Cheetah check-in July 4th!!


Good morning cheetahs

Christine...loved your description of your DH's friend...:)..I think I've met someone like him!! Hope you don't have to share your mini! The trail does sound incredible. 12'll have to let us know if you are a bit sore today..

Judy...take care if the hip...your new place sounds nice. I hope the move goes well...:)

Nice to see you Robin!!

Mattea...hope you have fun with GS legs...that one is always a burner, those killer slow motion lunges...yeow!!

Tomasina...good to see you...:)...don;t you love those firends that say " we'll go slow"....oh my gosh but that can kill you! MIS is quite fun, the outfits are a bit outdated but I enjoy the exercises. it has cooled off somewhat. The worst day I was coming back from Western States, it was 104 in Auburn and 117 here!!! No, I have not tried my own seitan, I usually buy it but have not seen it in the store lately. I love that stuff. I want to try the one in Vegan Planet...seems like it just takes some time! Hope you have a great 4th. day fell apart too...I just felt yukky so I did yardwork and housework instead of a workout..

Today I'll do MIS legs, abs and a 8-10 mile run. Then some work at my Mom's house as she has a huge yard that needs tending to...

Have a great 4th...[/img]
Good Morning Cheetahs.

Carole, Glad to see I'm not the only one who missed thier work out yesterday...Misery loves company they say! LOL ;) :7 :p

So I did manage my class last was hot and so humid that you could cut the air with a knife! Needless to say it was not exactly the weather that one longs to RUN in! LOL It was a good class though...he had us doing a walk/run circuit of like 4 mins and 3.5 mins or something like that. It's only a 30 mins work out though. When it was over everyone was DRENCHED with sweat. After the work out they give us watermelon. I swear last night I ate the BEST watermelon I have EVER had! ;) LOL I am looking forward to the running time being bumped up...if I am going to succeed in this class though I need to get my butt back outside myself again on saturday atleast. I'd like to try to get out in the evening after DH gets home from work but that can be hard to do...I'll do my best though.:) I sincerely hope that the day of the race is on the cooler side!!!:eek:

Well, enough babbling...I have weights and cardio to do today though I'm not sure what work outs exactly at this point.

Hope everyone has a great day...Happy 4th!:+
Good morning all - I had great intentions of getting in my run today, but it's not looking very promising at this point. We are headed out to go golfing and then to a BBQ all day. Hopefully, I will get in a walk or something later, at least.

Tomorrow, back to normal - and a normal schedule. I've slacked off this past weekend - being under the weather and holiday weekend was not good for me and my workout schedule.

I hope everyone has a safe holiday!

Happy Fourth Everyone!

Carole - I really like the guy, but you just have to take him with a grain of salt. :) And yes, that's my favorite trail. It's an hour drive, but so worth it. On the way out we were the only people on the trail. We met a lot on the way back, but that's okay.

Wendy - great job with running in the humidity! Sounds like you're enjoying the class!

Marcia - don't sweat it (no pun intended). You'll get back into the saddle again tomorrow and get moving. Think of this as a recovery week.

I'm a bit sore today, but not as bad as I had feared. Will do P90X Back and Biceps, Core Max 2, then probably Wendy's 20-20-20. (That or a 5 mile hike on a local trail for the dogs as they have not been able to hike with us the last two trails - I may just let DH take the dogs, and I'll do 20-20-20 :+).
Hi Cheetahs

Thank you everyone for giving me input and well wishes on my hip situation!

I checked out the links and think that it is probably not bursitis but I can't rule it out. I do not believe it is a hip pointer or an iliotibial band issue. There is no radiating pain to my thigh. I'll keep you posted. Mean while today is total body weights then a family bbq here.

Best wishes to ALL OF YOU an our nations birthday!!!! Enjoy your freedom and celebrate with passion for the greatest counrty on earth! ( For our Canucks we love you too- Our great neighbors to the north!)

If you fail to plan, then you plan to fail.
Happy July 4th!!

Checking in finally!! Thanks for the bday wishes for Allison - she had a great bday!! I can't believe she's 3, she just seems soooo big!! We met my dh for Chinese for lunch (the kids looove Chinese buffet). Big mistake for me though- ended up w/ a migraine (darn MSG!). I felt miserable last night so I was worried about my race today! I ended up laying down for about an hour after my dh got home from work & felt a little better. Allison loved her strawberry shortcake cupcakes although she only ate about 3 bites before she was done!!

