check-in 7-27-02


[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Jul-29-01 AT 07:18PM (Est)[/font][p]Hi guys--I'm checking in early because I will be computerless for the next 5 days while Lee is out of town camping with his CP kids--of course he needs to take the computer (laptop) with him for this!
So, hope you all had good weeks. If I follow through with today and tomorrow, I wil be pretty pleased with mine--though I am so excited for Power Hour (getting the DVD 12 pack) I can hardly stand it. I'm doing PS now so I will really be changing things once the DVD's arrive. Plan on doing PowerHour 2-3 times per week, depending on its pain factor!

Here was my week:

MONDAY: ABS only from: Yogasculpt, CTX KB, PS BBA (and low back)

TUESDAY: PS CST (really felt this with more weight on the bar)

WEDNESDAY: 1 1/2 hr hike with Lee--yowsa it was hot out!!

THURSDAY: Stepfit (wu, I and cd)

FRIDAY: PS BBA and Cardio Kicks in its entirety with impact

SATURDAY: will do PS SLA **rested instead

SUNDAY: will do 45-60 cardio ** did Power Circuit wu and circuits followed by the step/circuit section of Bmax, followed by PS deadlifts, calfraises, all floor work and abs, then the stretches from PS SLA and Power Circuit. AHHHH..

Have a great week!
He he he!! I didn't even notice that when I was reading the post! I'm checking in early because today is my anniversary. My DH and I are going out later and I have a t-ball pinic tomorrow, so now is the only time I have. Not a bad week, I just got my new tapes and of course my vacation starts on Mon. So those babies wil have to wait until the next week for me to begin them!! Anyway, here is my week!!

MON: Yoga, Imax, and PS incline chest and CTX chest

TUES: Yoga, Step Heat, PS t-bar rows and CTX back

WED: Yoga, Leaner Legs, and PS SLA floor work

THURS: Yoga, StepFit, PS shoulders and CTX shoulders

FRI: Yoga, Intense Moves, PS triceps, and CTX triceps

SAT: CTX Kickbox, PS barbell curls and CTX Biceps

Sun: Hopefully Yoga, and T-ball picnic complete with adults softball game:)!

I can't believe it almost Aug.!! Where did the summer go? Everybody have a great week and maybe I'll be able to squeeze a workout or two in. We'll see;-)!!

Hi all. I am sad because I know some of your check-ins from now on will include Cathe's new tapes. I could only order Power Hour because of the low, low finances :-( Anyway, maybe I can acquire them a little at a time. I decided to do some of my Firm tapes this week to get the dust off of them. I'm not following any rotation, just trying to fit in 3 each of strength and cardio. One day, I will get back to rotations.. Anyway, my week looked like this:

Mon: Super Sculpting
Tues: Super Cardio
Wed: Upper Body Split
Thurs: G-Force Step Challenge
Fri: Lower Body Split
Sat: Interval Max

I hadn't done IMax in over a year before I got pregnant, and I forgot what a great endorphin high you get after this killer!! Well, gotta run. Congratulations on 29 years, Debbie :)

RE: check-in 7-27-01

I know time flies by but hopefully not that fast.

Wendy, enjoy your time away from the computer. It is funny how dependent we are once we have these conveniences. Great week.

Amy - Happy Anniversary! and have a great vacation. You had another awesome week.

Here is my week:

Monday - rest
Tuesday - IMAX and CTX chest and abs

Wednesday - Balance ball workout for 40 minutes. Played 18 holes of golf, walked and carried clubs

Thursday - Cardio Kicks with PS BB&Abs

Friday - Leaner Legs with PS Chest/Shoulders/Triceps and them abs from Leaner Legs.

Saturday -60 minute interval walk/jog/run with abs from CTX All Step

Sunday - I will probably do BodyMax or MIC.

Have a great week everyone

RE: Happy Anniversary!

Hi Debbie!

Congratulations on your 29 years of marriage. We just celebrated 15 and can't believe how fast the years have gone.

You have such cute emotion icons. I am just too lazy to figure out how to get all of them.

Lynn W
RE: Hey Aimee!

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Jul-29-01 AT 04:53AM (Est)[/font][p]Congrats on finding a good guy at such a young age and staying with him!!!!! That's something I couldn't do because of my inclinations of picking drunks to marry!! Seventeen years with one and five with the other!!

My week which is number 9 on the Lower Body Solution. I can see the old legs getting muscle tone that I haven't seen since I was an early teenager, and it's very exciting!!!!! The secret is just work on your trouble spots harder. For me three complete leg workouts (standing and floor work on the same day) seems to be the answer.

Sunday: PS Legs and PS BBA

Monday: Walk outside and PS Chest

Tuesday: Imax and PS Shoulders

Wed. Rest

Thurs: Leg workout at the Y midst all the chatting and grunting of the resident 6:00 am guys crowd. Oh,'s better than hangin' around a bar with the buddies!

