefully they filtered out to SuperCarole on her run. I'm on the same time zone as her so she should be close to finishing now....come on Carole :7

Laura- I think you did the right thing with passing on the 5k today. Racing any distance takes a toll and you need to be ready, mentally and physically! You definitely are on the right road to recovery!

Wendy- you go girl :7 :7 :7 :7 :7 wooooohooooo!!!! We are so darn proud of you :D Keep it up and you will be smokin at that 5k! AND
you followed it up with some awesome weight workouts! You are on FIRE lady cheetah!!!

Jess- That video is hysterical!!!!! I laughed so loud my DH came in here to find out what was happening just now. Definitely this reminds me of our SuperCarole! GREAT JOB on the half marathon distance run today. You are training SO SMART!! You will do awesome on your marathon!

Gayle- Another HOT cheetah! 10 miles was nothin to ya I bet! It must be great to have a team to train with. I'm going to try to connect with one soon, there are so many advantages!

Christine- I know you and Amy and Elaine will make us fellow cheetahs proud tomorrow! I'll have to toast y'all tonight. I must confess I do enjoy an occasional glass of fine cabernet! Can't wait for the pics!!!!!!

Mattea- great to hear from you busy gal! It'll be a relief to have this wedding through with I bet!

I did Core Synergistics yesterday and I see why everyone loves this workout! What fun!!!!

Catch y'all later

I copied this from the Open Forum

Well....sometimes you just have a bad day.. ...It started out good, but the 3 mile downhill after 5 miles, my legs told me they were done. I needed to have a 13 min pace by 21 miles and I had held about 11 min until the uphill at 8.8 miles. That hill killed me, I knew I would never make the 21 mile cutoff time...I was drinking my sports drink, taking my electrolytes, eating what I normally do in 50K's and doing everything right but my legs were shot. I got to a water station at about 13 and told them I was pulling out, but I needed to go to the next aid station to do that which was 3 more miles. I will say that part of the course is absolutely gorgeous, steep banks so you had to watch your footing. I walked alot as I didn't trust my legs on the rocky single track trail. You all might have laughed a bit as I was stepping over this downed log and looking at my watch at the same time I crossed....I hit the upper log with my head...yeah, at this point I needed that!!! any of you runners know I am racking my brain to try and figure out why? I have had some stress, I trained hard....I think next is a 30K in Oct...I think I can handle that...I hope....I sure should have gone with those cheetahs to Sonoma...I could have done a half.....Thank you Laurie for starting that post last night and for all of you here I so appreciate your good wishes...You are an awesome bunch...

I don't rant much but I feel close to you cheetahs. I have had some stress in my marraige. We did have a fight last night and I didn't sleep worth a damn...But this has gone on a long time...alot of things I know contributed to this run. I don't feel bad about at least doing 16 miles and I wanted to just do the 15K, but my sister said she thought I'd be fine in the 50K...I did think so too...thank you for all your well wishes....and I will get thru this...:)
Hi Carole,

I posted in response to the race in the open forum but now that I read what you posted here, I just wanted to say I hope whatever stress you are going through gets better soon!

Rant awawy if and when ever you need to! We will always be hear to "listen"!:)

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