Anyway, we had bad t-storms all last night & early this morning. The thunder/ lightning woke me up about 4 & I was wondering if we were even going to have the race!!

I rode w/ my running buddies Erin & Melissa- we have so much fun together. We had to park at the finish & then they had a bus to take us to the starting line. We just missed one bus & ended up having to wait for the next one which took FOREVER & we were waiting in the rain! I hit the port-a-potty there just in time & felt a little better. (darn bathroom issues today!) So we decided if we all finished in under 45 min we'd be happy. Got to the start line w/ about 10 min to spare which was good. I hit the bathroom again & felt like I'd be ok to run.

So off goes the gun & there were about 500 people so it was hard to get started at first! It had stopped raining & by now was getting SUPER humid out. It wasn't too bad though, in the upper 70's so at least it wasn't terribly hot! Erin & I weeded our way through the crowd & finally got into a good pace. Here's the splits:

Mile 1 ~ 8:25
Mile 2 ~ 8:00
Mile 3 ~ 8:11
Mile 4 ~ 8:28
Mile 5 ~ 8:31
Last .12 (according to my Garmin) ~ 6:50 Time: 42:15

Overall pace 8:17. I was happy w/ my time considering how I felt when I started. Erin finished a minute behind me & Melissa was 3 min behind. It had a few hills too, nothing like I'm used to running though! I felt ok when I finished & am feeling ok now. I don't know if it's just nerves or what that I keep having tummy probs!! Yuck! We hung out for a while & waited for the awards. I was 8th in my AG, not too bad for a big crowd! Erin came in 6th in her AG & Melissa was 9th. It was a fun race & I'm glad it wasn't super hot.

Oh, and funny story. I had dumped a water glass over my head about mile 3 because it was so humid & sticky. I didn't think too much of it til we were done & I kept feeling water drops on my back/ legs. It was the water dripping from my hair & it totally looked like I was peeing my pants!!!

So, all in all a pretty good race & I'm just glad that I'm feeling better now!

RE: Happy July 4th!!

Happy 4th of July fellow Cheetahs!!! Work was so slow I was able to take the night off so I went ahead and entered a local 10k here.
This was the Prescott Frontier days 10k, starting and ending at the Rodeo grounds. It was a very challenging course,(they usually are here, it is all hills) Anyway I finished in 53 minutes even, pacing about 8:30. I easily won my age division but what got me excited was that I placed 4th overall among women! Not too bad considering I ran 2 races last weekend. My legs are cursing at me now! No more races for a while!!! While I ran I thought of our brave soldiers and veterans and the sacrifices they made. I especially thought of my DH, who is a wounded Vietnam veteran and all of the physical and mental pain he endured!

Happy 4th of July everyone!!

RE: Happy July 4th!!

Hi everyone, I'll post some personals separate from my race report of today :) :) :) :) :)

Marcia- Try not to be hard on yourself for not getting in runs/workouts! Resting when you need to is equally important. Hope you recover soon from your cold/sinus problem. Have fun at your BBQ

Christine- I loved reading about your 12 mile Big Basin run. How inspiring to run in such surroundings! It also sounded quite challenging....and today you're getting in quite a workout-WOW!

Judy- So sorry your hip is still buggin ya :( :( But, it sounds like you're being very intelligent about it...I'm confident you can kick it;-)

Mattea- have a great time with GS legs! I have that one on my schedule soon. It is such fun!

Thomasina- How nice to hear from you!!! Sounds like you and your running friend had a good workout! I don't know if you read a reply I made earlier to you when you first referred to yourself as a mule.
Mules are excellent endurance racers. I am entered in a "man against horse" race in October. I will be racing 25 miles against my good friend and her mule "Maddie". I am quite sure that Maddie will kick my butt!

Wendy - sounds like you're doing great with your running class. Keep up the good work. I finally took a moment to check out your cruise pics. They look fantastic. And I just love that sexy black dress you're wearing on your first formal night. You look HOT girl!

Carole- I actually gave my copy of MIS to a friend last year. You're making me regret thatx( Your running 10 miles after?
That's our SuperCarole!!!!