Fri: Taebo Advanced from the QVC set, blue box. This is one butt kickin' cardio workout! A real favorite of mine. PS Triceps with extra sets thrown in for this trouble zone.

Saturday: Mall walk in Butler, PA and a leg workout at the Butler Y.

Next week I'll break in my S&H tapes!! This is REAL exciting to get a change from the PS tapes!!!! I can't do this until Thursday, however.

Happy last few days of July, y'all! Where has the summer gone?! I'm slowly losing my early morning daylight for my 6:00 am walks! Pretty soon it will be back to the Y with the boring scenery.
Wow, everyone's weeks look great!!!

I too am "sweating" over hearing all these things about Cathe's new tapes. I ordered all of mine on DVD so will have to be patient (not usually a trait of mine!) until the end of August!

My week started out slow because I've been battling this sore throat thing that keeps coming and going...

Monday: Sick with sore throat

Tuesday: Felt I should take a rest day.

Wednesday: CTX Back/CTX Chest/CTX Shoulders/CTX Triceps/Abs

Thursday: PS Legs/Abs

Friday: PS Chest/CTX Biceps/PS Triceps/CTX All Step/first 20 minutes of 2K03 (just to get a feel of it!)

Saturday: CTX Power Circuit/CTX Back/Abs

Sunday: I know I probably won't work out tomorrow morning because I never seem to get up in enough time for today I'll probably do a kickboxing tape with some CTX shoulders thrown in...

Happy Anniversary's to all the happily married people out there! (I'm on my second marriage so I'm always in awe of anyone married more than 7 years!!!)

Have a great week!

Congratulations DebbieH!

Emily-I also had no inclination to follow a rotation after I had my boy. 6 mo. later I just getting into rotations again.

Didn't do as much as planned this week, because of sore muscles and a knee thingy.

Mon. Step Heat
Tue. LL and CTX shoulders
Wed. CTX bis and tris, 30 min walk on treadmill with hills
Thu. Step Max...for all you advanced exercisers, do you consider this a hard or easy workout. That last section about kills me everytime! Will I ever find it easy???
Fri. CTX back and chest. Hubby joined in for the one arm rows and then I told him he had to do the planks and abs with me. Are planks easier for guys? He never works out and wasn't struggling like me! We had such a good time laughing and what not.
Sat. Long day in Vegas. Hubby's Gma died Thursday so we went in to see Gpa.

Happy anniversary to Debbie and Aimee. Mine is coming up in a few weeks.

Had a less than dazzling week. My body felt a little run down for some reason.

Mon--Step Heaven, Abs
Tues--taught step class
Thur--taught step class
Sat--Powerstrike kickboxing, FIRM Cardio Split
Sun--Franny Benedetto's CIA Cardio Parties Step, Abs

I am trying to push myself to exercise to see if it helps improve my energy levels. My new CIA videos come tomorrow and CAthe arrives on Tues. It's not a moment too soon. I need a lot of extra morivation!

Best wishes, Cyndie
Gettin' Back into the Swing of things!

Hey Folks!

Been yet another week. Hard to believe that it was only a week ago we had the victory parade in Boston. Seems like months! :-( I am happy that the let-down blues were only minimal. Maybe cuz I was prepared for it (this time!) and got right back into the groove of things.

Monday: Walked all through Boston (and I count this!)

Tuesday: Walked all through Boston some more (and yep! I count it again.... Functional Fitness is what I call it!)

Wed: Rest day... cuz we didn't get in till 2:30 a.m. and I had tons of "life" stuff to get caught up on (laundry, cleaning, groceries...) headed back to work on Thurs., life as I know it!

Thurs: Colleen's hi/lo aerobic class at the gym. I stayed mostly low impact (don't I always???) Needed her spirit and motivation more then anything....

Friday: 'Nother rest day. (not by choice on this one. . .I was set to start the Firm Rotation and decided to start after work. DH lets me know at noon that we're to attend a picnic/party that night.... Oh well... best laid plans of mice and men!)

Saturday: Firm: Bust & Butt (where DO they get these names?).. I was ready to begin the rotation and I'm stickin' to it.. 5 Day Abs day #3 and I HOPPED ON MY BIKE AGAIN.... did 10.30 miles. Nothing stellar, but I got on it. Still have one mountain bike tire and one road tire. Goes in the shop (soon!)

Sunday: Core Cardio 1, More 5-day Abs, 3/4 of Still Jumpin'... and don't fall over anyone: STRESS RELIEF YOGA. And no snow flurries (yet!). I KNOW how important stretching is. I hate yoga. Anyone who knows me, knows this. But, after the ride and stretching the last few months, I know it's something I NEED to incorporate ... It's DEFINITELY my vegetables though. BLECH! So, I'm going to try for 3x a week. This will be quite the challenge for me.

Boy does it feel good to get back to my tapes.....

