Cheeseburger Pizza

There is a commercial about this. Does it gross you out or make you hungry?

Personally, I think it is gross and the commerical actually makes me feel sick.

What's next....Beef Stew Pizza?

Mmmmmmm I think it sounds yummy. I love cheeseburgers. This deli near me makes a double bacon cheeseburger salad. No carbs, very filling, and VERY delicious.

The one that's really killing me is that quadruple cheeseburger from Wendy's. Wendy's is right next door to my gym. Every darn time I go to the gym it takes every ounce of discipline I have not to stop & get an order of fries. Now the temptation might just be too much. Anyone have an intervention hotline I can call next time? :9
Every time I see this commercial, I get grossed out. The very notion of cheeseburger on a pizza is pretty disgusting to me. But then, I don't really care for cheeseburgers - especially when they have that nasty processed American cheese crap that is a sorry excuse for cheese. I just picture this pizza covered in beef patties and American cheese slices. YUCK! x( I don't think the pizza actually looks like that, but that's how my mind sees it!
I don't know that it would be my first choice in a pizza but it sounds pretty good to me...I love cheese burgers and I adore pizza so why not put them together, right? :)


I smoked my last cigarette on March 17, 2004 at 10:00 pm!

Baby Joey born May 14, 2005 11:19 pm 7 pounds 12 oz 21 inches long.

8 month pic just added! EEK! lol
As a vegan, my first reaction is "blech"!
As a health-conscious individual, my first reaction is "blech!"

But we all know, don't we, that as long as it doesn't have too many carbs in, it's o.k. to eat, so let's load up on the meat and cheese and fat! (<<<<Sarcasm alert!)
sounds pretty gross to me too but I dont like cheeseburgers. Theres a place by my house that makes a pizza with pasta and some sort of alfredo sauce on it that rocks tho. I just love pizza!
I only like thin crust pizza anyway, and Domino's is nasty regardless of what's one it.
The only reason I popped into this thread was because I saw Charlotte started it and I had to see what you were going to say because I was thinking "Now, I KNOW she did not eat that!" So very glad I was right!

These food chains are doing nothing but increasing the obesity rate in our country! Amoung other deadly health problems...all for a buck! Never mind...don't get me started!!x(

Hey time you actually do go into Wendy's, ask them for the pamphlet that list the nutritional value of there menu. Check out the numbers on the fries and the "heart attack on a bun" burger you mentioned. Go ahead and invision the consumption of those foods and after digestion they are converted directly to body fat (because they do). If that doesn't steer you clear of the cravings, I don't know what will!;)
I think the thing that makes me sicker is that the pregnant lady on the commercial is looking for pizza with pork chops....yuckie.

I bet that cheeseburger pizza is good, although I wouldn't make it a habit!
I think it looks darn tasty. I mean, come on people, it's not an ad for salad or anything :p I love healthy eating but I can be a meat and potatoes girl any day.

"you miss 100% of the shots you never take"

Low carb doesn't have to be unhealthy Kathryn.

For that matter, just b/c people try to eat healthy doesn't mean they don't like the taste of unhealthy food. Let's face it, fat tastes good, that's why there are so many obese people in this country.

And the truth is, whenever I see or hear the word vegan, my first reaction is "blech!" And my second reaction is "double blech!" ;-)
OMG. I am trying hard not to get sick right now. I remmbered that commercial and felt getting sick to my stomach. GROSS!!:-( :-(
My husband tried it and said it was really gross.
They replaced the regular pizza sauce with ketchup. thanks. x(
ketchup??? EWWWWW. Okay, now I don't want it anymore. You know what else is gross?? The stuffed cheese crust. I think it's like some nasty, pasty cheese-like substance, and I use "cheese-like" VERY loosely. EW.

"you miss 100% of the shots you never take"

Speaking of disgusting commercials, the A-1 steak sauce commercial with the man that goes for the smudge of A-1 sauce on his date's cheek. It is so disgusting to me.

>Low carb doesn't have to be unhealthy Kathryn.

Though I don't agree with the low-carb eating style, I agree that it can be healthier than my depiction. BUT it seems that some manufacturers, restaurants, shows, etc. are jumping on the "low-carb" bandwagon and promoting downright unhealthy foods. For example, Blain's "low carb cuisine" show on FitTV has him deep frying quite often, and sending the message that food is healthy as long as it is low carb.

As for your "vegan" comment: x(

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