Jess- Great job on your 5 miler today!!! I just loved your story about the water mishap :) :) Fantastic job under difficult circumstances!!! You are AWESOME!!!

Happy 4th to all who check in later!!!


RE: Happy July 4th!!

Happy 4th Lovely Cheetahs!!!

Thomasina!! There is absolutely nothing like a post from you:+ I love your description of your run, it reminds me of running w/ DH, lol! And thanks for the colorful description of the cheetah "source", you'll never be a mule and we all know it! Again, I LOVE my book and tore through it in about 2 days and learned a lot, especially a great stretch to help combat the side-stitch demon I battle on so many down hills. Hope things settle down a little for you soon. I love Step Blast (I've NEVER added risers to that one}( ).

Wendy-You are so tough for slogging through in that humidity! I'm keeping my fingers crossed for nice weather for your race, it was rainy and COLD my first 5K:-( My SIL is getting married soon, so we're busy w/ wedding activities and just catching up w/ family, but we just love being in the deep country again:7

Christine-You are such a crazy tough cheetah!! That 20-20-20 w/o is a toughie, especially given how you and DH have been running (hiking, climbing, sprinting, lol) all over lately! I'm SO jealous of the trails you have around you and wish we had more to choose from. What a beautiful description of your run, how do you notice all the details while working so hard? LOL! DH and live in Binghamton, NY for most of the year w/ some extended stays near Corning, NY.

Carole-I HEAR you on the slow motion lunges, don't they just feel like a whole other exercise? And the one legged rollouts and leg lifts in the floor work always get me! I haven't done any part of MIS in forever, but I remember how useful the legs section was for freestyling b/c there were so many reps and variations. I also love the ab work on the one. My parents have an enormous yard w/ TONS of flowers and I dread the day that I have to take care of any part of it, especially if I've just run 10 miles!:p

Marcia-Don't feel bad about missing the run today, just enjoy your BBQ and if there are any kids there organize some races w/ them! You'll be back to your schedule in no time, just enjoy the get together:7

Jess-I'm so proud of you 5 mile cheetah!! You absolutely rock! Especially given the conditions, I hate having bathroom problems, but especially before a race, it's so frustrating b/c it seems so unpredictable. And I'm sure only a few people actually thought you were peeing your pants;-)

Judy-How is the hip feeling today? Now that you're pretty sure what it's not;-) I hope you get it figured out soon, or better yet, that new shoes clear it up entirely! Enjoy the BBQ!

ShellyC-So now we know what the "C" stands for don't we~~~CHEETAH! At this rate those horses don't stand a chance}( What a beautiful and inspirational description of race. Watch out for GS Legs, that calf work still burns a little the next day.

Today DH took me for a trail run on his old 'home' cross-country race course. Which sounded like fun, but ended up being the most filthy, muddy, slippery, steep, and rocky run that I've ever been on. Okay, so it was a RIOT! I loved every minute of it, even more as it was interspersed with commentary "This spot is historic, this is where so and so threw up" "This is where so and so said if all our courses had these kinds of giant roots he'd win every one" "This is where I finally beat so and so". We came back filthy (luckily I wore my old running shoes), it took us 34:00 min. just to run the first 3 miles! Then we just kept running where ever the mood took us and ended up running just over 5 miles in about and hour. Later I have GS Shoulders to do, I had to get cleaned up and EAT first:7

Have a great holiday ladies!
RE: Happy July 4th!!

Late check-in with my work out tonight. After my work out I had to hurry and eat and shower cause DH, DS and I were going out to visit a relative for the afternoon so I had no time earlier...

Anywho, I created another kickbox circuit mish mosh for myself today:

KPC: w/u and intermediate intensity drills.

L&G: leg press-1 set, hover squats, rear lunge right, plie squats-1 set, rear lunge left, 1 legged dead lifts, sculpting drill, explosive lunges and glute & ham tucks.

KM: Blasts only.

ME upper body: db rows, biceps curls, chest flys, triceps kickbacks, front/side shoulder raises, side lateral raises.

ME abs + Stretch.

I did not complete the ab work as I was out of time but I did most of it...from beginning to end it timed at 71 minutes and it was a GOOD work out! I wonder if DOMS will be felt in the morning perhaps?}(

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