But, I AM looking into doing a couple of centuries in the fall. Looks like biking is in my blood! :)

Have a GREAT week....
OOPs! I've been working on parent sign in sheets for next year, and have been writing "02" over and over!
Have to go--I'm illeagally on the library's computer!!
RE: Gettin' Back into the Swing of things!

Hello everybody!

I am a little later than usual. My hubby worked on my computer and now it's not working...something wrong with the hard drive. I do my work on that computer and told him that it HAS TO BE FIXED. He said he knows and he's working on it. Grrrrrrrrrr!!!!
So, I'm on my mother's computer now. I had a pretty good week exercise wise and feel pretty good about it. I have been pretty concerned about my lack of energy and had gone to the doctor a couple of weeks ago. He called this week and my thyroid is not right. It should be 5.5 and it is 12.2 so MAYBE that is an explanation. I have my checkup in September and I told him that I would have it rechecked then before going on medicine. I don't want anything wrong with me but I sure would like a tangible explanation for my lethargy and fatigue!!!!! Anyway, enough babbling.

MONDAY: Intense Moves


WEDNESDAY: Still Jumpin'


FRIDAY: Step Jam

SATURDAY: Still Steppin'

Well, congratulations Debbie and everyone else having anniversaries. We have been married almost 6 years and going strong. I can honestly say it has been a wonderful experience topped by my beautiful, precious son...the light of my life!!!!!

Hope everyone has a wonderful week!!!!!

RE: Gettin' Back into the Swing of things!

Hi Aimee & Debbie,
Just wanted to say Happy Anniversary to you many years for you Aimee?
Debbie, congratulations on a long & happy marriage. Eric & I will celebrate our 23rd in January.
Best wishes to both your hubbys!
Ruth :)
coming back after a cold

Had a pretty good summer cold that also landed on my week off from work..what are ya gonna do :-rollen.

Monday: CTX KB cardio only

Tuesday: Mindy's Sport Cycle in AM, PM rollerblade ride through town.

Wednesday: nada

Thursday: 45 minutes of Fit To Kick in AM...really wish I hadn't dragged my feet to start this. I had to stop at the slow kicks and strength moves. Still haven't had time to finish that tape yet but from what I it!:)

Friday: Rythmic Step! this one too. It's the only one I got on VHS and sooo happy I did. With all the CIA's and other new tapes I got this week..waiting for the DVD's isn't as bad as I thought it would be.

Saturday: Spent the day on the East Bay Bike Path with DH. It was a glorious day..couldn't have been better for the bike path. We traveled 15 miles down to the end, had lunch and biked back a couple of pounds heavier. Attempted to do Kristin Kagens new step tape in the PM but only got 15 minutes done before being baffeled on a section and then being saved by a phone call.

Sunday: AM, put Kristin back in the VCR and did the first 1/2. Wow..she is great. Very much like the style of Cathe along with some Mindy thrown in;-). Then I raced to the bike shop to hunt for a better bike...thanks to Cleda and her inspiring ride;-)
RE: July 28 checkin

Hello everyone

Congrats to all you happily married people. I join in with Honeybunch except mine were 6 and 5 years.

And Emily, I can relate (I live it) to the low financial situation - I hope you are able to eventually afford Cathe's new tapes.

My team's ball season is now over having won the league championships on Friday night. (I hit the game winning RBI!) Have to admit we partied a wee bit. Now it is time to concentrate on getting in shape for the local triathlon on August 26.

Here was my week:

Monday - rest

Tuesday - ball games in p.m.

Wednesday - PS BBA

Thursday - rest

Friday - A/B final in ball -we won

Saturday - PS SLA

Sunday - run 45 minutes, then cleaned eavestroughs and did yard work for an hour or two so I could tell the difference between the plants I wanted and the weeds.

It sounds like us Canadians should have our new tapes by Friday. Yahoo!

Have a great week all.


Check out Terry bicycles, many petite women love their fit. The website is They're not widely available but since Terry is based in Vt, maybe a bike shop near you will carry them. Or check one out when you go to Massachusetts.

Fit is everything on a bike but luckily there are finally some bikes designed for women. Since you live in a hilly area, consider a triple crank for lower gears (though maybe you're so strong that you won't need it!!). OK, end of unsolicited advice.

RE: He he he!! I'm on husband #3

HB, Lynn, Kim, Debbie, and anyone else I may have forgot! This is actually my 3rd marriage, I had the same inclination until I met Bob!! He's a wonderful man!! This is our 4th anniversary of marriage and 5th for being together. We've had our ups and downs, but I wouldn't trade him for anything!!
To all of you who just had anniversaries or are coming up, CONGRATULATIONS!!!!

RE: He he he!! I'm on husband #3

Glad you learned from your mistakes and picked a good one! Aimee, the one with the wash & wear wedding dress in her closet!!! Just kidding, chick! I'm the pot who AIN'T callin' you, the kettle, black!!!!! My next wedding, if I have one, will be at city hall!

My first one was a mistake of youth, but there was NO excuse for the second one. I was 39 and old enough to know better.

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