Challengers/Shrinking violets sun 7/16


Good Morning lovely ladies!!

for some reason i am feeling really good this morning!! i just did 4 miles run/walk on the treadmill and am drenched in sweat.
although i missed a few days of working out (i didn't get it in yesterday either) i am down 2.5 lbs..go figure. maybe my body just needed the rest.

Wendy-i wish you the best on your house sell. keep on with the long rambling posts...we love 'em. you are so lucky to have a babysitting mother. i long for some time off, however when i get it then i miss my boys too much, LOL. enjoy!

c'mon everyone else come out of your hide place and come play with us:D

alright well i am off to shower and get ready for church.


Good morning all. I had to work yesterday and then DH and I went off to the movies. We saw You, Me and Dupree. Cute movie. Can't remember if I already mentioned it here, but car switching is over. Friday, we found a used car for DD. This morning slept in a little too long. So instead of step I did sprints in the back yard (after scooping up after the dogs) The dogs were hilarious. One would run with me, the other one(old one) stood so she could bite at my shorts as I ran by.

And now for the really great news. First let me state that yesterday I was going to pose the question, how do you get your spouse or sig. other to want to improve their health? Well last night I didn't have to post that question. DH said starting today, he was going to start watching his weight. Hopefully that means he will want to go back to the gym evenings or weekends, which means more workout time for me. Yeah!!!

gotta run.

Good Sunday Morning Jean and SD and all the other Violets wherever they are!

Great news about DH Jean! My DH is eating his berry blast Cheerios as we speak! Good for you guys.

Hey SD way to go on the loss! Glad you had a great workout.

I walked for 40 min. and am sweating pretty good myself. Now I have Coremax 2. I took my rest day yesterday and picked back up today with my rotation.

Can't decide if I want to hang out here by the pool all day or go up the lake with my DC and his son. Well I guess I'll go get my ball and decide while I'm working out.

Hi Kim if you're lurking! Hope you're doing well girlfriend!

Wendy does that thing work? I saw one in an ad today and am thinking of getting one. Let us know.

Have a great day Ladies!

Hey SD,Jean,Kali and Wendy,

Hey Kali, I have seen you around but never could catch up with you. I am glad to see everything is going well with you. I am doing better since my surgery. Hope to talk again soon!

You ladies let me know how that shower thingy works. I am have it advertised.

Hey SD,Jean,Kali and Wendy,

Hey Kali, I have seen you around but never could catch up with you. I am glad to see everything is going well with you. I am doing better since my surgery. Hope to talk again soon!

You ladies let me know how that shower thingy works. I am have it advertised.

Challengers/Shrinking Violets Check-in

Boot Camp started my day with a blast Tuesday morning. This is one of my favorite Cathe workouts and one of the few athletic workouts that I love this much. The core work is challenging, and the terminators kick my butt. After that cardio cycle, it is downhill from there. I love the fast pace and variety in this one. High Step Training is on my rotation for this Tuesday, so I need to start mentally preparing for that one.

I did Step Fit Wednesday after work and enjoyed every minute of it. Cathe has some fun choreography in this one. I love the flying angels! I did the workout for the first time the previous Wednesday and enjoyed it even more this time. I am so glad I bought the Cardio Hits DVD. I am looking forward to trying Step Works this Wednesday. After my Cathe workout, I met my friend Kathy at the lake and walked for 90 minutes on the hike and bike trail. That was unplanned. We were distracted by the beauty of the lake and lost track of time and distance!

After my marathon workout session Wednesday night, I was too tired to take on Circuit Max Thursday morning. I slept an extra hour and did it at night instead. I am missing my morning workouts. I was hoping to get back on track last week. Boot Camp was my only morning workout last week. I soared through Step Fit Wednesday night but struggled through Circuit Max Thursday night. I simply do not have the energy to give my all to intense workouts in the evening hours.

I did Cardio Kicks Friday night as planned and Cardio and Weights last night. Cardio and Weights is one of my happy workouts. My new rotation has a nice balance of challenging workouts and fun workouts with some weight work every other day. I started with Cathe’s easier workouts (with the exception of Boot Camp) and plan to work my way up to her more challenging ones. I am starting the next 2 weeks today.

I made a commitment to complete 5 Cathe workouts every week for 8 weeks of this rotation. I may add other workouts when I have the energy and desire, but I am only committing to this one thing. My planned workouts for the first 2 weeks of this rotation starting on the 4th of July were:

Boot Camp
Step Fit
Circuit Max
Cardio Kicks
Cardio and Weights

My planned workouts for the next 2 weeks of this rotation are:

Low Impact Step/Total Body Sculpting (cardio and weight circuit premix)
Kick, Punch, & Crunch
High Step Training
Step Works
Step, Jump, & Pump

The plan is to do these workouts on consecutive days in the order listed. This is working for me so far. I am alternating between circuit training and cardio this month. I am planning to add a total body weight training workout and an interval workout to the mix next month with a circuit training workout once a week. I put a lot of thought and prayer into planning this rotation, and I am loving it so far.

I have a new approach to this fitness journey now. I am learning that small but permanent changes are more effective in the long run than more radical changes that are only temporary. Instead of trying to radically reform my eating or exercise overnight, I decided to choose one thing to change and do that one thing consistently and with excellence. I have a real tendency to overwhelm myself with too many choices and changes. I have a history of starting a radical rotation, sticking with it for a few weeks, burning out, losing my focus, coasting and going through the motions for a few more weeks, crashing and burning, recovering, and starting the whole process over. I made a commitment on the 4th of July to do 5 Cathe workouts a week for a year (with 4 rest weeks or active recovery weeks during the year as needed). My transformation may be more gradual by just doing 5 Cathe workouts a week, but I am content with that now. I am free to do extra cardio when I have the energy and desire, but I am not planning anything else. I have some favorite non-Cathe workouts that I will enjoy during my active recovery weeks. I packed up my scale on the 4th of July, so I am free from concern about what I weigh. If I had been content to shed a pound a week when I started my fitness journey 3 years ago, I would have reached my goal last year. Live and learn!

I am hoping to get back on track with morning workouts this week. I am a morning glory girl all the way, and that is part of putting first things first. Cathe is waiting for me. Have a blessed day!

Heather B.

“So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God” (1 Corinthians 10:31 NIV).
RE: Challengers/Shrinking Violets Check-in

Heather-I am really proud of you. you sound so happy in your posts now. you have found something that works for you and blesses your day. Great job!
RE: Challengers/Shrinking Violets Check-in

Evening everyone!!! Glad to see everyone is doing well and feeling good - I am headed to bed - really pooped - here is my plan for this week:

Plan for this week:

S - Yoga/Rest
M - Cardio Coach 5, CTX Bis
T - Turbo Jam CP 3, CTX Tris
W - Cardio Coach 4, CTX Chest
T - Imax 2 Blast only plus TJ Fat Blaster, CTX Back
F - Cardio Coach 3, CTX Delts
S - KPC plus Legs and Glutes floor work

Have a great night and see you bright and early!

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