Late check-in today cheetahs!
I was shopping w/ my mother today and then didn't get to workout until later this afternoon. I just had "lunch" and it's about 4:00, lol!
Barbara-Sounds like an awesome workout today! Sometimes I can't bring myself to do weights either, I get too jumpy and want to leap around with Cathe or run
Carole-I am so relieved to see good news for your nephew today!:7 :7 We're all still pulling and praying for him and for you in that heat! Smart idea taking it all inside, whew. I keep thinking maybe Cathe's miscalculating her weights or something, well wishing...I really like the leg work from MIS especially (what's that? No low-ends?}( )
Elaine-I'm so happy for you that your training is going so well! I'm sure that the super clean diet you mentioned is a help
I'll keep my fingers crossed for you too!
Barb-Quick hi! Quick bye! Talk to you tomorrow!
Wendy-Somehow I knew I'd find you on that TM! LOL:7 Did you manage weights at today?
Yadi-I know what you mean, I'm always happiest when I get my workout done first thing.
Colleen!!!-I'm so excited that you decided to stop by and join us:7 :7 It's great to meet you. Sounds like you have a cool job too
We'd love to see you, but mostly I wish I could hear your voice! LOL Sounds like your workouts are going great too
Laurie-I'm so sorry about your uncle, {{{HUGS}}}.
You legs enjoyed Lomax?}( What a great workout you had last night! I also love to stretch pretty much everything, everytime, but sometimes I'll stretch what doesn't feel tight just briefly. I find that the best stretch for alleviating side-stitches is to sit w/ your legs out in front, then cross one leg over the other, and put the opposite arm on the outside of the bent leg, the other hand on the floor and twist. I think it's the first one you do in the PLB stretch. Really concentrate on breathing deeply while in this stretch.
Shelly-I would never call you borderline insane! You're just one of the toughest cheetahs I know
I get you, I just want to be more like you;-)
Today was an oldie step workout, Step Fit, on an 8 inch step w/ power moves added in when they weren't there. What a sweat fest! Sometimes I just like to jump around:7
Quick hi to Judy, Gayle, Marcia, Laura, Karen, Sarah, Amy, and our two vacationing cheetahs! Jess and Christine.
Have a great evening,